I've had two very serious water-related problems with my home.
The first was because the plumber my contractor hired did a bad job of remodeling my upstairs bathroom. Water leaked downstairs and I ended up spending a horrendous amount of money to have everything fixed.
Then while I was over on the coast I had a leak in my garage. I found out about it because the water sensor I installed for my water heater alerted me to it (even though the water heater wasn't the cause). I had a friend run over to see what was wrong, at which time he attempted to shut off the water to my home... only to find out that the "gate valve" that was installed wasn't working properly.
Turns out you should never use a gate valve for the water shut-off because sediment can accumulate and not allow the gate to close properly.
I called my favorite plumbing company to have them take a look, then saved the money it cost to replace the valve with the proper kind. It ended up being more expensive than it should have been because not only did the company that build this place use the wrong kind of valve, they embedded it into the wall! In order to replace it, the wall had to be cut open for access...
Then the pipe had to be built out from the wall to accommodate the handle. And since I was having to do that, I went ahead and had a "smart valve" installed as well as the regular valve. This device (the "Moen Flo") learns how you use water so it can try to figure out when you develop a leak so it can turn off the valve automatically...
The nice thing about the smart valve is that I can use the Moen app to manually turn off the water quickly and easily. So if I'm leaving on a trip for a while, I can just turn the water off so I don't have to solely rely on the Moen Flo to handle a leak.
The app will also tell me what my water pressure is and how much water I'm using.
For the first couple weeks, the app is in "Learning Mode" to try and figure out how you're using your water so it can better guess when there's a problem. It will be interesting to see just how smart this smart valve is going to be. Will I get false positives for leaks that cut my water off? Maybe.
But it'll all be worth it if I can avoid having a third water-related problem.
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