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Well, not YOUR bitching… of course this isn’t about YOU.
Bwahahaha…..and snort, even.
Does Midol actually help with bitching??
I thought it was just cramps and bloating.
Please confirm this before I go and buy a whole fucking case of it.
*drops the chocolate (pudding) and slowly backs away*
and here I thought I had a Blogography post dedicated to me….
Sorry to hear that….get better soon. Me too…I’m on antibiotics.
I just love how an image can say it all… ‘nuf said!
Oh, may I have some of that?
They now have nighttime Midol AND liqui-gel Midol! HOT SHIT!
That’s why they call it “midol” as in, “My Doll”. It turns any hormonal raging psychopathic witch into a hormonal raging psychopathic woman, and compared to a witch, it’s like having a doll around.