Ummm... yeah... the idea I had for today's entry is going to have to wait. It's been a heck of a day.
This morning I awoke to that all-to-familiar feeling of a pending Angioedema attack. This time in my tongue again. It was that itchy-stabbing sensation that tells me I need to immediately consume massive quantities of Benadryl.
Fortunately, Benadryl will reverse the swelling before it gets too bad.
Unfortunately, Benadryl is like a sedative and makes you sleepy.
But the horror didn't end there. I've apparently gotten a bad batch of disposable contact lenses, because pair after pair I stuck in my eyes felt like sandpaper.
So there I was at work, falling asleep at my desk with a swollen tongue and agonizing eyeballs, when the trifecta of evil descended on my morning. MIGRAINE HEADACHE!!
Needless to say, it was not a very productive day.
But I'm feeling better now. The swelling has gone... I'm wearing glasses so my eyes are feeling better... and I took Special Pills so I've downgraded from migraine to headache.
Unfortunately, missing a day of work means that I'll be working all weekend trying to get caught up.
Unless, of course, my appendix decides to explode in the middle of the night.
It could happen.
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Ha. I never tempt the gods like that. I mean, what are the odds that I get a kidney transplant and then need a hysterectomy, hospitalization for the lack of white blood cells and surgery on my arm for a clotted vein… all in 9 months-time?
Apparently, the odds are never in my favor in that department…
Welcome to my life!
Cross your fingers!
Oh… you poor thing :(. You need somebody to give you some TLC. There’s nothing worse than feeling like crap and not having anybody to take care of you… at least a little bit.
Maxalt MLT works really great for the migraines I’ve had in the past. Do you use something special? Hope it worked STAT! 🙂
Your workload sounds… very big. Hopefully you’ll get to enjoy at least part of your weekend!
Love Benadryl too, but I also hate that drowsy effect. It sucks because it happens to be the only antihistamine that works for me. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
That’s a sucky day for sure. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe the monkey should make you some pudding.
that right there is all sorts of suck!
That sounds like all kinds of awful wrapped up in terrible. 🙁 I hope the weekend is better and not all about work.
Your fingers and toes might fall off simultaneously, too, so watch for that.
I already had a headache and itchy eyes … now I think my tongue is getting swollen … that all sounds horrible.
I hope you’re doing better!
awww swollen tongue sucks!!!
Somehow, if anybody was going to get a random case of appendicitis, I’d pin it on you. 🙁
But here’s hoping the rest of the weekend is full of good health!
The migraine alone would be bad enough. I take benadryl for allergies sometime but it usually knocks me out for a good three hours so I try not to take it during a day when I have to do something. As for the appendix if your lower right abdomen starts to hurt get attention. I had mine out 6 years ago. (My stomach actually wrapped itself around the appendix and strangled it… strange but true.)
I hope you feel better soon!
I’m glad you are feeling better but mah God, when it rains crap all over your life, it pours!
Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. That sucks…hope it doesn’t ruin your whole weekend as it’s going to be a nice one!!!
Oh you poor puddy-tat!!!! Sounds like you need a healthy helping of pudi-cake-a-cookie to make everything all better!!!! Hope you get a reprieve from feeling like crap this weekend!!!!
I hope you feel better soon! I will be thinking good thoughts for you!
dave, i hope that you are feeling better soon~~~
Sometimes I think the gods hate you, Dave.
The contacts may be the result of the Benadryl. Sometimes meds affect your ability to wear contacts, which is why I can’t.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that the gods don’t hate you.
With sandpaper eyes and Benadryl mouth, I think nothing would top off the third course like a nice outbreak of herpes.
Uf, that sounds pretty awful. Did you ever get in to see the allergist or did they just chalk it up to stress last time?
Hope you’re still feeling better now.
That sucks mate. Sorry to hear that.
Eileen… “…I think nothing would top off the third course like a nice outbreak of herpes.”
Best comment ever.
Sorry you were feeling so crappy and hope you’re better, now. BTW Tracy Lynn is on track – “Antihistamines reduce itching and swelling and dry up secretions from the nose, eyes, and throat.” Dude, You dried out your eyeballs! No wonder contacts felt scratchy.
I’m so sorry you’re not feeling so hot. However, Little Dave with a big old tongue sticking out is a little on the sexy side. Yeah, I know. I’m an old pervert.
If offering to help you while you feel ill, and I happen to be there when your appendix bursts and I video tape the event and then subsequently sell said appendix on ebay using the video as proof of authenticity is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.
Watch out for Bird Flu and Syphillis.
And malaria.
I get migraines too. They’re horrible.
Back when I could afford meds, Frova worked pretty well. So did Relpax.
Allergies are weird things. Every few years I get some kind of itchy hives that last a few days or a few hours (once a few weeks) and then they just disappear, very strange. No clue as to what causes them. But it’s only been happening the last 8 or so years…
Sorry that yours seem like they they’ve just been getting worse 🙁