Years ago I was invited to listen to a presentation for a very large, very expensive project. It was rather technical in nature, and the people in charge of paying for it wanted my opinion.
So, after politely listening to the presenters, I gave my opinion. For free.
I pretty much said that the entire thing was shit. It was impractical, ill-conceived, and didn't account for substantial costs that would be associated with supporting it. I ended my observations by saying that the people in charge of the presentation had no business acting as consultants since they obviously didn't know what in the hell they were talking about.
Thanks to my "opinion" the project was dropped, and (luckily) no further money was wasted.
Fast forward to today, and I find out that not only was I blamed for the project's failure then... I am still being blamed for the project's failure now. Apparently it's my fault that the consultants were dumbasses. It's my fault I was smart enough to see they were dumbasses. It's my fault the people in charge listened to me tell them that the consultants were dumbasses. It's all my fault.
Far easier to blame me than the dumbasses.
Ultimately this has -zero- effect on my life. But it still pisses me off.
It's quickly getting to the point where if somebody actually has the balls to take responsibility for their own bullshit, I may die of shock. Which would actually be preferable to dealing with stupid shit like this
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I had something similar happen to me, but it was a paying consulting gig and I wound up never getting paid. Bunch of fuckers.
Unfortunately, that happens a lot. With my work, quite often the person who discovers there is a problem is (usually) either:
A) Tasked with fixing it (even if it’s not part of their regular duties)
B) Blamed for the problem, even if they had nothing to do with it, but by finding it they have created more work for others.
Needless to say, it’s not the best environment to work in.
I think I see the problem: you should have charged them.
Then (double irony ahead) the legend would be about how much money you heroically saved them.
There’s nothing worse than pouting assholes who can’t admit they made a bad choice. Shit like that makes me CRAZY.
Fuck them.
It makes perfect sense to blame the only person with the intelligence to put a halt to stupidity, if you have the IQ of a gnat. Which in my experience accounts for about 85% of the population anymore.
And here I thought it was all Obama’s fault.
Seriously, sad to see that someone that asked for your opinion, and you gave your honest opinion is still blaming you for the project not happening. They could have still done it.
When we woke up yesterday to realize someone had stolen Deb’s Droid and charger from her parked car over night, we immediately blamed you. And we’ll continue to do so.