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CAT WEEK 1: History

Posted on Monday, March 21st, 2016

Dave!Welcome to the first installment of CAT WEEK here at Blogography.

My first cat was a beautiful black cat that I named Midnight. He was incredibly sweet, but didn't have much personality. Any time not spent sleeping or eating was spent trying to be alone. He didn't really want to play or even hang out. So when he passed away, I wasn't compelled to get a replacement.

Forty-some-odd years later, I hadn't changed my mind. I still wasn't interested in having a feline companion. But then I ran across a starving cat that was hanging out at the old apartment complex where I was living, and fell in love with the little guy. I wasn't allowed to have pets, but I did my best to take care of him and "bent the rules" when I could to make sure he was kept safe and warm. I named him Spanky the Cat, and he was awesome...

Spanky Sits!

Spanky was a very social cat, and eventually moved on to a home where he could hang out with other cats. This was a heartbreaking turn of events after having cared for him for the past three years, but I was happy if he was happy.

When I decided to move out of my pet-restricted apartment to a new home, I knew that a new cat was in my future.

After getting settled once I'd moved a little over a month ago, I ended up with brother & sister kittens that I named Jake and Jenny...

Jenny & Jake

I haven't said much about them since then, so I decided to devote a week here at Blogography to get everybody caught up. Starting tomorrow...

Categories: Cats 2016Click To It: Permalink


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