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✖ Venice: Burano

Posted on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

Dave!In an effort to "go somewhere I haven't gone before" while on my annual birthday vacation, I decided to head to the small island of Burano today. I've never gone before because there's always so much to do in Venice that it doesn't seem worth the trouble. But I've heard nice things about the place, so today was the day. First I walked to St. Mark's Square so I could find a water-bus to take me to North Venice. Then I found a ferry to make the 40 minute lagoon crossing to Burano.

The total journey took me about an hour, and ended up being well worth the trip.

Burano is mostly a fishing village, but it's heavily geared towards tourists. Just like Murano is famous for its glass, Burano is famous for its lace. I thought I might pick up a tiny sample as a souvenir, but even a 4-inch doily of authentic Burano Lace was $50, so I took a pass.

Instead I wandered around looking at all the pretty multi-colored houses on the island...

Burano Colored Houses

Burano Colored Houses

Burano Window on a Purple House

Burano Colored Houses

Burano Colored Houses

And, of course, have some stracciatella gelato...

Burano Gelato

Apparently the house colors are strictly regulated by the city government. If you buy a house on Burano and decide you want to paint it, you have to ask for permission. After getting permission, you are given a few color choices which are selected for your location. Hopefully one of these colors ends up being something you like, or else you're shit out of luck.

Tonight I really need to get caught up on some work, so there'll be no more fun for me until dinner. I really should try and get some sleep as well.

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Categories: Travel 2011Click To It: Permalink


  1. the muskrat says:

    galato = awesome!

  2. Sybil Law says:

    Gorgeous! The 2nd picture reminds me of a Hopper painting!

  3. RW says:

    Looked like the Caribbean at first with the colors. I thought you took a side trip home! & Happy Birthday I guess?

  4. i love that you did something new for your birthday. awesome.

    how about i saw that first picture and said in my head, “wow, nice shot.” then i saw the next image and said in my head, “fuck, they keep getting better.” the third photo and i said out loud, “damn, I LOVE IT!” in related news, my coworkers also like your photography skills. and we all want some sort of frozen deliciousness. see how you are?

  5. Invader_Stu says:

    Great houses. Although maybe not a good place for the colour blind :p

  6. Faiqa says:

    I mean. Really. COULD YOUR LIFE BE ANY MORE AWESOME?! Beautiful photos.

  7. Sarkawt says:

    Those houses, colors and your ice cream are so beyond awesome 🙂 My favorite photo is the wooden window. I love it. It is magical. Thanks for sharing.

  8. kilax says:

    Wow! The houses are beautiful. I can see why they want to control the color selection. Great photos!

  9. bo says:

    If you were a playable first-person video game character, Dave Nukem if you will, instead of the standard open hand or balled-up fist when weaponless, it’d have to be some type of food in a cone-shaped container.

  10. martymankins says:

    I love how those homes have such vibrant color contrasts.

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