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✖ Change!

Posted on Thursday, July 28th, 2005

Dave!Usually, it takes liters of alcohol and a really good party for me to strip down and do the funky chicken.

Well, either that or Wang Chung is playing on the radio.

But now, thanks to The Gap, you can watch me "gettin' jiggy with it" whilst fully sober...



Kind of freaky how it actually kind of looks like me, albeit with better hair. If you want to see the whole sordid display, just click here.

Categories: Internets 2005Click To It: Permalink


  1. Andy says:

    Lol – thats really funny. Maybe you could have stripper dave as a guest on your show?

  2. SJ says:

    Damn it, Dave! Now you made me waste all my pre-work writing time making a virtual me dance and strip!

  3. Kevin says:

    Not that I’m really looking forward to watching you strip and all, but I just can’t get the Flash plugin to work with Firefox for whatever reason. I keep getting display error messages. I even reinstalled Flash (that’s how much I don’t want to see it) and it’s still not working. Must be the whole Adobe acquisition thing fudging up the mojo of my Macromedia plugins. Dammitalltohell!!!

    PS Why can’t I fargin’ curse on your site? You hypocritical bastage!!! Watch it or you’ll wind up with your bells in a sling!!!


  4. Dave2 says:

    Hey, I don’t mind you cursing on my site at all… but, by banning curse words, hundreds of comment and trackback spams are slain daily.

    Have you bitch-slapped a spammer today? You know you want to.

  5. Kevin says:

    Of course I want to. Hook me up with one and my good ol’ Harmon Killebrew bat and I’ll have me a grand old time. I’ll even grant him a few brief bouts of consciousness so he can build up his hopes for survival.

  6. Dave2 says:

    Wait a second SJ… I’m kind of confused here.

    The link to me stripping was sent to me by a friend who told me “hey, this guy looks like you!” I thought it was an advertisement that coincidentally had a character looking like me.

    Now I see that everybody creates their OWN character, which means that my friend MADE one to look like me.

    I am a little bit scared now.

    With graphics that keep getting better and better, how soon before people can put “me” in online porn?? That would be very disappointing considering that a virtual me would be getting more than the real me.

  7. girlonaglide says:

    ehh… I like your hair better.

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