I've got to start staying in a different hotel. Bad enough that this place doesn't have wireless and I have to bring my own ethernet cable for internet... even worse that it doesn't work half the time, so I end up having to drag my sorry ass down to the lobby for their crappy lobby wireless (which is almost as bad). Why is it some hotels just don't seem to get it? Most everybody NEEDS reliable internet now-a-days. If you don't provide it, and people are going to go somewhere else.
Today was yet another three-hour drive through
The good news is that if you leave at the right time of day, you don't have to share the road with anybody. The bad news is that if you've done the drive once, you've done it a million times... and it's always the same.
Of course, once you actually get to Spokane, you can drown your sorrows in two delicious slices of the Best Pizza in The Universe at David's Pizza...
I know I've blogged about this pizza like a hundred times now, but that's about all there is for me to write about here. I've lost count of the number of times I've taken that same photo composition, but oh well... here it is again: two slices of DaVinci pizza with a Stewart's Orange Cream Soda (which, coincidentally, is exactly what I would order for my last meal if I were on death row).
After dinner, I went to go see The Simpsons Movie which was kind of boring. The show definitely works better when the writers are condensed for time on your typical half-hour episode. Giving them 90 minutes just drags everything out. The real reason I wanted to see it, however, was to know if anything in the film would have a lasting affect on The Simpsons' "universe." For one character it actually does, which made me a bit sad (hey, I liked that character!).
And now it's time to head back to the lobby so I can post this. Fortunately, everything else I wanted to do on the internet tonight can be done on my iPhone while running around my hotel room in my underwear.
They don't let you do that in the lobby.
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That looks like some tasty pizza.
I’m going to wait for Netflix for the Simpsons.
I thought the first three-quarters of The Simpsons Movie was pretty good, but the ending was long and unimpressive.
Bourne Ultimatum kept me pretty glued to my seat last night, especially the chase/fight in Spain. Intense.
You should just run around the lobby in your tighty-whiteys just to get back at them for a shoddy internet access…
I’m yet to see the Simpsons Movie, but I have a feeling it won’t be that good, as you said, 30min episodes = good, 90min movie = too much time = bomb.
As a new reader, I hadn’t heard, or read about, or seen photos of, David’s Pizza before, and even if I had eaten dinner tonight, that would look awesome. Thanks for sharing.
As far as the Great Flat Expanse of Western Washington, wow, it looks just like people have described. I’ll have to rush right out and visit someplace else.
Hypnotic is the perfect way to describe it! Who knew land could be so flat and the sky so uninterrupted?!
I really enjoyed the Simpsons movie, but I admit that there was a period when the film seemed to drag on a bit. The first part of the film was good though.
As for the iPhone, you’d think Apple would have implemented a way to allow a Mac (or a PC) to use its EDGE service, if you’re out of range of Wifi or you are staying in a hotel where the internet sucks donkey balls. I suppose it goes against the philosophy that the iPhone has the ‘full’ internet and not some crappy cut-down mobile version so why would you need to use your laptop, but you can’t do everything you can do on a normal computer on an iPhone. That, and it’s probably to do with AT&T worried about people abusing its unlimited data plan. Still, I can use EDGE on my MacBook and Mac Mini by running it through my Samsung E370 (well, theoretically – never actually tried it), so you’d think Apple would have done it for the iPhone. </rant>
And dammit, I want that pizza now.
OMG – that pizza looks so delish! almost enough reason to get me out to spokane!
Stewart’s Orange Cream Soda is my all-time bestest favoritest drink of all time.
Simpsons is my favoritestest animated series, but I still haven’t seen the movie. Sometimes I just don’t believe myself.
I knew it! I have been waiting for someone to say something different than “The Simpsons Movie rocked.” It looks boring to me.
Mmmm… pizza!!
What are the green stripes on the pizza?
Don’t know why, but even though I like the TV show I have no desire to see the movie.
Speaking of toons… I saw my first episode of Lil’ Bush last night and laughed my ass off. Apparently Barbara Bush was assembled from old president corpses with female parts from Besty Ross sewn on. Now that I think about it, that makes sense.
You thought the Simpsons movie was boring? I don’t know if I can love you in that totally gay way anymore.
And I love Stewart’s Orange Cream Soda, almost more than I love Diet Coke with Lime.
The drive to Spokane looks a lot like the drive to Columbus. Or, and this is even flatter, the drive to Toledo from Dayton.
I thought the Simpsons move was pretty good. Maybe it’s because I rarely see it on TV.
RE: Neil T’s comment.. we have that in Ireland. Data is capped. Example. Example.
In europe the network in standarized ( currently 3G ), U.S. doesn’t seem to be standarized.
Eastern Washington reminds me a lot of eastern Nebraska… lots of slow, flat suck (stolen, in principle, from Snakiepoo).
That pizza is worth a trip to Spokane! Or, if I promise to pay you for it, could you FedX a medium size to me in Seattle?
Oh please…we know what was REALLY going on in that car of yours ;).
I really am a snob when it comes to pizza and bagels found outside New York City or its ‘burbs (and even then…)
I admit it looks yummy, but I remain skeptical. The Stewart’s soda does lend credibility though, not gonna lie.
One hotel that I stay in had internet on the 2nd and 4th floors, but no others. Others…lobby only. Time to jump into 2007! Wish I were eating pizza with you….one of my favorite meals. Now, excuse me while I go to the bank and get financing for my new hotel. It’s going to permit running around in your underwear in the lobby. Just so you can use the inernet.
I know! Thank goodness they have youtube on the iPhone…
I liked the Simpsons movie.
Hope we can still be friends.
Hotels piss me off soooo much with this not having internet stuff when they say they do.
Two things Dave:
1. Send Jenny some pizza so she’ll come visit me us.
2. Next time you fly out of Sea-Tac, let me know and I’ll meet you at the airport with a Rock pizza. I’m not saying it’s the best around, but it’s pretty damn good.
1) Jenny has Pizano’s in Chicago… she hardly needs excellent pizza from me!
2) My friends live a few minutes from one of The Rock restaurants… good stuff indeed!
James… Bourne was amazing. I loved how they went back into the second film to add elements to the third. Brilliant.
Darkness… It’s not that The Simpsons Movie is bad… it’s not… it’s just that it tends to drag between the funny moments. I did enjoy the film, overall.
Ray… Eastern Washington is actually pretty cool to drive through. Once. After that, it’s kind of monotonous.
Bre… Usually you have to go to the Great Plains States to see such awesome nothingness!
Neil… It would be nice, of course, if the iPhone had 3G… but, seriously, I’m not missing it. EDGE works just fine for the mobile surfing I want to do… and the fact that it’s unlimited means you aren’t paying for the slow access time. Besides, Apple says that adding 3G hardware, while certainly possible, would suck battery life quite badly (I’d much, MUCH rather have GPS). As for being able to route my MacBook through Bluetooth for EDGE connectivity… I dunno. Yeah, that would be handy, but I have to say that I have yet to come across anything that can’t be handled on iPhone directly. It’s that frickin’ amazing!
Jenny… Well, it’s not like you are lacking for amazing pizza in Chicago!
Though, I have to say, David’s remains my favorite (with Pizano’s Buttercrust very close… oh great… now I’m wanting Pizano’s too!).
Wayne… Stewart’s Orange Cream is probably my favorite too. It’s almost unreal how amazing it tastes on a hot day. Almost better than BEER!! =gasp!=
Kilax… It’s not all boring, but there are boring stretches between the good stuff. Almost like time-filler, which never happens on the TV episodes.
Lisa… Yes. Pizza! PIZZZZAAAAA!!!
Kyra… Pesto! Delicious pesto!
Jeff… Lil’ Bush is funny… at first… but quickly gets repetitive and tired. I stopped watching after three episodes.
Avitable… I’m just used to the TV show where there is no “filler” – everything keeps the show moving forward. In the film, there were just too many spots stretched out further than I would have liked. Also, kind of a rip-off that they didn’t use all this extra time to have appearances by more backing characters! THAT would have been time well spent!
Delmer… I’ve driven from Cleveland to Cincinnati a couple times, so I know what you mean. Still, in Ohio, there are more places to stop along the way…
Audrey… Well, actually, it does have a standard, I think. Though it depends on whether you are talking GSM or CDMA network as to what the standard is.
Rick… I have not been to Nebraska… yet. Though you sure make it sound appealing!
Bogup… Yes, David’s Pizza is absolutely worth a trip to Spokane. Particularly the DaVinci, which is the best pizza in the universe! Unfortunately, the DaVinci does not travel well. Even just driving it home 3 hours away kind of ruins it somehow. Must be eaten fresh!!
Hilly… Yes. And I didn’t even get arrested!
Roberta… I’ve had pizza in every major American city (and many, many not-so major cities). I’ve had pizza in just about every country I’ve ever visited (which is more than a few!). David’s DaVinci is the best pizza I’ve ever had. Better than New York. Better than Chicago. Of course, that’s my humble opinion, but I’m sticking to it!!
Lewis… Now THAT’S a lobby! Hey, if a hotel truly wants to make your stay comfortable, then being able to walk around in your underwear is pretty much a necessity. Though, I will be the first to admit that there are some people I would not want to see in their underwear…
Dan… I liked it too… despite the fact I found it boring in spots.
KG… Oh yeah. That’s pretty bad. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE F#@%ING INTERNET ISN’T WORKING!! – FIND ME A NEW HOTEL, BITCHES!!” You’d be surprised how often that happens.
That pizza contains a dose of almost everything that could kill me.
Well maybe you just should go down to the lobby in your underwear so you can use the internet. That’ll teach ’em!
No matter how many times you blog about it, that pizza still looks gooooooooood.