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your illustration is missing the tiny rainbow colored elephants that divebomb you explaining why it is impossible to walk without ducking after having a jagerbomb. or three.
i mean, so i’ve heard.
So I was spot on in calling you Jaeger Mister the other day…uh huh, I feel a new nickname coming on soon :).
is this, perchance, what you are doing with yourself while in seattle?
Ya gotta love em but they f*ck with your brain the next day. Worst, hangover, ever.
Woooooo Hooooooo!
You are drunk!
Urk! Tastes like medicinal licorice (to harp on a subject). I bet Anthony’s right and that stuff can probably cause a wicked hangover. The flavor reminds me of the aromatic stuff that my mother used to put in the vaporizer when I was a little kid and had a cold.
I’ll do one of these with you the next time we get together if you will do an Irish Car Bomb with me.
you radioactive yet?
I’m a little rusty on my definite articles: is that “Das Jaëgerbomber” or “Der Jaëgerbomber”?
Die Jägerbomber?
Oooooo, wow. One of those would probably make me expel my insides. I mean, all my insides. More power to you, hon.
Don’t think I’ve had one of those. I think I’m ok with that.
Aaaahh, yes. My one and only experience with this concoction led me to rename it “Yakker-master”….because that’s what I became after consuming a few too many. The memory still brings up the taste in my mouth…ACK!
If Kevin’s doing Irish Car Bombs, I’m in.
I hope you’ve sobered up by the time I see your white ass this afternoon. Actually, maybe a little liquor will help in how you look at me and see me. It’s not a bad idea, now that I’m thinking about it.
I have yet to try Red Bull. I hear it gives you wings.
I had the most embarrassing drunk night of my life because of jaeger bombs last year, I’m done with them. They are good though!
I’m still convinced Jager is the devil.