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✖ Bullet Sunday 261

Posted on Monday, December 26th, 2011

Dave!A week and a day late with a Bullet Sunday... on Monday!

• Toys! The LEGO DC Superheroes site is finally live. Not a lot there yet, but it's a start. The good news is that some of the sets are starting to leak out... including an awesome Superman & Wonder Woman vs. Battle Suit Lex Luthor. Kind of lame how Superman and Wonder Woman look scary-mean though...

LEGO DC Heroes Set

All I can think of when I look at this set is how much I want a LEGO video game with these characters in it. I swear, the LEGO Star Wars, Batman, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, and Pirates of the Caribbean games are the most fun I've had with a video game.

• Who? The Dr. Who Christmas Special was really done this year, as usual, even if it did drag in the middle with the silly trees and stuff. All things considered, the ending was surprisingly touching...

Dr. Who Christmas

It's been confirmed that The Doctor's companions, Amy and Rory, will be leaving the series next season. Given that they're the most entertaining thing on the show right now, this is kind of depressing. Even worse, show runner Steven Moffit has said that their relationship reaches a tragic end. I'm sad already.

• Fabulous! I don't know why, but the new AbFab Special is available in its entirety on Vimeo...

Patsy and Eddie

Not surprisingly, it's pretty darn funny. If you're a fan, it's worth checking out now since it doesn't "officially" air on BBC America until the New Year.

• Pano! When I went to Australia, I started taking panorama photos in HDR. The results have been pretty amazing. The HDR equalizes out the tones so that the individual photos blend a lot better...

Uluru Pano Photo

The above pano took 33 photos to assemble at full-resolution, but I think it was worth the trouble. Now I'm kinda psyched about finding new panoramic scenery to shoot!

• Scrivener. My favorite writing app, Scrivener, was updated to version 2.0 a year ago, but I never remembered to install it until this past weekend. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but it's an even more valuable tool than ever before. The upgrade to the notecard cork-board alone was worth the small upgrade fee. If you do any writing at all, you owe it to yourself to take a look at this amazing program. You can download a free demo for Mac or Windows at the Literature and a Latte website.

Scrivener Tools

As if that wasn't awesome enough... an iPad version of Scrivener is being developed for release in 2012.

Annnnnd... back to work. This is going to be a crazy week.

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Categories: Bullet Sunday 2011, LEGO, Television 2011Click To It: Permalink


  1. Alexander says:

    I was sort of underwhelmed with the Doctor Who Xmas Special too…until the last few minutes. It brought a tear to my eye, and the news that Amy and Rory will be leaving this next season is disturbing, especially considering that it will undoubtedly involve tragedy. (Don’t all of the Doctor’s companions suffer some tragedy?)
    I’ve also read that this will be Matt Smith’s final season as well.

    Any suggestions on who should fill his fez?

    I was never a HUGE fan of Ab Fab back in the day, but I must say I LOL’d several times while watching the new episode. I may have to revisit…

  2. love that lego photo!! oh my word, did that make me happy.

    i probably don’t even have to say that the view of the pittsburgh skyline from mt. washington is perfect for your panoramic photo taking, right? maybe i should just so you know it is really me. come to pittsburgh and i’ll show you a hell of a view for your fancy camera!

  3. Sybil Law says:

    Oooh – I’ll definitely watch the Absolutely Fabulous special!!

    Hope your week goes as well as possible!!

  4. martymankins says:

    I cannot wait to get some of these LEGO DC Super Heroes. Wishing there was an Aquaman, but maybe in a future set.

    And of course, would be awesome if they made a LEGO video game from this new set of characters. I agree that the other LEGO games have been awesome.

  5. Megan says:

    I think I need to make you my home page. I had no idea about an AbFab special (aquee!), and I had no idea I needed Scrivener, but I think I really, really do!

    Thanks, Dave!

  6. claire says:

    I quite enjoyed the Doctor Who xmas special. Didn’t hurt seeing my name in the credits right after Matt Smith’s either. 😉

  7. Rita says:

    Dave, I tried to watch the AbFab special but they pulled it!! BBC didn’t want it there, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until it comes on BBC Chanel.

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