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Posted on Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Dave!Today it reached 84° F

Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 86° F

And so I'm guessing this means Spring is over. Which is upsetting since it never really started until three weeks ago. So much for my favorite season.

As if that weren't horrible enough, THIS pretty much sums up my day...

404 FAIL!

The good news is that not all the links I needed were broken.

Most of them were just linking to the wrong page.

I'm not sure whether this is the case of us spending too many tax dollars... or too little. But it would be nice if Secretary of State John Kerry could get his shit fixed.

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Categories: Internets 2014Click To It: Permalink


  1. 84! I think I could count the times we’ve broken 70 on one hand. Actually, my thumbs might be enough…

    The 10 day forecast has 3 days 70 or above (70,74,80) and the rest are in the 60 🙁

    I’m really ready for some warmth and some sunshine.

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