For the most part, I stayed silent on the internets today out of solidarity for the National Day of Silence. After I posted my blog entry last night, that was the end until I got home from work.
For those not in the know, the National Day of Silence is where hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to bullying and harassment of gay, lesbian, bi and transexual students in their schools. After hearing first-hand about the horrors that students can face for simply being who they are, it's a cause I am compelled to support. It's tough enough to get through those awkward school years without facing such unbearable cruelty day-in and day-out...
In entirely different news, I found this photo I took while I was in Venice, and now I am a little obsessed with going back there...
Beautiful sunsets, great food, and a new Hard Rock Cafe. What more could you want?
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Based on info from a very good friend, today, I became aware of National Day of Silence.
It is a sad, sad commentary of the bigoted life that is around us.
Personally, the extreme Christian Right has to bear the burden of almost all of this demonizing of gays, lesbians and transexuals.
I’ve seen plenty of non-religious-based persecution… but I agree it’s the the more aggressive Christian Right that seems to be doing the most damage recently. At every turn they are actively working to strip LGBT persons of their rights, their dignity, and even their right to exist. Not very Christian of them, if you ask me.
Venice is truly spectacular. I would love to go back some day.
Better hurry before global warming requires that you visit wearing SCUBA gear!
I was bullied by this bitch in high school (hello, Jamie Lambert) and it still stings to this day. It felt so random and awful. I know LGBT kids have it 100x worse than I did, too.
Good for you for commemorating the day.
Bullying is a serious problem, no matter what excuse bullies use to justify it. The most horrifying story I’ve read so far was a Japanese student who committed suicide and left a note saying “I would have liked to have lived a little longer, but…” He had abandoned all hope of living a life without persecution, and felt death was a better alternative to living with constant bullying. Heartbreaking.