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✖ Bullet Sunday 46

Posted on Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

Dave!Still sick and miserable this Bullet Sunday. The only difference is that my nose and eyes have stopped running, which I hope means that I'm getting better. All the aches and pains are still there though, and since even slight movement can lead to agony, I spend most of my day lying in bed. That doesn't lead to very much excitement to blog about, but I'll give it a try anyway...

Trek Dave!

• Trekaversary... Back in 1987 I was vacationing in Maui with some friends when we found out that the premiere episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation would be airing. Naturally, we canceled all our plans and stayed at the condo so we could watch. That first episode was pretty terrible, but I was a huge Trek geek from the original series, and eventually became a fan of the new show (especially after a couple seasons had passed and the series mythology started to come together). I find it impossible to believe that this was nearly twenty years ago, and Next Generation will be celebrating its anniversary on the 28th of this month (Gah! I'm old!). My favorite Trek is still the original, but I hold a geeky place in my heart for Next Gen, and will have to start re-watching all my old videotape copies to celebrate their anniversary (Seesh, VIDEOTAPE?!? I really am old!).

• Sesame... You know how when you are sick, you start craving certain foods? For the past two days I've been wondering why America hasn't embraced sesame seeds for snack-foods as Europe has. While I was in Greece, I became addicted to these amazing thin pretzel sticks that had sesame seeds on them. In Germany, I had goldfish pretzel crackers with sesame seeds on them. Sesame is everywhere over there. Yet, back in the USA, about the only thing I can find are Pepperidge Farm "Snack Sticks" and some crappy sesame crackers. But they're not the same, and I wants me my sesame-pretzel sticks! I guess I'm going to have to enslave a Keebler elf or something.

• Stolen... A couple days ago when I was talking about people stealing my stuff, I forgot to mention the incident which got me started on my rant. It was when a guy stole, in its entirety, my Blogography Gangsta rap: Bitch Got Three Spaces. The only thing he changed was the "Lyrics and Music by" and "Sung by" credits, where he just slapped in his own name on my work. The problem is that he didn't replace the final line of the lyrics...

Laughin' my ass off as I pass,
Thankin' digital photography.
Makin' yo inconsiderate ass famous,
Postin' dis shit on Blogography.

I guess the guy couldn't be bothered to come up with their own rhyme for "photography." Naturally, this made his theft easy to find, and I fired off a comment asking "Why would you post dis shit on Blogography when that's not even your blog?... oh, that's right, it's because you STOLE IT FROM BLOGOGRAPHY!" He never responded, but he did delete his stolen entry and put his blog on hiatus. No big loss, apparently he didn't have anything to say anyway.

• Captcha... These things are getting insane. Half the time I can't even guess anymore...

Bizzarre Captcha

• NBC Redux... In response to Apple's recent press release, NBC prez Cory Shields fired back with a bunch of stupid crap that makes me loathe this network with a passion. My favorite line? "The typical iPod contains a significant amount of illegally downloaded material." Which means he's basically calling anybody with an iPod a thief. Well Mr. Shields, do you know how much illegally downloaded material is on my iPod and iPhone? Zero. Nothing. Everything there is 100% legally purchased. So go fuck yourself. Sideways. You have to be one of the stupidest people on the planet. Calling your potential customers thieves is such a great way to encourage them to want to do business with your company. If the NBC board doesn't fire your stupid ass, then they're even bigger morons than you are.

And now it's time for me to take my third nap of the day. Every time I get some sleep, I wake up feeling better, so maybe that's the key? Too bad I can't just lapse into a coma until this is all over with.

Categories: Bullet Sunday 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. kilax says:

    I HATE those text verification things. I often press “refresh” until I get one I can read.

  2. Janet says:

    I usually just read what you have to say, giggle, and go my merry way. But I had to add to “other people stealing shit.” God that’s annoying! Last winter outside of radio city, I took an amazing picture of Paris Hilton, and posted the picture on my (now former) blog to brag about my amazing ability to take flawless pictures of people I hate. Wouldn’t you know, while surfing about two days later, I came across a chick who seemed to be deluded about the picture’s author and had posted it as one of her own kodak moments. Bitch. My picture.

  3. blanetalk says:

    Still sorry you’re still sick.

    Bullet answers:

    * Yeah Trek! After a long break, I’ve been revisiting Classic Trek. The break was a good idea … but, man, I’m digging that show all over again!

    * Why can’t we get those little sesame seed crunchy bread sticks? I really like them.

    * Thief = Stupidity. It’s a synonym.

    * I can’t read a lot of those damn things anymore.

    * That is one of the stupidest things I’ve heard in a while, especially coming from a person who wants the public to buy his product. I need to correct my previous statement.

    * Thief = Stupidity = NBC President.

  4. Lisa says:

    Do you have a Trader Joe’s over by you? They have a ton of sesame stuff in stock most times.

  5. Lewis says:

    And here I thought those letters getting closer and closer together were just me. I’m glad to know that someone else is getting old too. Wish you felt better…..a trip to the beach with me today would have made you better, I’m positive of it.

  6. Mike says:

    Stolen… That’s why I only steal comments from your site. 🙂

    Sesame… We have those in Canada. ;-P

  7. Robin says:

    It’s bad enough that he would steal anything from your blog, but to pass it off as his own—that shows that he has no moral or ethical compass whatsoever.

  8. Hilly says:

    Hey, I’m super impressed that you always find these plagiarizing whores!

    I never saw TNG when it first came out because, hard to believe, but I hated SciFi back in the 80’s (hell, I was still in high school) but when it ran in syndication, I used to speed home from my evening shift at the hospital and tune in every night. Now, I feel old too.

  9. sizzle says:

    there are multigrain pretzels with sesame seeds on them at trader joes. i keep a bag of them at my desk at work. yum!

    hope you feel better soon.

  10. Catherine says:

    I have got a great idea for you sesame snack-wise: Trader Joe’s Sesame Sticks – or better yet, Trader Joe’s Honey Sesame Sticks. Do you have a Trader Joe’s close by? Either of these would undoubtedly quash your craving. I wonder if you could have someone bring you some. If I were close enough, I would bring you some. Maybe if I stuck a few packets in a transporter thingy, Scotty could beam them to you.

  11. margalit says:

    If you wanna eat gourmet food like sesame seeds (lol) you gotta move to some place where there are actual foreign people like Greeks, Armenians, Israelis, and Arabs. With so many of those ethnicities around here, we’re in Sesame heaven. I could, if I were really really nice, get you some great sesame candy to make you feel better. Would that help with the Ebola?

  12. Michelle says:

    Imagine, by the time you wake you’ll be feeling better than when you went down. (To sleep. Not, you know, “put” down. :o)

    Made it to OMSI yet on your many trips down here? When they moved about 12 or so yrs ago I went to a Trek Convention w/my man o’ the moment that worked there. I got to meet Troi, Will, Wharf and Q. It was kinda cool. Although the outfits … whew.

    Happy Holiday Dave!

  13. Carl says:

    Dave, can you please figure out who stole my million dollars. You seem to have an awesome eye for crime fighting!

    Sesame seeds, don’t they have those on burger buns over here? I remember then from England, and they would sell those packs of interesting snack crackers with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and all kinds of interesting flavors… mmm

  14. Baak says:

    Classic Trek is still my fave – been watching it forever. Recently got into classic Mission:Impossible and amazed how much stuff (props, sets, locations, actors) were used for both. Fun to “spot the Trek stuff”.

    TNG had some great moments as the series evolved (just as you described). There were a couple seasons in there that were outstanding, minus the occasional hyper-lame episode (super strings in space? WTF?!?).

    Really liked DS9 as well. Highly under-rated imo.

    Never watched beyond that…

    Voyager felt so “staged” to me (characters made-to-order rather than allowed to evolve and appear as things progressed). I tried to watch one episode and gave up in a few minutes (I swear!).

    Never saw Enterprise, though I heard good things about a couple of seasons.

    Still think The Wrath of Khan was the best movie, although better as a Classic Trek fan.

  15. iddly says:

    Erk. Star Trek original series. TNG and Voyager are the *best*. I even took annual leave (today) to watch them ALL day. Bliss.

  16. Avitable says:

    I definitely enjoy the idea that even though NBC’s shows were such a huge part of iTunes’s financial success last year, Apple was still willing to walk away.

  17. Mocha says:

    We always end up liking the same things with regard to food. Sesame sticks are a bit of a passion around these parts until I realized I could reach the grocery store shelf without actually laying eyes on the box I was reaching for because I had done it so many times.

    Also, with the nap thing. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately. What does it all mean?

  18. minimimi says:

    Dear dave (there’s such a ring to that, don’t you think?,
    We have those pretzel sesame stick things here in oz, if you can find a kosher store or your supermarket has a jewish-oriented section then you should find them there. That’s where I have always found them in the past.

    Also good to try if you’re into sesame seeds: sesame snaps. They’re like these sheets of sesame seed and honey; spread thinly; baked crispy and by god they are as close to manna as you can get in sesame-based item.

    Now, go forth, and conquer!

  19. Wayne says:

    Ah yes, I remember making time to watch The Next Generation. I was in high school at the time, dating my future (and current) wife, and we both liked it. Which is weird for her, but not for me.

    In fact, I think I’m wearing my “a little geeky” shirt right now. *checks* YUP!

  20. Bre says:

    I hate those Word Verifications – they’re just absolutely miserable!

  21. Robert says:

    Cannot believe TNG is already 20 years old. Wow.
    I liked it alot growing up. But the best thing about it was that it later gave us the third and best of the Star Trek spinoffs, Deep Space Nine. (Probably the best written and acted science fiction series ever…next to Doctor Who of course.)

  22. Glad you’re still feeling up to your post!

    TNG reruns were an obsession for me back in the 90’s. Somehow I missed them when they first came out, so I had to put it all together like puzzle pieces. It is my favorite though–makes me feel kinda guilty, like I’m dissing the original.

    Think you’re old? — I watched the original series with my dad as a kid! But my mind is a traveler through time and space and I feel the same at every age I’ve been!

  23. Mia says:

    I’m so excited for the Anniversary! I’m such a diehard TNG geek. Encounter at Farpoint, wasn’t great, but it holds a spot near and dear in my shriveled little heart. Besides Worf had a funny haircut, and that makes it all worthwhile.

    Hope your feeling a bit better…or at least can stand up while you pee again.

  24. bogup says:

    Hope you feel better soon, Dave2. I’ve heard from a few friends around the country about a nasty “summer cold” that is going around. Maybe it is a cold virus that hit you. Rest is good, and a lot of water is too. Watch out for a fever and/or secondary infection, and don’t wait to seek med advice…

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