This morning I was walking to my car so I could drive to work when I saw something laying in the flower bed. Stopping to investigate, I realized that it was a knife(!).
From watching hundreds of episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, my mind immediately started thinking that this must be evidence in a murder, and needed to be preserved before somebody came along and destroyed any fingerprints or traces of blood...
Running back to the kitchen, I grabbed some plastic bags. Two smaller bags I wore on my hands so I could put the knife in a larger bag without contaminating it with my own fingerprints. Gil Grissom would be so proud.
Except when I picked it up, I realized the knife was made of rubber, and only then did it occur to me that it was probably just part of somebody's Halloween costume. Robbed of my big murder mystery, I threw the "knife" in the trash bin and just stood there with a plastic bags on my hands, staring into space.
So much for a morning filled with excitement and danger...
Anyway... I have the answer to yesterday's Hallowmeme Challenge in an extended entry...
On Halloween I participated in the "Behind The Mask" meme, where I posted 42-pixel snippets from blogs of the 50 bloggers I've met...
Which gets numbered out like this...
Which gets answered like this...
And there you have it, the bloggers I've met.
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You’ve got me linked wrong.
I’ll have you know that the first part of this entry had me giggling so hard that I had to pause my teevee and give you full attention! How cute are you with your plastic baggies and CSIQ???
You did exactly what I’d have done and I’d have probably reacted the same way. It does remind me of when I found some terrorist literature (post 9/11) on the bus and reported it to the FBI. They said that it was protected by the constitution as freedom of speech and that I could dispose of it as I saw fit. It was assuring that the Constitution still worked. But, I’ve wondered, since, if Bush’s later Constitutional “tweaks” would have later changed their reply.
And here I thought you were going to solve your own Dave Caruso murder.
I also spent part of yesterday staring off into space with plastic bags on my hands. But for an entirely different reason involving a hooker, vaseline, and a giant butt plug.
Okay, so this is my 13 yo daughter…she would have made a cast of the knife as well…to document any nicks or chips.
If you’re going to get all CSI you’ve got to either have a beard or wear sunglasses. And learn to speak… with big pauses in your sentences.
You’ve met exactly 50 bloggers?
You obviously can’t meet anymore now. I mean, that is just to perfect and round and I LOVE PERFECT NUMBERS.
(you know, that would be funnier if it wasn’t so tragically true.)
What makes you think that knife wasn’t used in a murder anyway? What if it was made out of latex and the murderer intentionally rubbed it on some guy who suffered from severe latex allergies, and killed him that way?
Perhaps you need a little more training Dave. I recommend you buy the entire catalog of CSI:Miami episodes and watch them over and over. That should help.
I was waiting for a suspenseful plot to come out of this “Bad Monkey has gone missing!” “Dave’s Diet Coke with Lime stash has been taken hostage!” “Dave’s car has a dead body in it!”
Oh well…
I knew more of those than I thought I did…gosh, I can’t believe I didn’t get more of those.
you went and got plastic bags for your hands! that is so damn cute.
Okay, so don’t think I’m way out there, but I had no idea that I was #41 until you published your list. Is that weird or what? And I had, indeed, looked.
Did you recycle the plastic bags from your hands?
I’m with Iron Fist… I feel depressed I didn’t get a lot more of these.
wow. you’ve met a TON of bloggers! i think i’ve met three.
I just had a visual of looking out my door while drinking my coffee and seeing a neighbor come out with plastic bags on his hands. Very funny visual. Thanks for the laugh.
man, i should have known more of these. jenny is totally going to fire me (AND THERE GO ALL MY BENEFITS).
you are totally going to double this list in march.
You had me going… When my mornings start like that though, I usually have a corpse to clean up so afterward… I don’t get paid enough.
Gil and Katherine would have been very proud of you.
That being said, that picture of the monkey weilding the knife could go down in history as one of the most hilarious pieces of art eva! I want that one on a shirt.
Why yes, I am a sick puppy.
I love the Lil’ Dave with the plastic bags on his hands. And the idea of you doing this makes me snorty laugh.
I love it! Sorry you didn’t get your CSI on, but the fact that we get a Dave2 w/baggies graphic…yah, I’d say it was all worth it.
Adena… Stop changing domains then!
Hilly… I’m much cuter in real life with baggies on my hands than I am in a cartoon!
ETinNY… Well, if things keep going as they have been, soon it will be illegal to comment on blogs, so get it in while you still can!
Wayne… No. But I’m sure that if he turns up dead I’ll be the prime suspect.
Avitable… That makes for one slippery hooker!
Darci… The only mistake I made was not photographing the knife first. They are always taking photos on CSI.
Mooselet… I think that market has been cornered! I’d rather be like Gary Sinise on CSI NY… now THERE’S cool.
Britt… I’ll just be sure to meet the next 50 all at the same time so I appeal to your round number fetish.
Jeff… Or the killer could have FROZE the rubber knife so that it was hard enough to stab somebody! D’oh! Now a murderer is going to go free because of my mistake!
Kilax… If Dave’s car had a dead body in it, I would be blogging from prison!!
Iron Fist… Well, hopefully you at least got your own.
Sizzle… Yeah, I’m adorable that way.
Lewis… I filled the plastic bags with crackers and have them sitting on the counter so I can take them with me to work next week!
Kapgar… You need to attend more blogger meets!
Jodi… I love meeting my fellow bloggers. Even the insane crazy ones who want to touch my monkey.
Cake Lady… In my neighborhood, that wouldn’t even rate a second glance!
Brandon… I thought that TequilaCon was in May?? Is there another blogging event I’m attending in March that I don’t know about?
Naomi… If it was a corpse, I’d need a lot bigger bag. Does Hefty make body bags?
Mia… Monkeys shouldn’t be given knives OR guns. The crazy little bastards are dangerous enough without them!
Tracy… the idea of you snorty-laughing makes me snorty laugh!
Foo… I’m going to wear baggies to the next blogger meet I attend. Though it would be hard to bowl with baggies on my hands, so I’m thinking we’ll have to come up with something different the next time I’m in L.A.!
You have no idea how sad I am not to be on this list. Next trip to Memphis must be an overnight. Or just come to Little Rock. I think there is an exhibit on you at the Clinton Presidential Museum.
Because I never get to go ANYWHERE.
Can’t even remember how I ended up on this page… vaguely remember googling elmo as a stripper? Who knows. Anyway, the knife… plastic bags…? I think I peed a little when I read that. Just a little. And perhaps there was a guffaw. Nice story.