I finally got around to watching last night's Studio 60 and... wow... things are finally getting good. Every episode just gets better and better, which is ironic because they're pre-empting it next week and probably canceling the week after that. Typical. Shows never get a chance to find their footing anymore. It's either a hit out of the gate or it's cancelled.
Today I had a meeting in Seattle, but first I had to scrape ice off my windshield. It was a moment of profound depression, because it means that summer is officially over, fall has come, and winter is just around the corner. Things didn't get any better as it dumped rain all the way over the pass and all the way back.
The only thing that's kept me going was knowing that there's a fresh episode of Veronica Mars on tonight.
Which begins in a scant seven minutes, so I'll be signing off now.
But what do I do tomorrow when my windshield is freshly iced and I have to wait a week for new Veronica?
Something tells me cookies* will be involved.
* And by cookies, I mean porn.**
** Okay, that's not true. It's going to be actual cookies.***
*** But I wouldn't be surprised if porn shows up somewhere along the way.
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I’ve never had an Oreo – Golden or otherwise.
Can they really that good, that a red blooded male for forego porn for Oreo cookies?
But they taste even better WITH porn.
Yea for cookies! Boo for porn!
Wait I mean…yea for porn! Boo for cookies!
Wait…no…yea for both! Sweet!
And that’s what I’m talking about!
Sorry Dave – I gave up trying to find a link I thought I had that would fit the combination perfectly:
Elizabeth Hurley shows how to properly eat an Oreo (some in slow motion)
Dang. Now where is that…
There’s the rest of MY night…
Do you like the golden oreos with the chocolate stuffing. My absolute FAVORITE cookie in a package. They really are fabulous and best of all, one of my kids doesn’t like them so I actually get a few out of each package!
Ah… those are “oops” Oreos… or “backwards” Oreos as I call them.
But I prefer vanilla. Vanilla is good.
Yeah, I really like “Studio 60” as well. But no one else in the midwest does.
But “Studio 60” doesn’t excite nearly as much as “Heroes” does. And, yes, I know I’m a geek.
I thought Studio 60 was really bad last night and it has been progressively getting worse. But I hope they don’t cancel it quite yet. I will still watch because Monday at 10:00 stinks (I hate CSI) and it’s Aaron Sorkin and I’m sure they will get it together, but they had better do so quick.
Studio 60… Veronica Mars… and now golden oreo… with VANILLA !!!
I’m jealous, Dave !
PS When I’m talking about cookies, I REALLY talking about really cookies
I will never look at Oreos the same way again.
Talking of porn… there was a programme on tv last night (channel 4) called ‘celebrity sex tapes unwound’… it was enough to put anyone off their cookies! Especially Tonya Harding’s! Very funny but equally cringy/ disgusting tv.
I hate you. (Not actually, apparently I’m seeminly quite addicted to your blog.) But this Veronica Mars thing?!
Yeserday, while working I happen to hear over my shoulder the TV yapping about Veronica Mars on Friday night.
My social life may have sunk to new lows, but if I DON’T check what all the fuss is about, I’m sure to continually feel left out.
VR – Friday night, I’m there.
What does “pre-empting” mean exactly?
Studio 60 is my favorite show on TV now. As for getting cancelled, I hope not.
I think it’s Matthew Perry’s best show… and that includes his movies.
Kosh and I bought a large pack of double stuffed and the golden oreos, respectively… and I think I consumed the entire pack of goldens within 24hrs! So yes, I agree, them golden oreos are totally bitchin!
omg, they make vanilla oreos? those badboys will be in my shopping cart TONIGHT.
Last week I had Oreos for the first time in FOREVER. I fainted while attempting to donate blood, and when I came to they brought me juice and cookies. A whole 6-pack of Oreos! See people, giving blood is good, whether you stay conscious or not. They were not the Golden ones though. I imagine Lifesource takes what they can get.
(Some dumb lady was in the reception area complaining that the snacks–chips, cheeze doodles, cookies–were all unhealthy. If I’d had more strength I would have smacked her. Who donates blood only to get a pear or trail mix?)
only thing that would make golden oreos better: being deep-fried. that makes all food better.
did I see something about VM being on Friday night posted above? which epi? what? what?
oh, i loves them golden oreos. watching me eat them might be like porn – they’re that good.
doesn’t everything taste better with porn?
i have not watched last night’s VM yet. I hope it was good. I’ll pick up some cookies on the way home.
Vanilla Oreos would cure my biggest bitch: chocolate cookie crumbs all over my teeth.
And you shouldn’t be using the words “porn” and “Veronica Mars” in the same post. That will get you all sorts of bad Google attention.
Oh good lord they look delish! Must have! Must have!!!
I watched Veronica Mars for the first time last night…but damn, I need to get me some of those cookies.
I thought the latest ep of Studio 60 was weaker than the previous, but I really hope they don’t cancel it. Give it a damn chance, NBC!
As for getting through to the next VM (Greek chorus of feminist shame!), there’s BSG on Fridays. Last week kicked some ass.
I pray you’re wrong about Studio 60. I love it. And, yes, this past one was spectacular.
I keep not likeing Studio, and then hearing it’s great, and meaning to try again, and then falling asleep because I’m like… what, 100?
But the real reason I chimed in… I tried the Golden O’s once, and found them too sweet. And I usually dig too sweet. But when I want that overall sensation, I’m sticking with Vienna Fingers.
So I guess I gave up too quickly on Studio 60? I really liked and enjoyed the first three shows, but since then I haven’t been in the mood for it. Strange. I love everyone on the show even. If it’s not cancelled I’ll try to pick it back up. I just saw that Kidnapped was cancelled. I’m heartbroken, I loved that show. It was tough when The Nine came on though.
I have a craving for cookies now.
Darn it! I came looking for the porn that Vincenzo was chattering on about and all I find are oreos–not even the really good chocolate double stuffed–just vanilla.
How dare you put up a photo of Golden Oreos! Do you know what happened to me the last time you did that? I went on a friggin’ month-long Golden Oreos binge! I can’t physically afford to do that anymore. Please, don’t tempt me, I’m too weak to resist the golden goods.
The local 7-eleven sells some other local person’s dessert wares. Recently, they’ve mainly consisted of chocolate-covered oreos.
Think about it for a second.
So I think I need to request chocolate-covered golden oreos.