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Caturday 349

Posted on Saturday, March 30th, 2024

Dave!My cats are frustrated with me because I'm on a mission this three-day-weekend to clean and organize as much as I can. They are much happier when there's no shuffling about and definitely no vacuum, but they get that most weekdays, so I'm trying not to feel bad about it.

My cats, by and large, have been uninterested in my computer. Sure if there's a video they find interesting, they will take a look, but most of the time they couldn't care less what's happening on the display. Except this past week when I was editing some text and Jake was inexplicably fascinated with the words that were appearing before him. He sat and stared at my laptop for quite a while...

Jake staring at my laptop screen.

I still have no idea what it was all about. If I had to guess, he's faking interest in my work because he's still a little clingy after my return from being gone four days over last weekend...

Jake sitting on my lap.

When he's not acting like he has a headache, that is...

Jake holding his head while he sleeps.

As for Jenny? She's been playing it cool since I returned home. She's not been clingy at all... until bedtime, as usual. She has started making a home in my recycle pile from time to time though...

Jenny crawling in the paper of my recycle pile.

Which means that now I can't bring myself to take out the recycling, of course.

In non-cat news... my Instagram page has been taken over by... BATS! And I really couldn't be happier about that. They aren't as adorable as cats, but they come darn close. Especially when they're in photos like this...

Could Baturday be in my future? Probably not. I love bats, but really don't want them in my house.

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