My allergies have escalated from random swelling and hives to random swelling and hives PLUS runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and mind-splitting headaches. The entirety of my day is spent overdosing on Claritin and Benadryl, then drinking Red Bull so I don't fall asleep and taking Ibuprofen so my head doesn't explode. This keeps me in a steady state of exhaustion and borderline paranoia that makes even simple tasks difficult.
It's a miserable existence, but that's The Way Things Are.
I wasn't able to get into the allergist this week, so now I have to put off that appointment because I'm on call for jury duty for the next two weeks. Since I've already re-scheduled jury duty twice, and don't have two weeks available for the rest of the year, I can't reschedule again. And since I'm working the week after that, the earliest I can make an appointment is the 23rd.
I'd say that I'm looking forward to all this ending in three weeks but, since there's no guarantee the allergist can fix anything, I'm not getting my hopes up.
Instead I'll just do my best to adapt to The Way Things Are, and try my best not to turn into a zombie...
Though I have been craving human brains lately, so maybe it's already too late.
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Bummer Dave,
Sorry to hear you under the weather. My expierence is that Patron is way better than Niquil. Best of luck. Sorry I missed the pre-order deadline. I’ll still submit an order this week.
OK… the thing that “fixed” my allergies, was the nose sprays… I use them a couple times a day when allergy season starts and usually everything is under control before they can get too bad… ask the doc for one of the good ones that doesn’t dry out your sinuses…
I should send you some of my Allegra. Much stronger that that Claritin crap which never worked for me. Maybe you’re allergic to your state. Whenever I go there, I break out in hives. Summer, winter, spring… then again, maybe that was an allergic reaction to my relatives.
Oh yikes that sucks hugely!
Are you keeping a food diary? You may be able to figure it out yourself while you’re waiting to see an Allergist?
If you manage to adapt to “The Way Things Are” you’re a better man than me Dave
Feeling acutely crap sucks ass but being/feeling chronically crap? I mean like months of it, day after day of waking up and spending your entire day in pain and discomfort? Well… there’s no words sufficient to define that particular special hell. I hope you feel better soon (I think I’m a lost cause :S)
That saying – ‘at least you’ve got your health’ really pisses you off if you’re one of the ones who hasn’t.
I preferred it back when it was The Wayne Things Were.
And most people are allergic to brains – you see evidence in the headlines everyday.
I have nothing to worry about. I have no brains to tempt you.
Dave, I hope you feel better soon.
; (
Ouch – hope you get better really quickly and the meds kick in. I get bad hay fever so know a bit of what you are going through. Jury duty will be interesting if you keep sneezing all the way through it….
Waiting for appointments when all you want are answers sucks beyond belief.
Holy crap – look at the size of Lil Dave’s tongue! (Scaling up in head and am now having ‘bad’ thoughts).
Oh, and the guy in court? Guilty as all hell – just look at his shoes!
Sadly enough, if you start eating the brains of those around you I doubt you’ll be very satisfied…….see previous post called STUPID.
I can imagine that stupid brains are like no-fat cheese and sugar-free ice cream which are basically WORTHLESS.
Just make sure to add some pudding to the brains to make them more palatable.
I’ve lived “The Way Things Are” and it bites. The allergist should be able to at least figure out what you are allergic too so you can avoid it when possible.
Three Advil for the headache, along with a Sudaphed (not PE, the real stuff). Get some Zyrtec (Walgreens has generic) and take it at night before bed.
Hang in there. xo
That sounds downright miserable. I’m sorry you have to wait so long to go to the allergist.
Allergies suck. Mine are mostly weather related, but have gotten worse over the last few years. I hope you can find out what’s going on so you can get back to enjoying life without wondering what will make your tongue swell or give you hives on your feet.
You can’t eat brains, Dave. You’re a VEGETARIAN.
I’ve been lucky so far. This is usually when my kick in and try to kill me, but it’s not been so bad this year. Of course, it may be the cancer.
I’m so sorry. My allergies have gone crazy this year too. My doctor suggested I try the neti pot for the stuffy nose. It’s kinda gross but WOW I was able to SMELL for the first time in months. It made my eyes water even more, but no drugs are involved so you don’t feel all crap and tired. Good luck!
Oh man…that does suck. Food allergies are nasty. If all else fails, you could stick to very basic foods like rice, beans, and fruits/veggies. Chances are, those aren’t what’s causing the problem. Keep us updated!
I always admire your willingness to adapt to The Way Things Are, even when you really shouldn’t have to. Feel better :).
If you find out you’re not needed for jury duty on a particular day (not sure how being on call works but maybe you’d know if you were free the next day or after a call in the morning), you could call the allergist to see if they have any cancellations or could squeeze you in. You don’t want your allergies to escalate so you end up in the emergency room…
With luck, you’ll be able to get your jury duty service out of the way on day 1. I hope you’re feeling better soon!
Nasacort AQ is working for me. I can’t take the usual stuff because it doesn’t mix with other meds. Or you could try Mucinex. My kid likes that one for her allergies.
You were starting to sound like the list that precedes a NyQuil ad on the TV. Shit, dude. Sorry.
Geez, you’re on jury duty, too? I have to report in a couple of weeks for a federal grand jury, actually. Gotta be on call for two weeks, and I live 3 hours away!
Want some chicken soup? For the soul? For the allergies? I’d say skip the Claritin (minimal results) and head over to the new Zyrtec available on store shelves now (that is, unless you can get a doctor’s prescription). I think you’ll have better results with Zyrtec. As for Benadryl, only at night for this kid. Poor little baby…you want Daddy to rock you and tell you a night-night story? Happier days ahead.
Sorry you’re feeling like crud lately. I’ve got the allergies too or something but nothing compared to what you describe. Hope you can find some relief somehow and that the doc has some answers.
Maybe if you look like a zombie, they’ll pardon you from serving. Or, take extra benadryl that day. Might make it more tolerable.
I’ve figured it out. You are allergic to stupid people!
I’m going through similar, but not quite as bad as you. I have hay fever, plus chronic rhinitis and asthma. My medicine cabinet is rattling full of allergy pills, inhalers, ibuprofen and anything that contains phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine, plus nasal sprays.
Summer — it’s such fun, isn’t it?