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✖ Birthdays

Posted on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Dave!I've been mostly out of touch for the past several days, which is what happens when you spend every waking minute trying to get caught up with work before leaving for a week.

So I can then get behind all over again.

Two of my favorite lovely ladies in the blogosphere are celebrating milestone birthdays!

Lil' Dave and Bad Monkey with Happy Birthday Cakes!

Becky turned 40 yesterday! I first met Becky at TequilaCon 2008 in Philadelphia. Since then we've bumped into each other at blogging events such as Avitaween and ConFab (where I learned that Becky packs a knife, and will totally cut a bitch for reals). By the time we first met that fateful day in May, I had already known Becky for months (thanks to the power of the internet) and thought she was awesome. But her online awesomeness pales when compared to her in-person awesomeness. Meeting Becky is not just a happening, it's an event. An experience. You fall in love with her instantly and become insanely jealous when she's talking to somebody who's not you. Despite turning you into a psychotic stalker, I highly recommend The Becky Experience if you even have the opportunity.
CRAZY-ASS BECKY TRIVIA MOMENT! For years on the internet, Becky was known as "Hello Haha Narf." When she first started appearing, I remember people asking me what in the hell that meant. I told them I didn't know. But the truth is I really did. Pinky and the Brain is one of the greatest cartoons ever made, so of course I know that "Hello Haha Narf" was how Pinky started his letter to Santa in the Christmas episode. To this day I have no idea why I lied. Maybe because I thought it was Becky's story to tell. Maybe because I liked the idea that I knew something about Becky other people didn't. Maybe I thought it was funny. Or maybe in addition to turning you into a psychotic stalker, Becky also turns you into a lying liar who lies. The world may never know.

Suebob turns 50 today! Unfortunately, I haven't met Suebob in person yet. I came really close in 2007 when she was going to come to Dave L.A. but didn't for some reason. Probably because after she said she was planning on coming, she took a minute to actually read my blog and decided for her personal safety and sanity that she shouldn't. And that's okay. I totally understand. If I read the crazy crap I write on Blogography, I would be afraid to meet me too. So no hard feelings. You go ahead and have a happy birthday, Suebob, and try not to think of me sitting at Lucky Strike sobbing quietly while asking everyone that passes "Where is Suebob? Have you seen Suebob?" Because I will be okay. Eventually. =sniff!= For the past 50 days, Suebob has been featuring charities on her blog where people can make a donation in lieu of a present (including my favorite charity). They are worthy organizations all, so please drop by and donate to somebody on her list if you have a few bucks to spare.
CRAZY-ASS SUEBOB TRIVIA MOMENT! Suebob's blog is called The Red Stapler. I actually have a red stapler at work! It's a beautiful Swingline 747 stapler that I bought way back in 2002 and it still operates perfectly today. I think Swingline made red staplers specifically because Milton had one in Office Space, and it looked so cool that everybody wanted one. At least I know I did... but I had to wait three years before I could buy one.

Happiest of birthdays to you both!

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Categories: Blogging 2011, DaveToons 2011Click To It: Permalink


  1. Suebob says:

    I am honored! And I don’t know what happened back in 2007, but knowing this area, it may have had something to do with traffic. That’s always a good all-purpose LA excuse.

    My stapler is in two pieces, thanks to 1) careless packing by me (yes, I take my stapler on trips – doesn’t everyone?) and 2) the usual luggage-destroying baggage handling/TSA screening process. Sad. I may spring for a new one.

    Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes.

  2. way to make me feel ten feet tall and bullet proof, dave! thank you so much for such a fabulous post. (even if now i feel kind of sad that “hello. haha. narf!” is no longer just our little secret.)

    you do know i am totally making that graphic my wallpaper for the month of july, right? i may turn you in to a liar who lies, but you make me a thief who thieves!

    thanks again, dave. so much love to you. know that your kindness is appreciated!

  3. I knew exactly what Hello Haha Narf met the first time I saw her on the interwebz! Love Pinky & The Brain!

  4. Megan says:

    Becky IS awesome. I don’t know much about Suebob yet, but the red stapler thing makes me like her already.

  5. Lisa says:

    Becky is truly a force of nature. I think the sun shines especially brightly for her!

    I don’t know Suebob, but I also have a red Swingline stapler, so she must be awesome.

  6. martymankins says:

    Happy birthday to Becky. I don’t know Suebob, but turning 50 is an awesome thing – so Happy Birthday to her.

  7. Sybil Law says:

    Happy Birthday to Becky and Suebob!!

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