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✖ Upgrades

Posted on Monday, September 7th, 2009

Dave!Over the next couple days I'm having my blog templates upgraded, so there may be some problems pop up while things get sorted out. I was going to do a redesign at the same time, but I kind of like my blog the way it is.

Blog Broked


A couple people asked me "how I did" in Vegas. Since I made it home alive, I'd say I did okay, but I don't think that's what they are talking about... they want to know how much money I won or lost. The truth is that I am not much of a gambler, even though I seem to be luckier than average.

Which is to say that I lose less money than average, because at the end of the day, the casino almost always ends up the winner. Given the addictive nature of gambling, it helps to have a plan. To make sure I don't go broke, I set myself a daily budget based on the total amount of loose change I've managed to collect over the last year or so... $264. This spread out to $64 for the first half-day, and $100 for Saturday and Sunday. My luck played out something like this...

  • Accidentally won on slots when I was using the machine to break a fifty dollar bill. I wasn't even paying attention to what was happening because I was Twittering. When the bell went off I thought I had won the $120,000 shown the "progressive pot" display because the bell didn't stop. An attendant came up and did something to the machine, then congratulated my on my $200 win. Which would be great if I weren't expecting $120,000. Who knew winning $200 could be so depressing? The win cost me a whole $6, and I decided to call it a day... SCORE! WIN/LOSS AS OF FRIDAY: Up $194
  • Usually I keep my winnings entirely separate so I don't blow it all after my budget is gone. But Jenny and I wanted to learn how to play craps, which was a $100 educational loss (does this mean I can write it off on my taxes?). Still, I did pretty good on the slots and managed to win $33 by the end of the day. WIN/LOSS AS OF SATURDAY: Up $127
  • Not content to let my new-found skills go to waste, I blew through my $100 budget in an hour at the craps table (if only I had stopped when I was up $80!). Since this brutal blow to my ego happened first-thing in the morning, the rest of the day would have been pretty boring if I stopped gambling... so I rolled my $127 into big fun on the Vegas Strip. And ended up losing all of it... along with an additional $81. So much for following my own rules. WIN/LOSS AS OF SUNDAY: Down $181

So I lost $181. Which isn't bad when you consider it gave me three days' worth of entertainment AND was under my budgeted amount of $264. This would be great if I hadn't burned through the remaining $83 at the new Hard Rock Cafe an The Vegas Strip buying Grand Opening collector's pins. Oh well.

And now I'm home again... collecting my pocket change for the next time.

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Categories: Blogging 2009, Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. I always stay to the nickle and penny slots. I just have better luck that way. I can take a dollar and turn it into $20 in about half an hour, but then I quit thus insuring that I keep my original dollar and all it’s new found friends.

    But like you said, the casinos get it back in the end because I take my winnings (Usually about $200 by the time I stop to count.) and go to the spa.

    • Dave2 says:

      If you max-bet some of those nickel and penny slots, you can still spend $2 to $3 a pull… pretty outrageous, really! I can make money about 40% of the time I gamble IF I don’t turn around and gamble them away like I did this time. 🙂

  2. I upgraded my comments template while adding Gravatar support last week. Soon realized why I never update my templates EVER. I wish you the very best of luck sir.

  3. When I lost $50 at a blackjack table, even with the dealer giving me pointers at my oh-so-sucky-game, I gave up on gambling. Permanently.

    Now? I skulk about, watching everyone else lose their life/vacation/retirement/pool savings.

  4. Sybil Law says:

    I just don’t have the gambling bug whatsoever. The last time I was in Vegas, my friend told me to keep going, even though I was up over $200 – and of course, I lost it. I knew I should’ve stopped! Anyway, Vegas for me is all about the sights. Smart of you to use spare change!!!

  5. Robin says:

    Best gambling for me ever: Mandalay Bay. The casino smells pretty, the drinks always flow, and their slots have great odds. Not as crowded, either. What more can a girl ask for?

  6. Hilly says:

    Hi, I’m stalking your revamp.

    Love the new column width and the reply to the reply to the reply. 😉

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