It's Bullet Sunday in Biloxi as I wait for my first of four flights today! Nothing quite so fun as flying from one small city to another small city.
• Feature. I had five hours to catch some sleep before I had to meet the 4:20am shuttle to the airport. Naturally, this means that some stupid bitch has to dial a wrong number and wake me up shortly after midnight. And, of course, I hang on to my phone because I just know the dumbass won't bother to check the number, but will instead dial it again... and she does ("YOU. HAVE. THE. WRONG. NUMBER!!!"). Why doesn't iPhone have a "FAVORITES ONLY" feature?? A way of setting it so anybody NOT on your "favorites" list will automatically be dumped to voicemail with NO notification played? And, since I'm fantasizing here, why can't you put it on a schedule? Make it so anybody calling after 10:00pm or before 8:00am (or whatever) who isn't on your favorites list will be told to go fuck themselves? That would be an astoundingly useful feature, and I don't know why some mobile phone manufacturer hasn't implemented it.
• Etiquette. Speaking of mobile phones...why don't people realize is extremely rude to use your phone on public transportation? My shuttle may have left at 4:20am, but some bad-mannered fucker in a pink shirt managed to find somebody to talk to for the entire 30-minute trip to the airport. People are trying to catch some rest here, asshole.
• Handicap. And speaking of assholes... why is it that people using the handicap parking never know how to park a fucking car? When I was at my Milwaukee hotel, some idiot parked angled across three spaces (only one of them handicapped)... WITH A SUBARU! OVERNIGHT!! And, of course, since parking lots are personal property, there's no way to ticket the offense. This just encourages the morons to get worse and worse. And don't give me the bullshit "there wasn't room to get out" excuse. If that's the case, then pull up and drop off your passenger before parking so you're not blocking a walkway. Being handicapped doesn't give you an excuse to be a dick...
So what if I block the walkway! I'm handicapped, so fuck you!
• Prize. I've been trying to devise unique prizes and events for my fifth blogiversary coming up in April. One of my ideas was to have a prize drawing for a Dave Event in the city of your choice... anywhere in the world with an airport served by a major airline carrier. I figured it would be not only exciting for anybody who entered, but VERY exciting for myself. Who knows where I'd end up? I mean, if somebody in Seattle won, that wouldn't be much of a trip... but what if it was somebody in Bucharest? Or São Paulo? Or Jakarta? How cool would that be? I mean, Davekarta may only be a party for two, but that would still be pretty sweet. And then I got to thinking about it. Who knows where I'd REALLY end up? Pyongyang? Baghdad? Darfur? SACRAMENTO?!?*** Hmmm... actually, I wouldn't mind visiting North Korea... but there are some places that I just don't know how I'd do it. I dunno. Maybe there could be some kind of pre-approval process when you enter, but that kind of spoils the fun, doesn't it?
• Approach. Hmmm... I was just looking through my photos and noticed how cool the approach is into the Gulfport/Biloxi Airport...
If you look really closely, you can see the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino!
On top of that, the airport here has FREE Wi-Fi internet and plays this totally awesome 80's soundtrack at full volume. Sitting here I've heard Thompson Twins, Devo, R.E.M., The Police, Talking Heads, The Fixx, Wang Chung, Billy Idol, Eurythmics, and Def Leppard! Sweet! It's almost worth coming to Biloxi just to use their kick-ass airport.
• MacWorld. Oh crap. MacWorld starts tomorrow. Since I didn't win a million dollars at the Hard Rock Casino Biloxi, I'm terrified at what Steve Jobs is going to unleash in his keynote. Undoubtedly something very expensive that I just can't live without (like a new $7000 Mac that fits up your ass and is controlled directly by your brain using radio waves). Sometimes being a Certified Mac Whore is not easy. Especially if you end up bankrupt. To tell the truth, I'd just be happy if Apple would fix iCal and Mail so that they were useable again. Between the HORRENDOUS FUCKING INTERFACE DESIGN CHANGES of iCal, and the CONSTANT CRASHING AND SLOW-SLOW-SLOW-SLOW START-UP TIMES for Mail that occurred with the OS X 10.5 Leopard release, I'm really starting to get pissed off. Apple is messing up bad, which is tragic when you consider they set the benchmark for this stuff in the first place.
And that's it for Bullet Sunday. I'll be traveling all day long and will probably head to bed the minute I get home, so I figured I might as well post it now.
*** Just kidding, Hilly. Juuuuust kidding.
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Surely the iPhone has signature rings or whatever, right? So what I do on my blackberry is assign people I know to a certain group with custom rings, and everyone else has the default ring. Then in the “day” profile, the default ring and the group ring are the same. But in my “night” profile, the default ring is silent and the group ring is the normal ring. On top of this, I add a custom ring for my wife, parents and emergency contacts so that during “night” it rings a lot louder.
It doesn’t handle time-based ringing, but that’s what the profiles are for – on demand ringing styles.
But maybe that’s what Jobs is doing today. Releasing the Appleberry. Or BlackApple. Or Blappleberry. or MACberry. Or whatever it’ll be called. iRim.
I guess you could just set your phone to quiet when you go to sleep.
But still it has baffled me for years that mobile phone makers don’t integrate with calendars. In a way that phones just shut up when people are in meetings or seminars or other places where rings would be inappropriate. The sleeping problem is much smaller in comparison.
I really think with your public-transport phobia you should just stay at home more. Try to figure out how many meetings you go to could be replaced by a video-conference solution or so. You could even go and claim you do it out of concern for the environment rather than your personal comfort.
Ah yes. The AssMac.
You get anonymous, wrong number, calls on your I-Phone? I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen. Weird. No wrong numbers, no sales calls ever. And the approach to the airport shot is hot…very sexy and beautiful. Now, about the Subaru….did you see any sensible shoes or lesbians nearby? (Don’t hate me or call me stereotypical….it’s all in good love and fun!). Just wondering.
OH-YEEEEAH! Get ready to travel to Charlotte, N.C., Dave! Banking capital of the South (doesn’t that just fill you with antici….pation?) I won’t make you come to where I actually live ’cause that might be asking to much. Or maybe I’ll send you to somewhere not Charlotte, since I get to go there all the time. How about Charleston, S.C.? Good food, lovely city, and I’d be willing to drive the 6-8 hours to get there. Or Asheville, N.C. – shorter drive for me, little less to do for you probably, but still beautiful scenery.
Hmmm, what’s that? Oh you say I actually have to WIN first! Details, dude, details…
Hahaha, before I saw your footnote, I might have already had a slightly different comment devised in my head ;).
I seriously think that favorites idea is GENIUS! Some people don’t want to turn their phones off, in case of emergency (I’m not one of them, though) so it would be great if you could program in people that were allowed to reach you during certain hours. Go invent that and make yourself some bank, Davey Joe!!!
I’m sure you’ve seen the new mac pro. Doesn’t seem too bad at first at $2799, but just adding all the RAM you can is an additional $9100. Fantasy effectively crushed.
A DaveEvent prize sounds totally cool, but the nearest airports to me are 1-1.5 hours away. You might want to include an after-the-airport travel caveat as well.
i like your anniversary idea though even if you ended up in Seattle we could STILL do it up right. paaaaaaaaarty!
If Jobs announces a new MacBook Pro I won’t be surprised, but will be a bit disappointed (since I bought a new one in November).
I’m participating in this “contest” if it ever happens, so we can meet in a Seattle environ (!)
BTW, Lewis and Hilly (above) are funny, oh, and so is Avitable.
OMG… what a detail filled Bullet Sunday… where do I begin?
Favorites Only Feature. Hit that one right on the head. This would be a killer feature on any cell phone. I would love to be able to have this feature and be able to assign certain numbers and when they can call and what times to forward all calls to voice mail. Genius. Now one of these consumer-friendly carriers needs to hook up with Apple, Palm, LG, Samsung, et al and get this added to their products.
Macworld. Wish I could go this year, but given my recent trip to Florida (the week before you went) and that I’ve barely hit the 3 month mark at my new job, it’s just not going to happen. Would love to see an subnote MacBook. More so, I’d love to see a 32gb iPod touch, but I think that one is for September.
And an airport with FREE WiFi…. i knew it was possible. Always just thought it was a fairy tale.
I don’t see why you shouldn’t be allowed to slash the tires on cars that are parked like that.
I think an anniversary party here in the Redneck capital of Florida would be a real treat for you. The only down side is the closest Hard Rock is in Tampa…the upside is they have a casino also!
Um, there is a feature kind of like that.
It’s called the “off” button.
1) My grandparents used to live in Long Beach, right by Gulfport, and I am VERY familiar with that area. I am saddened at how much it has changed, however. It was very nice and very Old South before the casinos came in. Gorgeous white beaches. Next time you are there check out the Friendship Oak (in Gulfport), it is the most beautiful old Oak I have ever seen.
2) I am pissed at Mac because in one of the updates to OSX Tiger (somewhere between 10.4.9 to 10.4.11) they did something that has made my wireless useless. Many people are complaining about this. It just cuts out and the airport can’t locate a network. Works fine then…stops. Then works then stops. Etc.
My other computer finds it fine. OTHER peoples’ computers find the network fine. Just not MINE.
Apple is not responding to complaints, they aren’t sending out any fixes and it is definitely a software problem. I can only use the mac iBook now on a cord plugged into the network. I’ve tried all the fixes the forums suggest. I am ANNOYED.
My boss is both handicapped AND talks really loud on his cell phone IN SPEAKER-MODE! So, not only does everyone have to put up with him, they have to put up with his phone companion as well.
He made a call like this in the middle of a very high-priced seafood restaurant with me once. I was so embarassed, I got up and went to the bathroom so I wouldn’t be associated with him.
This comment never took place, BTW.
Dave, think about it. For your anniversary idea you know you’ll end up in like Yelm, WA. Which is fine…until the moonshine runs out.
Aw, now I wish I lived somewhere more interesting. Or at least further away. Actually, I already wished that. What is this contest supposed to be, anyway? I hope I don’t have to do anything, cuz I suck at those kinds of contests.
I would totally back your phone idea, by the way. Though not with money. Those Apple people are geniuses; they should be able to figure it out.
Actually, if there were a Davekarta, I would send my brothers and their families to the event to represent me. Heh.
Haha. Ranting about handicapped people are we. I like those people who pretend to be handicapped when they go to the store, and even without those handicapped signs. Like I always say, they’re not visibly handicapped, they must be mentally handicapped.