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✖ Dallas

Posted on Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Dave!Just back from L.A., and now I am off to Atlanta. Via Dallas. Where I met up with a friend and got to see the brand new Hard Rock Cafe that opened up downtown (just across from Hooters!). The opening of a new cafe in Dallas is bittersweet. On one hand, they have a cafe again after two-and-a-half years. On the other hand, it could never live up to the sheer awesomeness of the original Hard Rock Cafe Dallas which was closed and eventually demolished.

This is a darn shame, because the original property was mind-blowing amazing. Seriously, you have no idea. To get an idea, click here to take a tour.

Anyway, the cafe itself is nice, but fairly unimpressive so far as Hard Rocks go. The exterior is just plain sad...

Hard Rock Cafe Dallas

Hard Rock Cafe Dallas

One can only hope that they hang a giant guitar sign outside one day soon to make it look at least a little bit like a Hard Rock Cafe. Because right now it's just so boring. It looks like a parking garage... which is what I think it is.

The interior design follows the new "L.A. Club Chic" look that they put into the Yankee Stadium property. It's not bad, but it doesn't feel very "Hard Rock" to me. It seems way too polished and trendy instead of classic and inviting. Still, it's not like I can blame HRC Corporate for trying a new look in the hopes that it will interest locals. They need new blood and new traffic in order to keep their doors open, and catering only to tourists in the current economy is disastrous...

Hard Rock Cafe Dallas

After dinner, I rushed South so I could ride up Reunion Tower and see the city at dusk...

Dallas Reunion Tower at night

Except it's closed for renovations.

Which is a genius thing to do in the middle of summer when all the tourists are here. Not.

Oh well. Now I'm off to bed so I can try and get a little bit of sleep before leaving again early tomorrow.

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Categories: Hard Rock 2009, Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Those glass “bubbles” are pretty cool looking.

  2. Lynda says:

    The new Hard Rock looks like it’s in a hotel, and that makes me kind of sad. I have seen a few that look very nondescript in recent months.

  3. *lynne* says:

    my first-ever Hard Rock was Dallas! That was back in ’90 … it was so great an experience that I’ve been a fan of HRC ever since (I make it a point to at least get a pin/badge from each one I visit). What a pity, I didn’t know it had closed down let alone that the building itself had been demolished.

  4. A Lewis says:

    I can’t think of anybody I’d rather have texted with while standing out in front of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport…..hope you enjoyed The Big D.

  5. Miss Britt says:

    That place is way to swanky on the inside to be a true Hard Rock!

  6. “Shit, we forgot the sign”.

    “Quick, put up this half-arsed banner thing, that’ll do”.

  7. martymankins says:

    I miss the old Hard Rock Cafe that used to be in Dallas. It was a wonderful place that looked like an old house that had been converted. It had character and class. And when I was there in 1994, it was a place I was glad to have visited.

    I’m sure you have a photo of it somewhere over on (which I just discovered is under construction).

  8. whall says:

    “a friend?”

    “A FRIEND?!?!?!?”


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