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Caturday 196

Posted on Saturday, February 6th, 2021

Dave!Jenny has me completely wrapped around her paw. And she knows it.

Unlike Jake, who can't meow for some reason, Jenny can... and does... meow when it suits her to do so. When she's upset? Meow. When she wants something? Meow. When she's frustrated? Meow. Last night she hopped up on the dining room table (which mean I had to disinfect it) which is someplace she knows she's not supposed to be. As I was walking by to make dinner, she let out a meow so dramatic that I was compelled to stop and find out what she wanted. Which was to have her head scratched.

Most of the time she just meows to get attention though...

Jenny standing on my bed next to Mufasa the toy lion.

Yesterday morning I got an alert on my phone that I ignored. Then I got more and was compelled to check. VOICES IN MY HOUSE?!?

Jenny standing on my bed next to Mufasa the toy lion.

So I listened in and found that... the cats had turned on the television. Apparently I left the remote out.

And now it's time for my weekly steam-cleaning of the cat feeding station, the cat drinking fountain, and the cat Litter-Robots. When did my weekend start revolving around cat maintenance? Since I first got them five years ago ten days from now, I'd imagine.

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Categories: Cats 2021Click To It: Permalink


  1. Julia S Poole says:

    You do know in the wild they’d be eating off the ground, drinking from muddy puddles, and rolling around in the dust, right? 🙂 Until you, I’d literally never heard of anybody who feeds their kats on a timer! So, there’s you at one end of the spectrum, and my buddy S_ on the other: “Do cats who are harassing you for food while you’re still in bed realize that if they’re on you and being cuddly that you’re less likely to want to get up?? It’s such a bad tactic, but here we are.”

    • Dave2 says:

      Training them to feed on a timer is for my benefit. Now they don’t bother me in the morning until it goes off… they used to come in at 5am and be irritated because they hadn’t had their 7am feeding!

      • Julia S Poole says:

        Ha! Fair enough. Not everything works for everybody (obviously), but I have “trained” my kats by NEVER feeding them (a) when I first get out of bed, or (2) when I first get home at the end of the day. 🙂

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