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✖ Hated

Posted on Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Dave!Stop it.

Would Microsoft Windows sufferers who are still using Internet Explorer please just stop it? Go download Firefox or Opera or whatever, and start using a real web browser instead. I am tired of spending hours and hours tracking down the crap-load of bugs and quirks unique to Internet Explorer so that web pages display properly. It seems that every time I get to the end of a project, I find stuff that renders beautifully in regular browsers, but end up looking like crap in IE...

Browser Render

It's a real pain in the ass, so if everybody on the internets could just stop using it, that would be great.

Oh, and since the new Windows Vista version of Outlook f#@%s up HTML emails, if you would switch to Thunderbird or some other email client while you're at it, I'd appreciate it.


Your friend,


This sucks ass. Blogography has been fragged with a scrolling bug in IE for ages, and I've got no time to fix it because I'm too busy fixing everything else.

Why does Microsoft hate us so much?

Categories: Apple Stuff 2007, Internets 2007Click To It: Permalink


  1. Avitable says:

    I didn’t know that about the new Outlook. That’s good to know for the company emails I send out.

  2. Dave2 says:

    Oh yes. They are going to be using Word’s horrendously shitty rendering engine. As bad as IE is, this is far worse.

  3. Eve says:

    First off, F— Microsoft. With that, I’m frightened that my company will wake up one day and decide to upgrade all us victims on PCs to Vista and then let the games begin!

    I want my office Mac back 🙁

  4. Tug says:

    So does this mean you won’t be lunching with Bill Gates anytime soon?

  5. Hilly says:

    Check and check. Actually I had switched to these programs when they first came out. My site looks sorta funked up in IE and I’m not fixing it.

    Someone needs to teach a class to the IE users who set their screens at 800×640…just sayin!

    Maybe one day you’ll be able to lure me away from my PC…mayyyybe.

  6. Joefish says:

    Preach it, Brother Dave!

  7. ms. sizzle says:

    firefox rules! what is WRONG with people!? sheesh.

  8. Mia says:

    I’m still trying to convert my husband over to Firefox. He’s still using IE. I’m fairly certain this makes him a nazi.

  9. Laurence says:

    I love you with firefox !!! 😀

  10. aquababie says:

    i hate internet explorer! i tell everyone who will listen to use firefox. i have to still use ie at work. but since i do my surfing on my mac at work, i don’t touch it 🙂

  11. Wench says:

    I agree with the whole IE thing, but as far as Outlook and HTML emails go: meh. I hate html emails anyway.

    But then again…I don’t use Outlook…except at work…where I’m forced to use it…on Exchange…although, I could use Thunderbird w/IMAP for exchange…but I use Thunderbird for personal mail checking @ work…

    Oh…why can’t we just get rid of technology altogether? Sure, it would put me out of a job, but sometimes, it feels like it would make life a whole lot easier.

  12. Sergio the frenchie says:

    You know here in France lots of people thinks that Mozilla’s logo is really a fox in fire and no the tiny chinese red panda…

  13. nancycle says:

    I was a firefox/thunderbird user at work…installed it shortly after it came out…can’t say why I’m an IE user at home…Complacency perhaps?

  14. Kyra says:

    Hmm and on another note of things not working – it was PUBLICALLY announced on the news that anyone out here who might possibly want a iPhone can kiss apple’s butt because they have signed exclusive contracts for service carriers, NONE of which are in Vermont, and Apple was reported as saying IF they decided they might want to expand to Vermont, it wouldn’t possibly be before 2009, but they really didn’t think we were that important.

    I know you are an Apple worshiper, but can you at least admit they have a dark side?


  15. Francisca says:

    How do you do so that a page is equal in IE that in other navigators?

    Turn-off the server

  16. Laurence says:

    Oh… Hi Sergio The Frenchie !!! 🙂

  17. Sergio the frenchie says:

    hey pretty cool being here ^^

    i’ve got personnal message !

    Bonjour Laurence !
    je vais visiter ton blog !

  18. Rick says:

    Microsoft doesn’t hate you. It just doesn’t care that you exist. 😉

  19. James says:

    If DirectX 10 wasn’t a Vista exclusive, I wouldn’t go near it. But alas…

  20. They hate us for our freedom, Dave.

    Our freedom.

  21. Jeff says:

    I rarely use IE at home. The problem is not home users, it’s Korporate Amerika. Firefox and Opera are seldom deemed “approved,” and installing unapproved apps is forbidden at most companies. Talk about a captive audience.

    My advice: Screw coding for IE. It’s not standards-compliant anyway.

  22. Zigire says:

    I love IE7.

    I’ve found Firefox crashes more often… also FireFox breaks my sites, not the other way around.

    Maybe that’s because I’m a crap coder 😉

  23. Jeff says:

    I’m trying IE right now but it looks ok to me. What kind of problems have you had with it?

  24. Kyle I says:

    I hate IE. I wish I could switch to Firefox at work but our IT administrator won’t let us use it. But then again this is the same person that won’t even let us change our desktop backgrounds.

  25. Alexis says:

    What irks me are websites that obviously haven’t been checked in Safari. I like Firefox, and I ‘ve always got it open for back up when I hit one of those sites, but Safari is still my browser of choice.

    My boyfriend and I got into a Mac vs PC discussion last night, and he said that both are necessary, since they’re made to do different things. In a way I agree, but he claimed a Mac is great for graphic and multimedia work, but you need a PC for word processing and spreadsheets. Um, excuse me? Time for me to educate. Regardless of this strange belief of his, he’s now decided his next computer will be a Mac. Another win for the Mac Whore Army!

  26. margalit says:

    I haven’t used IE in years. It sucks so much and my blog never displays correctly in IE. I just pretend it doesn’t exist. Works for me!

    Recipe is now on my site. Man, you’re a nag! 🙂

    Let me know how it worked out for you. It really is totally easy, but it takes forever to make. I like it because it has NO FAT in it. Fat is our enemy. (my family, not you…you can probably eat lots of fat and remain sylph-like.)

  27. Kapha says:

    Been using Mozilla then Firefox for years now and love ’em.

    Then I started using Opera recently and am in total awe. Except for a couple of silly little quirks and the occasional site that won’t work with Opera, it is simply sweet.

    If Opera doesn’t work I use Firefox2. If I *must* use some weird IE-specific site (occasionally for work) I only use the latest IE6 – won’t touch IE7 for fear of breaking everything.

    And no, I’m not planning to move to Vista. Only just updated one machine to XPPro and really like it – once I tamed it. Still run another on Win2KPro and it runs great.

    My motto: If it’s crap, toss it. If it works, use it. Don’t upgrade unless you are forced to at gunpoint or really want to – and then be prepared to fall back if necessary.

  28. Anthony says:

    IE7 improves on the rendering engine somewhat but previous versions have just been a pain in the ass. Hopefully most IE people update to version 7 over the next few months.

  29. ChillyWilly says:

    like Wench mentioned above, I have to use Outlook for my work email. O thought Outlook 2003 was bad (i’m the network admin/desktop support guy and well over 60% of my issues I deal with is with Outlook 2003 users).

    Now I like Exchange Server… i’ve been working with that for over 10 years now. It’s got it’s set of quirks, but it’s not too bad.

    As for IE, it’s rarely used here at home. I much prefer Safari and Firefox, of which the new 2.0 version on the Mac kicks ass. It’s a nice upgrade that works very well for many sites. Safari and Firefox are about 50/50 for the amount of use they both get.

    IE7 is something that we block at work, mostly because everything internally that’s written only works on IE6 due to the tweaks and other changes that had to be made to make it work right. The developers don’t really want to go down the IE7 path just yet.

  30. Dan says:

    Tell me about it.

  31. delmer says:

    Installing IE7 has caused out e-mail client (granted, it’s Outlook 98) to crash when certain conditions are met. For example, if my ex-wife sent me mail in non-plain-text format and I tried to reply it would crash (and she was the only one I had trouble with).

    Other people had similar problems. Removing IE7 fixed it every time.

  32. Karl says:

    Amen, brother. I’m at the point now – having used Firefox and Thunderbird for close to two years – where I deliberately avoid sites that say they can only be viewed with IE. Frak you, I say!

  33. sandra says:

    I think your audience is way too cool to use IE anyway.

  34. kapgar says:

    Funny thing is I can’t even get IE7 to work on my business computer. MS only offers two versions that can be downloaded and neither work with XP Service Pack 1 (I tried loading both and neither would). So I don’t even know what kinds of things IE7 is screwing up.

  35. franky says:

    People still using IE6 can’t comment on my blog. And I am too lazy to hack for IE6’s padding rendering errors. Life’s a bitch.

  36. yellojkt says:

    My blog looks terrible in IE at 800 x 600. 47% of visitors use IE but only 13% are at 800×600. I feel sorry for them, but there’s nothing I can do since IE sucks so bad.

  37. claire says:

    I got my dad to switch to firefox several months ago. I’m still working on him about the email…

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