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✖ Heartburn

Posted on Saturday, July 7th, 2007

Dave!Everybody just loves Bad Monkey.

I had to go to the grocery store for a few things today, and was wearing my new Bad Monkey T-shirt for the trip. While I was in the cheese aisle, a little boy who was helping his mother pick out yogurt turned to me and started laughing. "Monkey!" he said, pointing at my shirt. "That's right," I replied. Then there's that awkward moment when I have to explain to his mother that the shirt can't be bought at a store, that it is one of my own creations, and isn't available in kids sizes. I just don't have room to store them.

And now I feel bad, because what kid wouldn't want a Bad Monkey T-shirt?

After cheese, I had to go buy sugar. I used the last of mine when I got a craving for Tropical Punch Kool-Aid last night around midnight. In retrospect, it was kind of a stupid thing to drink before bed, because I ended up battling a bad case of heartburn while trying to get some sleep...


Right now I am taking a break from filling Artificial Duck Co. orders to write in my blog. From the looks of things, I only have 38 orders left to fill. Tomorrow I'll process the postage so I can send the last remaining packages on Monday, and that's that. I'll finally be able to reclaim my living room.

And stop hurting myself.

I finally injured myself with my new tagging gun yesterday. It felt very much like having stabbed myself with a large needle. Mostly because my tagging gun has a very large needle on it. Lesson Learned: If you are going to sell T-shirts and want to label them, use stickers instead of tags.

Back to work...

Categories: DaveLife 2007, DaveToons 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. delmer says:

    I made Kool-Aid last night. Raspberry. And the kids are away for the week.

  2. Injuries? There better not be blood on my shirt! As it is I have no clean clothes to wear and I’m hoping my shipment will save me a few more days 🙂

  3. You’ll shoot your eye out!

  4. Kristin says:

    You could sell some iron-ons. They go on any size shirt. And they can be tagged with a sticker. Win-win.

  5. Michelle says:

    do they make full or queen-sized spongebob sheets? or do you sleep very close to Bad Monkey in a twin bed?

    Iron-ons, or patches would be cool…to put on bookbags or jean pockets.

  6. Hilly says:

    Wait, Lil Snackie wants to know if Lil Dave really has Sponge Bob sheets and blankies? Cause if so, she totally wants a sleep-over and will totally wear a bad monkey shirt to bed too!

  7. RW says:

    It’s good to learn!

  8. Wayne says:

    Is Bad Monkey dreaming of Zorro?

  9. margalit says:

    Why do I have the sinking feeling that you really DO have spongebob sheets?

  10. Suzanne says:

    Have you considered Cafe Press?

    You could upload your artwork and direct people to your Cafe Press link, where they could order the artwork on t-shirts, mugs, whatever they like.

    Cafe Press print/produces and ships the merchadise and gives you your cut. That way, you don’t have to worry about storing inventory and people could get lots of different products, too.

    Just thought I ‘d suggest it, in case you never heard of them. It would save you the stab wounds and time suckage of future orders….

  11. karla says:

    Dave, DAVE…..didn’t I WARN you about those tagging guns? They are lethal.

    Let Bad Monkey do that tagging from now on. Hand him the gun and RUN.

  12. Brandon says:

    Imagine Dave, if you will, what it’s like doing that every single day. That’s what I do for a living, take orders off of our website and phone, process, pack and ship them. Except it never ends for us. On Monday you will be done. On Monday I will have just begun, and the Monday after that and the Monday after that and so on and so on. It’s one of the reasons that I’m so bah-humbug-y during the holidays.

  13. Andre says:

    What about adding some washing/laundry instructions “How to shrink this shirt into kid size”?

  14. ssp says:

    Yay, Spongebob bedding!

  15. MRKisThatKid says:

    Bad Monkey has very old fashioned dreams

  16. nancycle says:

    Yup. You hit the nail on the head. …. err sorry, not to bring up the stabbing again. BUT I *did* search for kiddy sized shirts and would have bought one for Omar. Who wouldn’t want a bad monkey T ?!

  17. Stephanie P says:

    Dave, I’ll say it again. Put the gun down. Just walk away. The next time you may not be so lucky.

    My only concern is for your safety.
    : )

  18. Laurence says:

    Everybody wants a Bad Monkey Tee-Shirt !!! 😉


  19. Avitable says:

    Kool-Aid gave you heartburn? That seems weird.

  20. Catherine says:

    Wow, Kristin is BEAUTIFUL! She reminds me of Audrey Hepburn in that pic, assuming that is her in the pic. (Is that you, Kristin? Also, you live in my hometown, neato!)


  21. shari says:

    Bad Monkey rocks!

  22. Bre says:

    Wow, I haven’t had kool-aid in ages!!

  23. bogup says:

    No Kool-aide heartburn.
    Use Knob Creek whiskey instead. And it helps to sleep too. If you like something sweet, make it a mint julep with a sprig of spearmint leaves.
    mmmmmmmmmm, sleep tight!

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