I desperately want to celebrate Bullet Sunday with a Chalupa Supreme (no beef, add rice) and a side of Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, but am entirely too lazy to drive the 20 minutes to Taco Bell. Waaah!
• Pizza! I'm officially done. I've tried every frozen cheese pizza on the market and hate them all. It doesn't matter whether it's from a famous chef like Wolfgang Puck, a famous restaurant like California Pizza Kitchen, a hot new brand like Freschetta, a critical favorite like DiGiorno, or a pizza staple like Red Baron. They're all terrible. So I've finally decided that I'm not going to pay
• Christmas! The funny thing about being in the graphic design business is that you are always ahead of the season. Right now, for example, I'm working on Christmas projects. When Christmas rolls around I'll be working on Easter projects, and so on. Because I don't really celebrate any of these holidays, it's no big deal to me, but it's a challenging mindset to be thinking of snowy holidays in the middle of summer. But that's nothing compared to the challenge of finding a live Christmas Tree for a photo shoot next week.
• Jobs! Tomorrow is the opening keynote for Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference. At that time my personal hero and god among men, Steve Jobs, is expected to release the iPhone 2.0 software update which will allow 3rd party applications to run on my iPhone. This is, to put it mildly, super-exciting. Jobs is also expected to announce the new and improved iPhone hardware which is rumored to have a real GPS (thank you!) and faster 3G internet access. The latter bit means that we can all surf for porn several times faster, which is probably a more important function for a phone than making actual phone calls.
• Legion! One of my all-time favorite comic books is The Legion of Super-Heroes. It's a comic about super-powered teens in the far future of the DC Comics Universe. Back in the 1960's the book was looking for a new writer and ended up hiring 14-year-old Jim Shooter for the job. He submitted stories, the editor liked them, and a legend was born. His Legion books were highly successful and memorable, and ended up being a stepping stone to greater things... like when he was editor in chief at Marvel Comics for nearly a decade. Now, 30 years after he left The Legion of Super-Heroes, Shooter is back writing the book. He's five issues into the title now, and I have to say I'm enjoying the heck out of his stories. But I'm nostalgic that way.
Annnnnnnd... I'm spent.
I'm trying to be optimistic, but something tells me this is not going to be a good week.
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Your iPhone must be magic. On mine, http://www.davehealth.com just takes me to a picture of a big lime. No licky licky for me
Isn’t it funny that at the conference in which Jobs announced the 2.0 software update, that they specifically outlined porn as being a restricted topic and won’t be allowed on the iPhone. I reckon they already knew what the number one use for the iPhone would be… now integrate that with 3G video conferencing. Bahahaha.
Naughty Lil Dave.
I’m all about doctoring prepared food to make it better. What about adding better cheese to the frozen cheap pizza?
really, no frozen cheese pizza does it for you? that is awful to hear. hmmmmmmmmm, i seem to remember the frozen mystic pizzas aren’t bad. they can be found at sam’s club or costco around here. certainly they pale in comparison to a real mystic pizza, but they weren’t bad. or maybe it was wishful thinking because i love the really mystic pizza so damn much. best pizza evah!
Uh, announcement? Yes, quite excited.
I am hoping that he announces some kind of anti-dropsies solution that keeps the phone from leaping out of my hands and slamming itself down on the worst possible surfaces.
Have you tried buying the pre-made pizza crusts, and then adding whatever sauce you want and whatever cheese you want to bake your own pizza? It’s easier and you might like it.
I’ve been enjoying LOSH too. I liked the recent incarnation as well, but Starlin’s just feels right.
I am cracking up here that it’s not Bad Monkey, but actually Lil’ Dave, checking out the Lesbian porn on the iPhone.
I actually like Totino’s pizza. And it’s super cheap. Also soaking your dishes before you wash them makes them alot easier to clean.
I hope you week goes better then you think it will.
Ooh, is Superman in the Legion of Superheroes comics? I watch the Saturday morning cartoon on occasion.
Just make your own pizza. Buy those pizza crusts, slap on some spagetti sauce or a can of crushed tomatoes. Sprinkle with a few herbs and dump a bag of shredded cheese on top. WAY better than the $1 pizza. Or just buy some shredded cheese for the $1 pizza. It will taste better.
BTW, love the lesbian porn on your phone. I wish my phone would do that.
It’s probably too late to help you out but my mom lives on a Christmas tree farm. They’ve got real live Christmas trees all year round!
We buy the Red Baron 4 cheese and add more cheese to it, and olives and broccoli. It tastes a little better then, but not as good as delivery!
There simply are NOT any good frozen cheese pizzas, period. The only decent ones I ever find are at restaurants….wood-fired and loaded with exotic cheeses (that send me straight to the bathroom, but are totally worth it). IF you’re going the cheap-o route, go for the $5 Little Sleazers (Caesars) cheese pizza. Even if it sucks, you can still have the breadsticks.
Dude, what do you mean you’ll have a hard time finding a Christmas tree? You LIVE IN THE EVERGREEN STATE.
Give me a good old Totino’s Party Pizza any day! Mmmm, tastes like drunk at 3 a.m. in college.
as i work at apple i am very happy to note you seem to be an intelligent iphone user as in wont need a simple walk through to upgrade you iphone software!! do you have a papa johns near you? i haven’t tried them but they seem to be good as it’s a fresh pizza not frozen but you can make it at home!! anyway back to work i get to listen to his godly-ness’s keynote speech today!
Good point about the cheese. I think I just figured out what my “alien baby” is.
You are so right, ALL frozen cheese pizzas suck. I think your next project should be artificial duck cheese pizza.
P.S. – Merry Christmas!
Excellent point about the frozen pizzas. I dunno I kinda like the California Pizza Kitchen ones.
iPhones, comic books, and porn. It doesn’t get any better than this. =3
So how do you feel about the new cheaper iPhone? That’s pretty amazing, that price drop. (Subtext, aren’t the early adopters kinda feeling screwed right now? I’d be annoyed as hell.)
I’ve had my iPhone for a year.
In that time, it’s more than paid for itself, so the lower price doesn’t bother me… it actually makes me happy, because I won’t feel bad about buying a new iPhone3G!
Wow! It’s about a 20 minute drive to MY Taco Bell too!
And I’m too lazy to drive there right now too!
We could be TWINS!
I say make your own pizza, babycakes! Buy the fresh pizza dough in the supermarket (in the cheese aisle), put your own toppings and cheese on it and stick it in the oven for like 15 minutes…it’s the same concept as frozen pizza, yet more awesome. You can even put tastycakes on them if you want….
Boy, you sure know how to make me get an iPhone.
I never knew he was 14 when he started doing stories. Very cool.
Is it a new LSH title? Or just the regular series? (They keep doing new series and reboots, I never know what things are called any more).