Nothing interesting happened today.
I was rudely awakened at 3:30am by some idiot hammering on metal outside my window, then couldn't go back to sleep. I hoped filling out a meme would make me sleepy but all it did was make my brain go numb (which, I suppose, is a meme's entire purpose). Unable to get any much-needed rest, I decided to start in on my work.
And that's all I did for the entire day. Work. Right up until now (which is 10:30pm).
You'd think that I got a lot accomplished today but you would be wrong. I'm just as buried as ever, and will undoubtedly be working this weekend to try and get caught up. I'm turning into a work-zombie...

And now, since I am falling asleep at the keyboard, here's that meme I filled out this morning which I've seen floating around various places, but picked up from Adena...
- Explain what ended your last relationship? We live 2-1/2 hours apart, which makes having a relationship difficult.
- When was the last time you shaved? This morning.
- What were you doing this morning at 8 a.m.? It's 7:00am. But when 8:00am rolls around, I'll be backing up my work from last night so I can take it to work with me.
- What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Answering an emails.
- Are you any good at math? I am exceptionally good at math. Quick... ask me what 2+2 is.
- Your prom night? what about? I honestly don't remember.
- Do you have any famous ancestors? Uhhh... James Monroe (the fifth president of the United States) is supposedly in there somewhere (he wrote the Monroe Doctrine, and is the dude holding the flag behind George Washington in that famous painting where he's crossing the Delaware).
- Have you had to take a loan out for school? No.
- Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile? There's no song there.
- Last thing received in the mail? Political ads.
- How many different beverages have you had today? Zero. It's 7:00am and I've been working in bed for the past three hours. Alas, there's no beer cooler on my nightstand.
- Do you ever leave messages on peopleโs answering machine? Rarely. I don't like answering machines.
- Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to? The Thompson Twins. I totally love that band.
- Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach? Not that I recall.
- Whatโs the most painful dental procedure youโve had? When they cut out my wisdom teeth, I woke up from the anesthesia early.
- What is out your back door? A small balcony. Beyond that is a field.
- Any plans for Friday night? None at all.
- Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? I love the ocean and don't care what it does to my hair.
- Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different popcorns? Yes, and I loved it. Cheese corn is genius. Buttered popcorn is delightful. Caramel corn is awesome. It's the perfect gift, really.
- Have you ever been to a planetarium? A couple actually. Including Adena's OMSI in Portland, which is excellent.
- Do you re-use towels after you shower? Absolutely. I'm CLEAN, after all, when I use it.
- Some things you are excited about? The next version of the MacOS X "Leopard" is coming out in a few months. And... uhhhh... Veronic Mars is still on the air... that's about it.
- What is your favorite flavor of JELLO? Jell-O (note proper spelling) is made with a gelling agent that comes from the connective tissue of animals. As I am a vegetarian, I don't eat it. Back when I was not a vegetarian, however, I liked lime Jell-O for Jell-O shooters best.
- Describe your keychain(s)? It's a key fob to unlock my car. I used to have a really cool one of a manga cartoon dinosaur I bought in Japan, but it broke.
- Where do you keep your change? In a Hard Rock Hotel & Casino coin cup from Las Vegas.
- When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? Last year I presented an award in front of around a hundred people.
- What kind of winter coat do you own? I don't spend extended time out in the cold, so I make do with a denim jacket.
- What was the weather like on your graduation day? I honestly don't recall. I believe it was sunny.
- Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? Closed. It helps block noise from the neighbors who like to listen to the radio at full volume.
Anyway, I've been up for sixteen hours now, so I think I'll be going to bed now...
i was JUST thinking i needed a meme and guess what? you answered!
when i had my wisdom teeth pulled out i had eight teeth total pulled (4 wisdom teeth, 4 molars). i woke up while it was going on and started yelling, but my mouth was full of cotton and stretched, and whatnot. it was traumatizing. i was about 14-16, i think.
Thanks for ruining Jell-O for me.
Wow, James Monroe !!! It’s impressive… ๐
Don’t talk about wisdom teeth ! They will cut out my wisdom teeth… And I am in pain when I’m just think of that !!!
Your neighbors seems so unpleasant… radio at full volume at night… Pouuufff… It’s hard !!!
Solidarity, bro. I’ve now bailed on a Halloween party for Saturday night so that I can work all day on Sunday. Poop.
Being a responsible adult sucks.
I never cared for Jell-o. I would complain anytime they tried to give it to me in the hospital, and they thought I was a (this is the medical term) freak. What child doesn’t like Jell-o?
Is this davetoon going to be the design for “Zombies ate my brain” version 2.0? Me likey ๐
You can eat Kosher jello, which is made with agar agar, some seaweed stuff. No horses hooves in there. It’s called KoJel. I think ALL Jello type foods are vile and never let them pass my lips, but if you like Jello, that’s the way to go.
Poor Dave. Poor sleepy zombie Dave.
Bad neighbours. Baaad neighbours
…Hold me now….
…meme liberated to my blog!
In about 10 minutes I’ll be hitting 16 hours working time for today and nineteen hours awake time (time to watch Veronica Mars/Greys Anatomy and travelling taken out.
Workzombie is me too.
Sleepy time now. Sleep well, have good dreams.
Wait a minute.
You are a vegetarian, won’t eat Jello cause of connective *blech* tissue of animals…Yet MILK is on the menu?
What’s the math on that one?
You don’t have to slaughter a cow to get to the milk. ๐
Jell-O is how mad cow disease spreads. Not bad for a meme.
Re political ads: I’ve decided that the next political party to call will get this question from me: “Does your candidate walk on water? Can he raise the dead to life? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? No? Call me back when you have one with those super-powers. The only good thing about elections is when they’re over. The phone stops ringing and you can actually find your mail instead of weeding through a tree’s worth of propaganda.
Aha. It’s the killing.
I’m thinking that the cows are like slave labour and the sweat shop milking of the cows is just a different kind of dead…Like a slow LIVING death, but without the mercy of slaughter.
I can relate to the cows, I breast fed Omar and let him self-wean. My breast feeding had a beginning and an end.
Recently I heard that women are lacking an enzime to digest cows milk. I’d say I was jealous, but after running out of soy milk, I had my cheerios with cows milk this morning and the aftertaste was like I’d flat tongued a horse’s ass.
Interesting Dave, thanks for the insight.
I am afraid of zombies.
I have become afraid of memes.
A zombie meme may put me over the top. Please don’t do a zombie meme anytime soon. OK?
I realize i just followed nancycle here but don’t cows hurt if you don’t milk them? Or they don’t get milk out somehow? It’s always seemed like a service to the cow to drink milk/eat cheese etc. Thank you.