I just spent 20 minutes writing a blog entry that I ultimately cannot post.
I then spent 10 minutes being mad because I had just wasted 20 minutes of my life.
And then I spent 15 minutes realizing that the 20 minutes I had spent writing was actually kind of healing to me, at which point I was pissed at the 10 minutes I spent being mad. It's a vicious circle. But ultimately I came to two inescapable conclusions: 1) Getting mad is, more often than not, pointless... and 2) Some doors are better left closed...
I am so very thankful tomorrow is Friday. Not that Fridays really mean much... I still have to work the weekends... but at least the work stops piling up on Saturday and Sunday.
Oh yeah! And one last thing before I go...
Because it drives me nuts when idiots present historic inaccuracies as facts, I am compelled to point out that the original motto of these United States of America was considered to be "E pluribus unum" (in Latin) or "Out of many one" (translated into English). While never ratified by law, it did (and does) appear on The Great Seal of the United States, and has since 1776 (really, you can look it up on Wikipedia!). "In God we trust" didn't become our official motto until 1956 when it was made so by act of Congress (so much for separation of Church and State).
Which is why the next time I hear some moron saying "...and that's why our founding fathers made 'In God We Trust' our national motto..." as the basis of an argument, you'll understand my overwhelming desire to punch them in the face.
Getting mad may be pointless, but stupid is stupid.
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Ignorance can be cured, but stupid runs clean through? (Or something approximately along those lines…)
Thank you for that. Reminds me of the research I did about National Day of Prayer which by the way is government approved but only for Christian beliefs.
Also just finished some mythbusting research on quicksand because of a cartoon I’m watching. Did you know that you can only drown in the stuff if you fall in head first. You only sink in halfway and most aren’t that deep. To survive you slowly move to float on your back and then paddle to safety.
I have insomina. Can you tell?
I once shot back “which god?” but I don’t think the bartender got it…
Right up there with “under God” in the pledge.
I remember my mom telling me that the “under God” line in the Pledge of Allegiance was added when she was a little girl.
In high school my English teacher told us that the reason for both of these additions was because of the “rise of the Red Menace” and that it helped polarize us against the “godless Commies”.
As Ren pointed out, “under God” did not exist in the Pledge of Allegiance until the 50s either.
I don’t get mad often, but when someone can’t get their facts straight and then attempts to use that erroneous information in a debate it just makes me want kill them. Stupid people should not be allowed to breed.
You are far better than I am at keeping these doors closed. Once I’ve decided to write about something, I put it out there no matter what happens. Then again, I don’t generally have asshats that harass me on my own blog.
I know this argument well with others who claim the same thing. And it’s rare that when I point this out to others, that someone will come back to me and say “I didn’t realize that it hadn’t been that long”
Most others will defend it by saying that phrase was always on the coins, where I then mention that it didn’t appear until 1864 and on and off various coins until 1938.
As for the blog post, I would hope that someday we’ll see “Blogography: The Lost Posts”
If Canada has a motto (Latin or otherwise) I am sad to say that I don’t know it.
Your knowledge is kind of hot.
I know that vicious cycle so well!
And stupid people like being stupid. Otherwise, they’d have to be quiet.
I do that all the time. Write,think the better of it, decide not to post it.
I choose to look at it as venting, not time wasting.
Maybe you can still write it, but make it private so only you can see it? That way, you’re still writing and getting the cathartic-ness out of it, but still achieving the privacy you’re looking for…
Just a thought.