The torrent for Project Catwalk episode 5 finally hit the internet (why oh why doesn't Sky One sell the shows at the iTunes Music Store so we don't have to wait?). The incomparable Elizabeth Hurley was, in a word, breathtaking. And brutally hot. As usual. I think this is probably her best episode yet. She had more screen-time and clothing that better showcased her, umm... ample talents.
Am I the only one who sits in breathless anticipation of Liz uttering those magic words "fashion has no mercy" when she tells the loser to get their ass off the catwalk?
Anyway, I didn't really pay attention to most of the non-Elizabeth Hurley parts of the show. Though some guy ran crying from the catwalk after one of the judges trashed his dress, and I thought it was pretty funny how his model went chasing after him. The drama!! For those of you lucky enough to live in the UK, Project Catwalk airs on Sky One Thursdays at 8:00pm.
For everybody else, more delicious screen caps follow in an extended entry...
Ever wonder what Liz is thinking about when she longingly stares off into space? I'm guessing it's probably something like this...
And who could possibly blame her?
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You know, you could’ve at least made that a dream image of you with a Hello Kitty valentine addressed to Liz. How could she possibly resist you then?
You blew your chance, buddy.
Man, you look so depressed to be in Liz’s thought bubble. What’s up with that?
Probably because Kevin just pointed out that I totally blew my shot with Liz!
Ample talents indeed.
I think that’s too much information Dave.
Bah! One can never have too much Elizabeth Hurley information!
Does this show play in the US too?