Over the next couple days I'm having my blog templates upgraded, so there may be some problems pop up while things get sorted out. I was going to do a redesign at the same time, but I kind of like my blog the way it is.
A couple people asked me "how I did" in Vegas. Since I made it home alive, I'd say I did okay, but I don't think that's what they are talking about... they want to know how much money I won or lost. The truth is that I am not much of a gambler, even though I seem to be luckier than average.
Which is to say that I lose less money than average, because at the end of the day, the casino almost always ends up the winner. Given the addictive nature of gambling, it helps to have a plan. To make sure I don't go broke, I set myself a daily budget based on the total amount of loose change I've managed to collect over the last year or so... $264. This spread out to $64 for the first half-day, and $100 for Saturday and Sunday. My luck played out something like this...
So I lost $181. Which isn't bad when you consider it gave me three days' worth of entertainment AND was under my budgeted amount of $264. This would be great if I hadn't burned through the remaining $83 at the new Hard Rock Cafe an The Vegas Strip buying Grand Opening collector's pins. Oh well.
And now I'm home again... collecting my pocket change for the next time.
I love comments! However, all comments are moderated, and won't appear until approved. Are you an abusive troll with nothing to contribute? Don't bother. Selling something? Don't bother. Spam linking? Don't bother.
PLEASE NOTE: My comment-spam protection requires JavaScript... if you have it turned off or are using a mobile device without JavaScript, commenting won't work. Sorry.
I always stay to the nickle and penny slots. I just have better luck that way. I can take a dollar and turn it into $20 in about half an hour, but then I quit thus insuring that I keep my original dollar and all it’s new found friends.
But like you said, the casinos get it back in the end because I take my winnings (Usually about $200 by the time I stop to count.) and go to the spa.
If you max-bet some of those nickel and penny slots, you can still spend $2 to $3 a pull… pretty outrageous, really! I can make money about 40% of the time I gamble IF I don’t turn around and gamble them away like I did this time.
I upgraded my comments template while adding Gravatar support last week. Soon realized why I never update my templates EVER. I wish you the very best of luck sir.
Which is why I’m paying a professional to do it for me.
When I lost $50 at a blackjack table, even with the dealer giving me pointers at my oh-so-sucky-game, I gave up on gambling. Permanently.
Now? I skulk about, watching everyone else lose their life/vacation/retirement/pool savings.
That’s probably more fun in the long run… better them than you!
Ooh! This is a comment to a comment! Or would that be a reply to a reply?
That is so NOT a reply to a reply! It’s a comment on a reply!
Hey! You’re right about that! I get confused when my comments are nested more than one deep!
How deep do these things go? I can see where very long comments are going to be a problem here… hmmm…
Ah… we stop at four deep. That’s good news then. Any deeper and you’d be reading a very, VERY narrow column of text!
I just don’t have the gambling bug whatsoever. The last time I was in Vegas, my friend told me to keep going, even though I was up over $200 – and of course, I lost it. I knew I should’ve stopped! Anyway, Vegas for me is all about the sights. Smart of you to use spare change!!!
And the sights are always changing, so you can find something new to look at every time you go!
Best gambling for me ever: Mandalay Bay. The casino smells pretty, the drinks always flow, and their slots have great odds. Not as crowded, either. What more can a girl ask for?
Hi, I’m stalking your revamp.
Love the new column width and the reply to the reply to the reply.