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Posted on Friday, January 20th, 2012

Dave!I love the music of Etta James.

And even though the concert I attended with Ms. Sizzle ended up being one of the most bizarre events of my life, I feel incredibly blessed to have seen her perform live. Truly, there are few talents that can even approach that of Ms. James.

My favorite song of hers is the one she's most famous for. And while I could have easily tracked down something more obscure, I wouldn't have found anything more beautiful...

Rest in peace, Etta. Your amazing voice will live on forever.

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Categories: Music 2012Click To It: Permalink


  1. RW says:

    No one comparable. This song, just for example, touches more than just an emotion. It’s an icon of an era and a style that is immediately recognized. A signature, to be sure. We won’t see the likes of Etta maybe ever again.

  2. Hmm, unfortunately I can honestly say that I’ve never heard a single Etta James song in my life. Which can’t be right surely? Maybe I have and just didn’t know it was her…

  3. sizzle says:

    RIP Etta. I’ll always be a fan.

  4. Göran says:

    She was magnificent! I remember your post about that show though. Strange!

  5. Sybil Law says:

    R.I.P, Etta. Such an amazing voice. 🙁

  6. habanerogal says:

    There won’t be anyone like her for a very long time, but that said my divas will be honouring her in song on Saturday night at a jam that I am hosting. Perhaps I will record it and share it with you later. I’d Rather Go Blind is tops for me.

  7. alan7933 says:

    Thank you.

  8. martymankins says:

    Losing these musical legends is hard. Such a great talent and at 73, taken from us too soon.

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