I just assumed that everybody agreed almonds are the best nut.
But then today I got into a big debate over it, because somebody was deluded into thinking that hazelnuts were the superior nut. And it's like... they're okay, but better than almonds? ALMONDS?!?
Hence, my Top Ten List for nuts...
- Almonds. I love almonds absolutely any way I've been served them. Raw, roasted, blanched, boiled, unsalted, salted, chocolate-covered, candied, baked into anything. Sprinkled on top of anything. I love them in granolas and cereals. The best-tasting, most versatile nut.
- Cashews. Buttery in a way that no other nut can touch (including macadamias), these soft-textured gems have a distinct flavor that's quite subtle, which makes them a great pairing for other subtle foods. I love them by the handful and really love them in salads.
- Pistachios. The last of the three nuts that I enjoy eating right out of the bag, but they're also incredible in cooking and baking.
- Walnuts. I don't care for these except is specific instances. 1) Dumped into Walnut Cream Pasta. 2) Baked into applesauce bread, banana bread, or other desserts. 3) Used in candy-making, such as in Aplets & Cotlets or See's California Crunch. And 4) Topping salads and wraps.
- Macadamias. While I don't like to just chow down on these, any time they are covered in chocolate or dumped into baked goods, they become absolute magic.
- Pecans. Only when used in some baked goods and candies. They've been nice on a couple salads I've had.
- Peanuts. I really do not love peanuts, though I do like peanut butter and peanut butter candies. They are delicious in some Asian dishes, and I can snack on those big boiled ones for a while.
- Pine Nuts. While I love pesto, and have enjoyed them in other uses from time to time, they're too expensive and limited in use for me to buy them.
- Hazelnuts. Do not understand the devotion people have to them. I'll eat them in candies and can tolerate them in hazelnut spread, but I don't seek these out. At all.
- Chestnuts. I suppose they're okay roasted, but the texture is the the problem for me. Kinda pasty and chalky. I'm including them on my list because I like them better than Brazil nuts.
Well that's a thrilling entry to start the week.
I like your 2, 3, and 4 in that order. Cashews FTMFW!