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Posted on Friday, November 4th, 2005

Dave!After Peter Jackson finished up the Lord of the Rings trilogy, my hopes were high that he would finally get the movie rights sorted out so that The Hobbit could be made and the story would be complete. Instead he decided to remake King Kong.

This isn't really unexpected... if you've just finished a trilogy of box-office blockbusters, you can pretty much do whatever you want. King Kong was a dream project for Jackson, and he decided to go for the brass ring. I must admit, the idea of seeing Kong unleashed with today's special effect capabilities and a decent script adaptation is certainly compelling (it will help to erase the memory of the Jessica Lange remake crapfest from the 70's).

From the looks of the delicious new hi-def trailer up at Apple, not only did Jackson do a sweet job of capturing the spirit of the original, but he is composing the film to take full advantage of wide-screen, which should make for a mind-blowing movie experience come December 14...

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong

King Kong


I still want to see The Hobbit though. Unfortunately, Jackson's directing The Lovely Bones next, so I have no idea if that will ever happen.

Categories: Movies 2005Click To It: Permalink


  1. Firda says:

    Heh. The Lovely Bones. I don’t know if I’d be able to finish reading the book before the movie was out. Damn you, short attention span!!!

  2. apryldawwn says:

    i hope Kong will be the sweet ride everyone is raving about….otherwise it’ll be in the $5.50 bin at Walmart sooner than later.

    i have the faith in Jackson to pull it off though.

    he’s the only one who can do it…

  3. Kevin says:

    The Lovely Bones will be an interesting job for him to do next. It was a great book and will be a departure from the blockbuster scale of Jackson’s more recent flicks.

    Not to keen on Kong. But it does have Naomi Watts. Soo…

  4. Kevin says:

    Okay, time to piss and moan about Apple for a bit again… I can’t view the trailer because they all require QT 7.0 which requires OS 10.3.9 or higher and I’m on my work computer which is running 10.2.8. Cocknockers!

  5. mrjerz says:

    I have faith in Peter to get this done right. Plus, Naomi Watts. When I saw the cover of Wired with her on it for this movie, I hadn’t known it was her. That ought to make it worth seeing in itself. Oh, and yeah, do the freakling Hobbit already.

  6. kazza says:

    I think there licencing issues with the Hobbit.. not sure if they were ever resolved. I think he was looking at doing that even before LotR..

  7. Dave2 says:

    I am still in love with Naomi Watts over her performance in Mulholland Drive. Delicious!

    I read a long, drawn-out article over the convoluted movie-rights to The Hobbit, and it’s not pretty. The hope was that after the massive success of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, the studios were be falling over themselves to get it sorted out. Jackson certainly wanted to do it… and it would be insane to have anybody BUT Jackson be the one to film it… but it apparently never happened. Such a shame, because it really would add a new dimension to the trilogy.

  8. Belinda says:

    King Kong? Really? Again? He’s already faced Godzilla, for crying out loud, and we all know “t’was beauty killed the beast.” Hmmm. Reeks of an easy excuse for testosterone-loaded special effects and another hot girl in bondage. It is sure to be a blockbuster.

    And “The Lovely Bones?” Again, really? In movie form? So much of that book was abstract and individually conceptual, I don’t know if I like that idea at all! They’ll probably have the girl’s ghost swoop in at the end and identify the killer or something. Bleah.

  9. Michelle says:

    King Kong vs. Dinosaurs? uh, okay.

    The Lovely Bones is a bit the opposite of what peter jackson has done recently. however, it was a very interesting and touching book, so i hope he does it well. but it wasn’t a long book, so what’s taking one of you so long to read it!

  10. I can’t watch it… Adrien Brody is just too unattractive.

  11. melina says:

    I can’t wait until Dec. 14! I’ve been waiting and waiting for this since the actor who plays Bruce Baxter, Kyle Chandler, is one of my hotties swoons since waaaaaaay back.

    Thanks for this!

    How’s that bump on your forehead? Those pics were classic, but, ow!

  12. Chris says:

    Thanks for this entry, including the screenshots. Looks good and a real use of Widescreen which will shut the Pan & Scanners up for a while!

  13. jenny says:

    Ugh, The Lovely Bones, I read it during a family vacation and cried the whole book! Good book, not good for family vactions.

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