When Blogography broke down (again) on Monday, I was half-way tempted to just leave it broken.
This was just the excuse I needed to hang up blogging once and for all, as lately it seems more like a chore I have to do rather than an activity I want to do. But I've gone through rough patches like this before and have always cone around, so I thought it best to get things running again. If I'm going to quit, it should be a decision I make instead of a decision I'm forced into.
So here I am.
Guess there's no better reason to do a meme than that...
- There's something about you. What is it? A sense of adventure.
- You know the way you do that thing? What is it? It's all in the wrist.
- What grey areas of your life scare you the most? None of them. I accepted long ago that things are rarely black & white, and am perfectly content with that.
- What is something that you wish you knew the answer to, but would never try to find out? What it feels like to free-solo climb Half Dome in Yosemite.
- Everyone has that 'thing'. Their 'it'. What is yours? Not being afraid to step outside my comfort zone.
- What is that one thing you just can't seem to put your finger on? How people can hate something so vehemently that they have made no effort to understand.
- If you could leave this world discovering one thing, what would it be? Extraterrestrial intelligence.
- Why do you love them? They earned it.
- Why do they love you? I earned it.
- This time of the year makes you... Bored.
- The way to your heart is... which way? By showing kindness to others.
- It gets under your skin when...? People behave badly or stupidly or rudely in public. By clipping your toenails in a restaurant or letting your kids run ape-shit in a grocery store or talking on your phone during a movie or whatever... you're infringing on other people's peace and making it hard for everybody to just get along.
- Why did you leave? It wasn't my choice. I was forced out.
- What is something you stopped believing in? American justice.
- What is something you'll never give up on? Humanity's ability to eventually sort itself out... as unlikely as that may seem.
- You forgot what they said, you forgot what they did, but what feelings do you remember? Rage.
- Open up. About anything. I have no desire...none whatsoever... to be in another romantic relationship. Ever. I have been so much happier since I've stopped trying. Friends, family, and occasional kindness of strangers are all I need to feel complete.
- Whenever you smell it, what does it remind you of? Maui.
- Close your eyes and smile. What memory did you think of? Africa.
- You'll never understand why... There are people who have absolutely no regard for others. And usually they are politicians who are supposed to be doing exactly that.
- What was the moment when 'it' hit you? Bangkok, Thailand, 1998.
- What's keeping you from moving on? Responsibilities.
- No one likes to dwell, but if you could go back, what would you change? I would not have wasted my precious time on those who ended up undeserving of it.
- If you could predict your future, you'd want it to look like...? Like Back to the Future II... THE FUTURE IS NOW, BITCHES!
- If the eyes are the windows to the soul, if I looked in yours, I'd see...? Hope.
See you tomorrow, I guess.
I quit romantic relationships a while back, too. I think this means we are destined for each other. Or not.
I´m glad you fixed it! Afraid I don´t read as much as I used to be it´s really comfortable to know that you are always here defending human rights with a great sense of humor. Bless you and your blog! 🙂
I’m happy you decided to fix it. I know I’ve said this many times, but regardless of how little or how much I blog, I plan to keep things going for the long haul. And it’s nice to have bloggers that I’ve been reading for years still keep going. So server issues be damned. Keep this place going.
Now let’s get to those self-lacing Nike shoes. It’s this year!
Please keep blogging, we love you!