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Wait Until You See My Carrot!

Posted on February 19th, 2024

Dave!The thing about using a grocery delivery service is that you never know what you're going to get. Although with services that are independent of the store, you can reasonably expect that a good shopper will shop on your behalf and pick out nice produce and try to find everything you buy. Not so much when the service is run by the store. Because they want to give you the stuff that they won't otherwise sell, which means older, less nice produce.

Take for example my last grocery order.

I had a recipe which needed 1-lb. of shredded carrots. So that's what I ordered...

1-lb. of Carrots

But what I got was one massive carrot that was as big as two bananas...

A GIANT CARROT (Bananas for scale)

Which would have been fine, except it was only 12 ounces. Just 2/3 of what my recipe called for. Which meant I had to head to the store after all...


See... it's times like this that I would have avoided a big headache if I would have just gone to the store to buy my groceries to begin with. Which is why I'm seriously questioning if I want to renew my "Fresh Pass" when it comes due. Something to think about, I guess.

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