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✖ Glorious

Posted on Saturday, April 7th, 2007

Dave!I have yet to figure out why I am chronically unlucky when it comes to driving karma.

You can bet your ass that if there is a dumbass on the road, he'll be in my immediate vicinity. If there is a traffic accident, it will happen right in front of me. If there is road construction closing down a lane, I'll be the one they make stop and wait. If a 90-year-old woman is out for a Sunday drive, I'll be the one stuck behind her. When it comes to being delayed, interrupted, stopped, or cut-off, I'm the guy who is going to be selected by the driving gods to get shafted.

And it's always when I'm in a hurry.

Today I had to run home really quick before I left for the movies. Naturally, a train decided to pass right as I got to the crossing...

Stopped for a Train

Once I finally got past the crossing, a fruit truck going 15 miles under the speed limit pulls out in front of me...

Stopped for a Fruit Truck

After I got home, dropped my stuff, and finally made it out to the highway, a State Patrol car decided to pull out as well, which meant speeding to the theater to make up for lost time wasn't an option (forgive me for not including a photo, but something tells me that the State Patrol frowns upon taking photos from a moving car going 60mph on the highway... especially when it's the driver doing the photography).


But somehow I made it to the movie on time, which is where I got to watch the greatest film released in recent memory, BLADES OF GLORY!

Blades of Glory

Forget 300, Last King of Scotland, The Queen, Zodiac, Blood Diamond, and even Ghost Rider, THIS is the movie which will stand the test of time! I'd put it right up there with The Godfather and The Terminator in terms of greatness!

Okay, maybe not. But it was a lot of fun, and much better than I expected...

Monkey of Glory

I just can't figure out why nobody has thought of building a comedy around double-men pairs skating before. It's a brilliant concept. Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Amy Poehler, Will Arnett, and Craig T. Nelson were all perfectly cast in their roles... but I'd have to say that it's Jenna Fischer who will end up with an Oscar nomination out of this film. She has a lingerie scene which will have people completely forgetting her mousy "Pam" character from The Office. Who knew?

Bring on Spider-Man 3.

Categories: DaveToons 2007, Movies 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. Bec says:

    Oh please please please please never dress up as an ice skater – there are limits to what joy spandex and sequins can bring!

  2. Tracy Lynn says:

    Must. Have. Dave. And. Bad Monkey. Skating. T Shirt.

  3. Mrs RW says:

    Loving the Lil Dave costume! What next? Dancing with the Stars?

  4. I am SO jealous you got to see Blades of Glory. It’ll probably be 6 months before it gets here. Tracy is right… we need a Dave and Bad Monkey Skating t-shirt!

  5. undisciplined says:

    Hmmm. It’s funny how in the train pic your gas gauge is on E but the engine seems to be idling at 1K RPM. Then in the next pic, you have a full tank. Gas fairies! 🙂
    Also, your service engine light must be incredibly annoying…all spelled out for you and shit! Car demons!

  6. Dan says:

    Yeah, I saw it last night and was pleasantly surprised too.

  7. Dave2 says:

    Bec… Oh I don’t know… I think I could wear it well. 🙂

    Tracy… Bad Monkey is an ice-dancing champion.

    Mrs. RW… Lil’ Dave would have to take dance lessons first.

    Geeky Tai Tai… The film was a lot of fun… worth the wait though!

    Undisciplined… Gas fairies? Yeah, I wish. The train was ass-biting slow, so I turned around and got gas while I waited for it to pass through.

    Dan… Yeah, given it starred Will Farrell, I was expecting it to be pretty stupid, but was happy to see that the story actually had some thought put into it.

  8. Dan says:

    i agree with undisciplined. plus, what’s with the 2006 copyright on the dave+monkey graphic?

    something stinks in denmark…

  9. Dave2 says:

    Fixed! Don’t worry… by mid-June, I’ll finally remember what year it is when I’m typing out the copyright.

    And if I would have known that filling my tank with gas while waiting for the train to pass would cause such confusion, I would have mentioned it! 🙂

  10. Eileen Dover says:


    I hope Lil Dave is not going commando. I can’t stand visible moose knuckles in mens costumes.

  11. Robin says:

    And here I thought all the crappy drivers were always in front of me!

    Saw Blades of Glory last week. Loved it! Will Ferrell rocks.

  12. Hilly says:

    I’m kind of the opposite side of the fence from Bec. The thought of you wearing a spandex ice skating uniform really makes me giggle. Gahhhhrgh, the laughter won’t stop ;).

  13. The Chad says:

    That movie was really not all that great. Yes, the lingerie scene was quite nice, but I just didn’t find the movie all that good. 300 is still the tops for me.

  14. Hannita says:

    Loved the movie. I was laughing so hard at one point that I couldn’t see and I was mad because I knew I was missing something hysterical but I couldn’t stop laughing. Definitely something to see with the right attitude and the right crowd though.

  15. margalit says:

    Dave, I believe this pic of you and Bad Monkey is a strong contender for this year’s t-shirt. It’s a winner!

  16. HolyGirl says:

    I’m going to have to 4th the vote for this toon being this years shirt, unless of course we can get Zombie Dave in an ice skating costume. That would rule.

  17. Avitable says:

    What about Grindhouse?

  18. sandra says:

    I got to see Blades of Glory a few weeks ago (a friend of mine seems to always get sneak peek tickets) and am totally with you; it was hilarious.

  19. Laurence says:

    Lil Dave and BadMonkey are so cute… I always love ! 🙂

  20. diane says:

    Hm, I am looking to Hot Fuzz as the movie event of the year for me.
    BUT I am super stoked about Spiderman 3, and I do definitely want to see Blades of Glory. I just may have to go see it by myself…

  21. kapgar says:

    How unlucky can you be? Did you wind up in an accident? Did the train hit you? Did the fruit truck dump its contents all over you? Did the cop pull you over?

    No? Okay then. 😉

  22. webmiztris says:

    don’t get me too pumped up for Blades, Dave. I always get too pumped up for all Will Ferrell movies and then they never live up to my expectations. I always like them, but they’re never as ‘uproariously funny’ as the critics say, in my humble opinion…LOL

  23. *lynne* says:

    I cringe at the thought of Napoleon Dynamite, yet find myself quoting the movie every once in a while… so while I have a knee-jerk reaction to jon Heder, I gotta say I *do* want to catch Blades of Glory… of course, chances are practically nil of watching it in the theaters, so it’s already on my Netflix queue. LoL!

    P/S: Happy Lost Blogs GBMC anniversary! 🙂

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