Yeesh. Another night of writing my entry just as midnight approaches. I guess that's what happens when you are slaving away morning noon and night to get caught up with work.
I suppose there are lots of things I could write about, but it's late, so I think I'll just grab that movie meme that's been floating around. Kevin has done is now, so I guess I pretty much have to...
Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times. Wow. Many, many of my favorite films have been seen at least 10 times. Here's a few from memory... Aliens, Back to the Future 1 & 2, Bedazzled, Beverly Hills Cop, The Birdcage, Buckaroo Banzai, Chasing Amy, Clerks, Coming to America, Commando, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Field of Dreams, The Fifth Element, Groundhog Day, The Matrix, Office Space, Real Genius, Remo Williams, Sneakers, South Park: Bigger-Longer-Uncut, Star Trek II & IV, Star Wars, Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, The Terminator, Terminator 2, This is Spinal Tap, True Lies, and Undercover Blues.
Name a movie that you've seen multiple times in the theater. Recently that would be Clerks 2 and Casino Royale. My personal record would probably be The Matrix, which I believe I've seen in a theater 6 times.
Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie. Elizabeth Hurley.
Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie. David Caruso.
Name a movie that you can and do quote from. So many. I'm pretty good with Buckaroo Banzai quotes.
Name a movie musical that you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs. I don't do musicals. Though I liked the soundtrack from Xanadu back in the day, so maybe that one. Or Grease maybe?
Name a movie that you have been known to sing along with. Uh. None that I know of.
Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see. Undercover Blues, which is one of my favorite movies that people are always overlooking.
Name a movie that you own. I own many, many films.
Name an actor that launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops. Elizabeth Hurley is an obvious choice.
Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what? When I was a kid, this was a popular summer pass-time, so I'm sure there are many. I do remember seeing the original Star Wars for the third time at the drive-in.
Ever made out in a movie? Sure.
Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven't yet gotten around to it. Talladega Nights.
Ever walked out of a movie? Born American, which made me embarrassed to be American. It's the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater (though I very nearly walked out on Spanglish, which was almost as bad).
Name a movie that made you cry in the theater. Dirty Dancing, but only because I was drunk and had gotten some really bad news earlier in the evening.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The most excellent Blades of Glory.
What's your favorite/preferred genre of movie? Action/Adventure is probably at the top.
What's the first movie you remember seeing in the theater? Herbie the Love Bug.
What movie do you wish you had never seen? Recently? The horrendously bad National Lampoon's Gold Diggers. Wretched, awful stuff.
What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed? Being John Malkovich is probably an easy pick for this one.
What is the scariest movie you've seen? Movies don't scare me much like they used to... back in the day, I was terrified from watching the original Alien.
What is the funniest movie you've seen? Gee, have no idea... Basketball, Stripes, or The Birdcage maybe? Eurotrip always makes me laugh.
Oog. Time for bed. But before I go, I was pleased to see that the plans for the first "Hard Rock Park" in Myrtle Beach have finally been released. It's looking pretty sweet, and bigger than I had thought it would be...

The juicy details can be found at Myrtle Beach Online (which is where I snagged these photos). I guess that will be one more property to add to my list when it opens in 2008.
Don’t seek excuses… You cry on Dirty Dancing…. YOU CRY ON DIRTY DANCING… HUHUUU…
I tease… I tease !!! 😀
Wow, so many films more than ten times!
Ten is such a big number. I don’t think I’ve seen a single film that many times. Not even Clerks.
I think bullets three and four were pretty obvious for anyone who has read this blog more than once or twice. 😉
Dang! Buckaroo Banzai! That’s one of those that should have made my list of “I’ve been meaning to see but haven’t” responses.
Yeah, THAT’S what Myrtle Beach needs, more touristy type development…because they don’t have enough schmaltz already. *sigh*
My extremely gay love for you grows a little each day.
My Name Is MUERTA!
Hi, Morty!
That movie kills me. I find it hard to believe more people have not seen it.
I think it’s quite possible that everyone has cried while watching Dirty Dancing drunk. I know I sure have, as well as all of my college roommates!
Ethical Dllemma – what would you do if Elizabeth Hurley and David Caruso somehow managed to be in a movie together?
Sheesh…I had not heard of the Hard Rock theme park in Myrtle Beach. We started vacationing there a couple of years ago and loved it…sorry I can’t share in your excitement over the prospect …~sigh~… our nice inexpensive vacation spot might not be for much longer..
Laurence… I don’t even think I was watching the movie, to be honest.
SSP… I put DVDs on for background noise as I am working, so the numbers really add up because I can’t help watching as I work. 🙂
Kapgar… YOU HAVEN’T SEE BUCKAROO BANZAI?!? That’s it… you’re dead to me!
Librarian… Well, that’s kind of what Myrtle Beach is all about anymore isn’t it? It’s an odd location for a theme park, so I worry about them being able to attract the numbers they need to keep operating.
Avitable… Hopefully your wife is okay with that and doesn’t blame me for any of it. I just can’t help it that I am so gosh-darn lovable.
Scott… You and me both. The location, story, acting, everything about “Undercover Blues” is note-perfect.
Bre… Yeah, when they get to that “NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER” line, there’s not a dry eye in the house. I think this is due to the powerful acting talents of Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey more than the actual script.
Hilly… Depends. Is Elizabeth Hurley naked?
JTM… I dunno. Myrtle Beach is out of the way a bit… I’m not sure what’s going to happen when they open their doors. It’s all going to depend on how good the attractions are, I think. If they aren’t quality-equal with Disney and Universal properties, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. 🙂
It’s on my Netflix queue… somewhere… I’m pretty sure.
sorry. 🙁
What? What was that? Is somebody commenting here??
Hey! We really are the same age. Herbie the Love Bug is my first theater memory too.
I guess I’ll have to make her okay with it.
Just the idea of “Alien” was so horrifying to me from what I’d heard and seen on the previews, that to this day, I have not watched it (or any of its progeny). Kinda pathetic, I know, but then, I’m the girl who brings a four-year-old with me for protection, so there you have it. 😉
“Spanglish” is so bad I can’t actually describe how I felt watching it unless I consult a thesaurus…
and “Alien” was my first R Rated movie…scared the heck out of me… hated my parents for letting me see it…
And see, I woulda pegged you for the type to sing along w/Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
I can’t believe Kapgar NOT ONLY hasn’t seen Buckaroo, but he doesn’t like the Braves. There’s something wrong in those hills.
The Hard Rock Times Square is really huge. My son’s school band had an awards ceremony in there. The Myrtle Beach place looks just enormous.
Wow, I remember my college friends and I being obsessed with Buckaroo Banzai. My addled brain now only remember the “no matter where you go…” and “The situation is ex-plo-seeve”, said with Jamaican accent.
I will agree there is something wrong in Illinois’ non-existent hills when it comes to not having seen Buckaroo Banzai. But not liking the Braves? Perfectly normal. You live in Portland. Why the heck do you LIKE them? That’s an indication of something being off in them thar hills. 😉
Road trip to Myrtle Beach in 2008!!! Did you check out my very lengthy article about the Hard Rock Park? I can’t wait to go!