I thought it would turn out to be a cold or whatever, but that's not the case. If it's not the ebola virus or the bubonic plague... maybe it's the flu or something. It's pretty frickin' miserable to be me just now. I may not be dead, but I am almost to the point of wishing I were...
It's at times like this that I realize just how much I take some things for granted... like being able to sit upright without falling over. Or being able to turn my head without feeling like my neck is going to snap off. Or being able to stand up to pee.
Some holiday weekend this turned out to be.
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Sorry you’re not feeling better. Get well soon!
Aww… Poor Dave. If I lived closer, I’d come over and make you some soup. 🙁
I hope you feel better soon!
On a more positive note, not sure where you’ll be on September 25th? (Although, I think that’s the week you are in LA?) If you are in the WA state area, you should consider coming up to Vancouver to enjoy a “Third Tuesday” event — It’s our first real one! It’s right up your alley.
Anyhow, if interested, check out http://www.thirdtuesdayvancouver.com
um, have you thought of going to the doctor or urgent care? It seems like these spells are growing in frequency. Contrary to popular belief Pepto-Bismal doesn’t cure everything…
oh no! Hopefully you’ll be back to your normal self soon, but in the meantime – what’s wrong with spending a weekend on the couch?
Awww, poor peanut butter….if I lived any closer, I would bring you a basket of pills, potions, and other goodies that would knock you out and help you get better!
Is that all you’re planning for your gravestone? Come on you can do better than that.
My bedside mannor leaves something to be desired.
Aw. I wish that I (or some beautiful girl or boy) could be there to nurse you back to health. We all deserve a beautiful boy or girl there to tenderly nurse us back to health when we’re sick with ebola, cold, or flu. 🙂
Here´s to a speedy recovery!
I’m real sorry to hear you aren’t feeling any better today, Dave.
If you’re not so sick that you’re still up for showering, cool water is better if you’re feeling dizzy. B6 and B12 vitamins can also help some with that.
Best health to you soon!
Awww Dave, does that mean we should cancel the naked Vegas showgirls we were sending over?
*hugs* I hope you feel better soon!
Aww…maybe it’s the cosmos way of telling you need to slow down and take a little break, hope you are back on your feet soon.
Dave, sorry you’re getting your leg peed on over the holiday week-end. If things don’t look up in the next few days I’ll offer the services of my personal Ya Ya Burial Society. That is, if you’re not confident that Dave’s Society will see to your last wishes in a manner that celebrates your days. The YYBS is full service–digs the grave, carries you up a long hill, plans and conducts the service–in high heels. . .
Poor Dave. I had a weird ebola plague of the right falopian tube a few weeks back, it’s a hard one to knock.
Get well soon.
Hope you feel better soon!
Not good symptoms, Dave2. Especially about the difficulty in standing up to pee. Yikes. Maybe Avitable knows about that malady.
If you have had these symptoms for 48 hours you should go and get a physician’s advice, even if it means going to an ER on a Saturday or Sunday. A fever would also be an important consideration. My wild guess is you picked this up on the airplane from Chicagoland. No telling what it might be…
Hey, heal up well and quick. That shit suxx.
Sorry that you’re under-the-weather, dude, but don’t raise that tombstone yet. Switch the pudding cups for veggie soup and get lots of sleep…and although this will probably be an unpopular idea, you might want to spend little less time traveling (if you can avoid it – I know that’s hard with your work). All that traveling has got to be rough on your body.
I you feel better soon, dude.
Hope you’re feeling better soon, buddy. This doesn’t sound like fun at all!
Being sick in the summer is the worst. Especially over a holiday. Hope you are back to your (smart ass) self soon!
Dave you really need to go see a Doctor. Have a friend or family member drive you. I hope you get well soon.
Come back soon ! I miss you ! 🙂
I’m glad you’re feeling better. I had a bout like that over Martin Luther King weekend last January.
Your desk pic is funny. How long did it take you to label all that?
While I hope that you get better as quickly as possible and are feeling chipper and normal, in the off chance that you do die, can I have your iPhone?
I know this is a bad time to nitpick you on grammar, but you forgot a space between “be” and “loved”.
beloved |biˈləv(i)d|
dearly loved.
a much loved person.
ORIGIN late Middle English : past participle of obsolete belove [be pleasing,] later [love.]
I’ve been by-and-large fairly fortunate in not getting sick very often, but one of the worst times ever was when I came down with walking pneumonia. I laid on the couch all day and alternated between putting on sweaters, blankets and comforters in thick layers as I shivered, and throwing it all off as I burst into a fiery sweat. I had so little energy that it was a life changing event to crawl to the bathroom, which I did as little as possible. If I had not had roommates who took pity on me and fed me, I may well have starved to death for lack of ability to open a peanut butter jar.
You have my sincerest empathy and sympathy. Get better soon, very soon.
I hope feel better soon. And maybe you should go to the doctor? 🙂
first, I think that peeing standing up is overrated. Second, your tombstone is going to have to have a dave toon on it. Third maybe this is what you get having a bad monkey as a pet or hooking up with those cheap whores in chi-land.
Or not.
Hope you feel better given that if I lost you as a reader, I’d be down to none.
Don’t you just love how I turn everything into something about me? But seriously, don’t die.
After a shitload of comments, do you really need mine? I wish you well buddy…stayed diapered just in case.
Hi Dave- i had this same illness and it was NOT very pleasant. It turned into a chest congestion after 4-days of being in bed with the flu… but now I feel better and am sure you will too soon. Take care,
Okay… that’s exactly what I have now. Where did the chest congestion come from?