I am so tired that I can barely function. I have a to-do list a mile long. I have a pile of work that's so deep I won't see daylight for quite a while. I have 67 unread emails in my inbox. I have 313 unread items in my feed reader. I have nightmarish thoughts that plague me morning and night. I have so many things going wrong right now that a continuous state of mild despair is how I define "normal."
And yet I look at the tragedy unfolding in Haiti and realize that I have a pretty amazing life... idyllic even... when compared to the suffering these people are having to endure.
Perspective. It can so easily illustrate what's really important in life.
I just wish that misfortune and tragedy weren't necessary for us to realize it.
I've written many times about my love, admiration, and respect for Doctors Without Borders and the incredible work they do. Often going where angels fear to tread, DWB is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. They are in Haiti right now, doing everything they can to tend to the victims of the earthquake. If you can help them to help others, please visit their website and make a donation...
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I love that charity. I also love that we have the freedom to give what, when and if we want.
and here I thought you were going to make fun of Rush! 🙂 Clearly do you more research than most of the haters.
“More than most of the haters?”
As in “more that most of the OTHER haters?”
Ooh! So I’m a hater now? 🙂
In all honesty, I think that Rush Limbaugh is a hypocritical opportunistic ass, but he’s that way on purpose to get attention for his show, so I try to avoid the dumbass whenever possible. He’s so clearly manipulating people towards hatred that it’s counterproductive to add any more fuel to his fire. And if despising his tactics and disagreeing with him makes me a “hater” then I can live with that.
What I don’t understand is how his current round of arguments hold any weight.
If you say that people’s tax dollars are already going to Haiti, then say that any money that ends up there goes toward corruption… isn’t that basically the same thing as saying “don’t send money to Haiti” without actually saying “don’t send money to Haiti?” The pattern here is obvious. He issues inflammatory statements carefully constructed with just enough of a loophole that he can cry foul as to being misquoted or misrepresented, even though the initial INTENT of his words were pretty clear.
It’s like saying President Obama politicizes everything. The President issues a statement of support and suddenly Rush says he’s only doing it because it strengthens him with black voters and the opportunity to paint Republicans as uncaring? WTF?!? What’s the President of the United States SUPPOSED to do? Stay silent? Not offer aid? Would President Bush have done that? Of course not! It makes no sense! If it were Bush in office saying the exact same thing, Limbaugh would be waxing poetic about what a great leader he is. It’s just such hypocritical bullshit. Rush will say absolutely anything to stir up hatred against President Obama regardless of how little sense is makes because that’s his mission in life. It keeps his listeners angry and his wallet fat.
When Rush was released from the hospital in Hawaii after heart problems, he used it as a political statement about health care. Before accusing anybody of “politicizing everything” he needs to take a look in the mirror.
Assuming he can bear to look at himself.
It’s not surprising that anybody who doesn’t agree with Limbaugh is designated a “hater”… hate is all he knows.
I generally donate by check as I’d prefer ALL my money to go to the charity instead of the credit card company skimming their percentage off the top. I checked with CARE this morning and they said that normally the cc companies charge a 5% fee but, presently, for Haiti relief, they’re not charging any fee.
Now, I only want to see 95% of Wall Street strung up like dirty-low-down-lily-livered cattle rustlers.
One would HOPE that organizations like Doctors Without Borders would be exempt from the credit card fee, but I understand it doesn’t always work that way. The trade-off is that they get money immediately when they need it most. If I make a $50 donation and VISA keeps $2.50 of that, it’s wrong and it’s disgusting, but $47.50 of my money is going to help, so I guess I can live with that.
But you’re right… I really shouldn’t have to. 🙁
see I thought for sure after yesterday’s piece about Rev Pat you were going to mention Limbaugh’s blather. Man, these guys really hate Haiti for some reason.
They just hate in general. Haiti is just their latest target. 🙁
Thus Rush: “Now, I do think that part and parcel of helping out down there, it won’t be long before somebody in the Obama administration suggests that we reinstate, reinstall Aristide, because there’s sympathy with these kind of people. So we’ll keep a sharp eye on this, but I’m just fascinated here the country the president of the United States feels the need to apologize for, the country the president of the United States feels is immoral and unjust, can barely contain himself running to the cameras in less than 24 hours after this earthquake to pledge aid and to ask citizens who have lost their jobs because of his policies to donate to the relief effort.”
1st sentence: straw man
2nd sentence: 2 logical fallacies.
Rush is a lover! What?
Please do not go injecting rational thought into Rush Limbaugh! Next thing you know, you’ll be saying that President Obama inherited this economic crisis instead of being personally responsible for it all by himself!
As one of those citizens who have lost their jobs (due more to corporate ignorance than anyone’s policies), I didn’t donate to Haitian earthquake relief because of Pres. Obama. I donated because even being out of work, I have a roof over my head and food on my table. I really feel for the Haitians affected by this. They struggle in the best of times.
Rush goes further off the deep end every day, it seems.
Haiti certainly has that effect of putting things into perspective!
Hope you get some rest and relaxation, regardless.
Thanks! Me too. 🙂