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✖ Evaporated

Posted on Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Dave!A week-and-a-half ago I was bending over to set my backpack down when something went "boink!" in my back. There was an odd tingling for a split second that was (assumably) some kind of warning that I was twisting wrong, but I wasn't able to twist back fast enough. I ended up pulling a muscle that made everything excruciating for the next five days.

Then my back, though tender, was healed enough that it didn't feel like a knife was lodged there. I aimed to keep it that way, so I started really babying myself for the next several days. Bending with extreme care... keeping twisting to a minimum... not lifting anything heavy... walking with minimal movement... that kind of thing.

It worked. My back got better day by day.

And then I slipped on some ice while walking to my car.

I was so concerned with wrenching my back again that I ended up straining against the fall. Which saved my back as planned... but ended up pulling something in my groin.

For the past four days I've been unable to raise my right leg.

This makes simple chores... like walking and climbing stairs... difficult. Slightly more complicated chores... like putting on clothes... became near impossible. The morning acrobatics required to wear pants necessitated careful planning and a working knowledge of elementary physics.

Driving a car was the worst. Just the act of getting in one was torture. I'd have to lay the seat all the way back in an attempt to keep my leg as straight as possible. "Uncomfortable" doesn't even begin to describe it. After 10 minutes behind the wheel it felt as though something was going to snap.

Fast-forward to tonight as I was sitting in the couch working on my laptop while The Flash was playing on TV. I pushed myself up to get a glass of water when something strange happened... I realized I wasn't in pain. Not even a little bit. Whatever I had done to mess up my leg had disappeared. Evaporated. Vanished as if it had never been.

I don't know what I did to fix it.

Maybe it fixed itself.

But without a trace of residual pain. It feels as if it never happened.

I took my pants off and put them back on just to be sure.

Weird stuff.

Categories: DaveLife 2015Click To It: Permalink


  1. Sarah says:

    Pulled muscles suck. I am glad you are feeling better.

  2. martymankins says:

    Self fixing body issues are good. If they actually fix themselves in a few days or less.

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