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✖ Wii

Posted on Monday, October 16th, 2006

Dave!About the only thing I want more than for Jeremy Piven's Cupid to be released on DVD is Nintendo's new Wii gaming console. As more and more footage of gameplay with the Wii controller is released, I just get more and more anxious to have one. The only problem being that I will never have time to play it. Case in point: as excited as I was for Lego StarWars 2 to be released a month ago, I've only had the chance to play it once.

Yet, as sad as this is, my enthusiasm is not diminished...

Emily Mortimer

I think that if they were to come out with "Lego Star Wars Light Saber Duel" for Wii, I would probably have to stop working, sell all my possessions, then move into a studio apartment that had nothing more than a couch, a television, TiVo, a DVD player, and Wii.

I guess if you had to say goodbye to your life, that's not a half-bad way of doing it.

Though, to truly make the experience complete, they'd have to come out with "Wii Virtual Hooker." If I had that and Pizza Hut delivery, I'd never have to leave the house again.

Bleh. I need a nap...

Categories: DaveLife 2006Click To It: Permalink


  1. NetChick says:

    Heheh! That’s awesome. *chuckle* The Wii does look interesting — And, with everything I’ve heard from my EA-based-boyfriend has given me even more reason to want one.

  2. jodi says:

    i’m waiting for PS3… that’s my game consule of choice. my boyfriend is an xbox boy. OBVIOUSLY that upset me a little bit, but i’ve recently converted him to Mac OS X so completely, he practically refuses to touch his pc. so he can keep the xbox. 🙂

  3. nick sizzle says:

    we have one on pre order…in our hearts…

  4. Dave2 says:

    NetChick… I’m a total spaz with the 50 buttons on my Xbox controller, so the Wii looks to be much more my speed!

    Jodi… Doesn’t the PS3 cost like a million dollars or something? It’s quite a but more expensive than Wii… but is supposed to have a bunch of other features to make it worth the price. It sure is HUGE… you could kill somebody with it!

    Nick Sizzle… I didn’t get a pre-order in time. All the spots were filled at all the local places. I guess I’ll have to wait until they become more plentiful as it gets closer to the holidays. 🙁

  5. nancycle says:

    The old couple from Japan playing golf were too cute.


  6. While I certainly appreciate the big N’s attempts, past and present, to alter the way we view and play video games, I’m either just past or not quite at the point in my life in which I’m willing to do more than sit on the sofa and feel my neural processors shutting down while playing them.

    On the other hand, I vowed never to buy an Xbox, and I’m sorry, but I’m beginning to think that Sony is seriously overcompensating for something.

    So it looks like I’m out. Oh well, rumor has it that there’s interesting stuff on the internet these days…

  7. Mooselet says:

    It just must be me, cos I can’t get that excited about video games. I feel I’ve let you down, Dave. But you did inspire me to buy the Lego game for my PS2 lovin’ son for Xmas, so perhaps that redeems me a little.

  8. Melissa says:

    I so want to get Star Wars Lego. Uggg. Upsets me too because I can’t find my game console, I know it’s somewhere at my mom’s house. Maybe if I buy the game it’ll just happen to show up. But alas by the time I do get it I probably won’t have time to play it as well.

  9. SFChick74 says:

    I could have sworn I was the only who watched Cupid.

  10. James says:

    Nintendo will have to do some extremely good arguing to convince me to purchase a console. I already know I’ll never buy an XBOX 360 or the PS3, so whats the Wii got going for it?

    ..PC gaming rules…PC gaming rules…PC..rules..

  11. Laurence says:

    Lil Dave has very good taste in decoration !

    I am waiting to Wii. But it is the same… Time… Time… It will be difficult to play.

    Do you know that Wii is pronounced OUI in french (oui=yes).
    So I say OUI to Wii ! 😀

  12. yellojkt says:

    My kid wants the Wii rather than the PS3. We don’t have one on preorder, so I don’t know how hard they will be to get.

  13. Mike says:

    I’m an X-Box man myself, but I must say I’m intrigued by that Wii thingy… If only I had some sort of movie to help me decide which one I should go for… 🙂

  14. Yes, but Pizza Hut doesn’t have Fiesta Potatoes…so you would have to leave once in a while. And question-Would the Virtual Hooker let you byte her, or do you pay extra for that?

  15. ChillyWilly says:

    If life would slow down for a bit, I could find time to play Lego Star Wars II on my PSP. As it is, even in a portable format, I still have been so swamped that I’ve only been able to play the game once as well. So I know exactly how you feel.

  16. kapgar says:

    The coolest thing about the Wii is that one of the plug-in controller handles (yes, they are swappable) is a Lightsaber hilt. Hmmm…. funnnnnnnnn…

  17. Hilly says:

    You know what is sad? Having a husband that works in the gaming industry and not knowing what the hell a Wii is. Last week, a friend that works at Nintendo IM’s me to ask if I want the discounted Wii and I was like, wii what??? Yes, I am lagging.

  18. Dave2 says:

    GAH!! BITCH!!


    I have been calling and scouring the internet for the opportunity to buy a Wii and there’s no place to do it. Everybody has their order allotment spoken for and isn’t accepting orders. All the places that DO accept pre-orders can’t offer a date as to when they will be shipping, which could be well into FEBRUARY of NEXT YEAR!! I am a Wii bit sad about that. 🙁

  19. ur mom says:

    if you buy a wii do u have to pay to get on the internet!!!!!

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