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✖ Day 14 – Fiji

Posted on Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Dave!Yesterday's rain decided to continue all through the night and, when I woke, it was still going strong. This put my snorkeling trip into doubt, as first I got a call saying it had been canceled... then I got a call saying it was clearing up and was on again.

And thank heavens.

My second trip out was even better than the first.

When I arrived at the dive shop, I was greeted by SCUBA-Cat, who was not very impressed to see me...


The tide was still out. This meant a lengthy trek out to the boat. Our guide had a little extra equipment to carry, but he was a real trooper...

Bula Snorkel Mud Flats

This snorkel had quite a bit more interesting things to see than my last one. Like a SEA SNAKE!!!

Sea Snake!

Sea Snake!


Reef Sharks!

Reef Sharks!

Reef Sharks!


Moray Eel


Yellow Fish!

Fish in Pink Coral

Red Fishies

Stripey Fish!

Spotty Fish!

Glowy Blue Fish!

After two really good snorkels at some impressive locations, it was time to head back. But guess who decided to show up...


A dolphin!

Dolphin Racer

A LOT of dolphins! They were racing along with the boat for a good while...

Dolphin Pod

Dolphin Pod

Dolphins on the Bow!

Dolphins on the Bow!

Dolphins on the Bow!

Doesn't get much cooler than that! Quite a send-off, really.

The tide had come in quite a bit, but there was still a long walk back to the SCUBA shop...

Higher Tide

Higher Tide

Back on dry land, I decided to have some lunch at the resort restaurant. Look who finally decided to get interested in my presence...

SCUBA Cat Returns!

Unfortunately, neither my toasted egg & cheese sandwich nor my fries were cat-appropriate. But the sun was shining again, which was kind of nice. But really, really, melt-your-head-and-set-your-hair-on-fire hot. That's the tropics for you...

Fiji Blue Sky

And now its time to pick up some souvenirs and crap so I can head back to Australia tonight. Three days in Fiji... no matter how much you fill them... is hardly enough. I could have easily spent my entire two weeks here and never been bored.

Sigh. Yet another awesome place I have to find time to get back to before I die.

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Categories: Photography 2011, Travel 2011Click To It: Permalink


  1. the muskrat says:

    Aren’t sea snakes really venomous?

    Looks like an awesome day.

  2. this post filled my heart with much needed happy. thanks for sharing, dave.

  3. Rita says:

    Dave, Fiji looks so amazing, I wish I were there…I’m jeolous!!

  4. Sybil Law says:

    Man, the sight of dolphins is always, always cool. The cat is just a bonus. Oh, and the sharks, snake and fish, of course.
    So jealous.
    But so happy you’re having fun!

  5. Mel says:

    I bet SCUBA cat wouldn’t have complained about any of your meal offerings. Especially fried egg and cheese.

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