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✖ Bullet Sunday 80

Posted on Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Dave!Happy Mother's Day!

I don't feel much like typing right now, so I've decided to drop a video for today's 80th edition of Bullet Sunday here at Blogography!

For my valued readers who would rather see a transcript of the video, I've added that in an extended entry.

Have a super awesome week everybody!

On to the transcript...


Bullet Sunday Dave

Hey everybody! Welcome to a special VIDEO edition of Bullet Sunday. I know some of you out there watching this are wondering to yourself "what the heck is up with Dave today?" Why? Why? Why is he wearing a tie???

Bullet Sunday Dave

Well, the answer is fairly simple. As many of you know, today is Mother's Day... I just got back from brunch with my lovely mother and grandmother. In order to honor them on their special day, I thought I'd dress up a bit. I put on my Mickey Mouse tie. You can see Mickey there, kind of...

Bullet Sunday Dave

Pretty cool. And now that we got all that straightened out, let's get on with the bullets!

Bullet Sunday Dave


This morning I noticed that the government was kind enough to credit my bank account with $600 in economic stimulus money. And I know many of you out there are wondering "what is Dave going to spend his new-found wealth on?" Well, I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to spend it on... totally sweet crap I can't live without from the Artificial Duck Co. store!

Bullet Sunday Dave

ANNOUNCER: "Shop the Artificial Duck Co. store for the ultimate in fun and fashion! Shirts! Hats! Playing Cards! Buttons! And everything else you need to succeed at life, only at!"

Bullet Sunday Dave

Bullet Sunday Dave


Okay. I'm totally lying in that last bullet. I got the Emergency Room bill for my little kidney stone incident last month, and it ends up that I owe NINETEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS! So, thanks to the crap state of health care in this country, it looks like my 600 bucks is going to be stimulating the local hospital. AWESOME...

Bullet Sunday Dave

Bullet Sunday Dave


Speaking of health... for my third and final bullet today, I'm sad to tell everybody that I'm having to sell my motorcycle. Those of you who have been reading Blogography from the beginning were there as I got back into riding... and so you know how much it means to me. But, thanks to problems with my joints, making it more and more difficult... more and more painful... to ride, I finally had to accept reality and face the fact that I just can't do it anymore.

Bullet Sunday Dave

This was a really hard decision to make, because I love the escape and freedom you get from riding a motorcycle. But I am going to try and look on the bright side and be thankful for the four years I got to ride it. That's not going to make me miss it any less, but shit happens, and I'm grateful I rediscovered riding while I was still able to do it.

Bullet Sunday Dave

Alright! That about wraps up another Bullet Sunday here at Blogography. Thanks for tuning in. And I'll be back tomorrow with even more time-wasting crap...

Bullet Sunday Dave


Categories: Blogging 2008, Bullet Sunday 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. Dave, I’m so sorry about the motorcycle thing.

    Maybe… maybe you should try a Segway?
    Downhill you might get that same sense of freedom.

  2. holymoly, that is some lipstick. wow. i couldn’t concentrate on anything you said. might have to go back and watch that again coz i was seriously blinded by the eyes and lips. whew.

  3. Winter says:

    Cool video Dave. Too bad about the bike. I’m a little curious about the zombie makeup tho…

  4. Colin Brooks says:

    Was you mom worried that you’ve gone emo and will start cutting yourself? Oh no, wait, unless you’re a goth? It’s so confusing! That tie must be confusing me… You know… Mickey Mouse is neither here nor there…

  5. Poppy says:

    Dave, your redonkitude tickles my funny bone.

    Glad you got to ride while you still could!

  6. ChillyWilly says:

    OMG. You never cease to amaze me. No wonder I keep coming back for more Blogography.

    Sorry to hear you are selling your motorcycle. I know it’s not the same, but would getting a scooter be an acceptable replacement?

    And was that a penguin at the end of the vlog?

  7. Amanda says:

    You’re right, “Why is Dave wearing a tie?” was the first question that came to mind when seeing you…

    I’m sorry about your bike, that sucks.

  8. NYCWD says:

    That was a cool video version of Bullet Sunday… but I am sorry to hear about the bike… and about you having to stimulate your local hospital.

    Don’t they have candystrippers for stuff like that?

  9. yellojkt says:

    It wasn’t the tie that had me curious. It was the Robert Smith make-up. Is your granny that goth?

  10. whall says:

    I’m so glad I bought my playing cards before you proactively run out of stock in the future.

    And come on, a TIE? Corporate Sell-out!

  11. Jeff says:

    Crap… I was half hoping you were serious when you said you should join me on my bike trip down the Mississippi to St. Louis this summer.

    Sorry you have to sell the bike. 🙁

  12. ajooja says:

    Holy shit! You wore a tie?!?

  13. jake titus says:


    First of all let me begin by saying that your blog is truly motivational. Eighty Bullet Sundays, wow! Having only Sixty-three total posts myself, what you have done is amazing.

    Second, I Love the store. I will be shopping this week.

    Third, Nice Tie.

    Fourth, The motorcycle issue… I can totally relate to. With my neck injury I cannot ride my Road King as much as I would like. Alas, I cannot bear to part ways with her. I can imagine how tough it is to make that decision.

    Best of luck

  14. Mooselet says:

    Does Bad Monkey have a gun license? He doesn’t look as if he’d have good aim.

    Mom and Grandma must be into the Emo look; must’ve been an interesting lunch. And sorry about your bike – I think the Hermit would sink further into Hermitdom if he couldn’t ride anymore.

  15. Iron Fist says:

    I have to admit, when I first started watching this video, I did wonder “Why is Dave wearing a tie?” Glad you cleared that up right away.

  16. Betta says:

    It’s a pleasure to see you in a video again! Even when you look so… so… maked-up. I’m so sorry for your motorcycle, you won’t be able to ride a motorcycle EVER again?

  17. Classified Info says:

    Can’t remember if it discussed this, but WHY are you wearing eyeshadow? Makes you look like a certain rock star…

  18. Penelope says:

    Best Blogography post EVER!!
    The shot gun sound effects made me laugh so hard.
    Please, please, PLEASE do Bullet Sunday as a v-log again!
    Umm..nice tie, by the way ;o)

  19. Hilly Sue says:

    Um. I think I am too drunk to understand the gothness and yet you wear it so well. I am sorry to hear about you selling your bike since you love to ride so much (that’s what Karl said!).

  20. adena says:

    The bullet point intro’s made me jump!! *KA POW*

    I’m sorry about your bike. The funeral make-up is appropriate, I think.

    (and it is a PRETTY bike!)

  21. Göran says:

    We so need to form a band now! You totally rock dolled up in a tie like that 🙂

  22. karla says:

    Goth Dave? Black face for Mother’s Day? I’m sensing a statement here.

    Nice tie!

  23. Laurence says:

    DAAAAAAAVE! I liked when you said “Awesome”! 🙂

    P.S. Mickey tie rocks! 😀

  24. Delmer says:

    Sorry to hear about you selling the bike. I know this won’t help, but I’m selling my Suzuki GS850. (Mostly I need room in the garage and I haven’t had it running in a good long time.)

  25. Nat says:

    Too bad about the bike and the hospital bill.

    Digging the mickey goth look though.

  26. sizzle says:

    That’s a big bummer about the bike. 🙁 With the goth make up, I’m glad you didn’t bite the head of the penguin off. Heh.

  27. Avitable says:

    Genius video. Sorry about the bike, too.

  28. tori says:

    I’m sorry about the bike. That stinks!

    On the bright side, you positively cracked me up this morning! But I’m still sorry about the medical bills and bike. Medical bills suck and so does giving up things that you love!

  29. You crack me up. Your awesome sign was just too much. I know just what you mean about healthcare. After my knee surgery, I have bills of over $2K that my insurance won’t pay, part of that being like $66 for the ace bandage they wrapped around my knee post surgery. If they would have told me it cost that much, I would have brought my own damn ace bandage. Awesome indeed.

  30. Miss Britt says:

    I don’t think you should sell the bike.

    I will simply babysit it for you, so you can still say it is yours.

  31. carlos m. hernandez says:

    Hooray! A Mr. Flibble cameo! Is he still very cross?

    Excellent v-log, wish I’d thought of the make-up for Mother’s day bit. I’m definately stealing the idea for next year.

  32. kapgar says:

    I’d offer to take the bike off your hands, but getting it from Washington state to Illinois might prove difficult considering what you told us about your joints. Do you take anything like chondroitin or whatever it’s called?

  33. Beth says:


    That was WICKED. Or WEIRD. Or BOTH.

    Sorry ’bout the bike.

  34. That video totally rocked. The makeup, the lipstick. Gothtastic.

  35. ETinNY says:

    Sorry, to hear about the bike, Dave. ‘Though I imagine that your Mom’s not. I’m sure that ever since you got it, the saying “Give your child a motorcycle for his last birthday.” has been going thru her head. I don’t doubt that she feels that it’s the best Mother’s day present,…ever. I just hope that your Gramma doesn’t buy your bike ’cause that’ll really bum you out if she’s doing the “Little old lady from Pasadena”-thing when you can’t. Loved the video bullets mucho. Is there no end to your cleverness creativity?

  36. nicole says:

    aww Dave i am sorry to hear about the bike, wish i could buy it, start a DaveRock with your memorabilia!!

  37. The makeup? Wow… Just wow.
    The bike? Deepest condolences.

  38. Sorry about the bike, Dave! It’s very cool. And very mature of you to be thankful for the years you got to ride.


  39. ~jtm says:

    As I tell my 16 year old…”what’s with the weird make-up…and by weird I mean totally awesome!”

    Loved this post!

  40. Hey Dave,

    Sorry about the bike. Great Tie 🙂

  41. Jon says:

    Once again, thanks for remembering your deaf readers. I look forward to reading the transcript. But from reading the comments, I gather you’re giving up your motorcycle for health/safety reasons.

    I was wondering why we haven’t seen any motorcycle related posts in a long time. Those were among my favorites.

    I used to ride, and have been thinking about getting back into it, but honestly, I can’t justify the risk. On a motorcycle, one patch of loose gravel or one dumbass driver could end my life or substantially diminish its quality. Just not worth it.

  42. Michelle says:

    Well I for one love your “time wasting crap’. Sucks about the bike, though. And the expensive hospital visit.

  43. Kailey says:

    The commercial/ad for artificial duck co was AWESOME!

    Your make-up rocks.

    Joint pain is horrid. I have tendinitis in my left wrist and my right hand extensor muscles, some days it hurts to hold anything.Giving up some thing you love sucks.

    The penguin is super cute, I love his googley eyes.

  44. Karl says:

    Always nice to see you, Dave. I’m assuming you have those dark circles under your eyes from that massive hospital bill.

  45. Dory says:

    Hi, Dave! First time reader – first time commenter! Don’t see that very often, huh?! Clicked over from NinjaPoodles and added you to my reader!

    Usually when I add someone to my reader, I just quickly skim through the last 10 and call it good. I’m glad I took the time to really check it out because this post is just the Most Hawsum Evah. I just had to comment to tell you how much I appreciated the transcript. That is a consideration many, many bloggers don’t even think of. It’s so frustrating to come to a post with a video and wonder what you missed. Or if it looks like a must-know, snag the nearest ‘terp, (in my case, the hubby) and beg for explanation.

    Dude… you rock.

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