And I'm back home again!
Where it's cold and rainy and there was snow falling on both mountain passes for the drive home. Quite an adjustment from the big basket of hot that I had in Savannah and Orlando.
But the good news is that I finally passed the boulder that's been working it's way through my greenhouse plumbing for the past two months...
And speaking of painful blockage...
Am I the only one who feels that unless Ex-Miss-California Carrie Prejean starts doing porn, I don't ever want to see or hear from her again? She keeps whining about being punished for freedom of speech. Did the government throw her in jail for saying something when I wasn't looking? She was in a fucking beauty pageant! WHERE THEY JUDGE YOU FOR WHAT YOU SAY (and how good your breast implants look). Unless the police arrested you for saying what you said, or prevent you from speaking in the first place, YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS STILL INTACT YOU STUPID BITCH!! YOU HAVEN'T BEEN "PUNISHED" FOR SHIT!!
Ooh! I'm cranky tonight! I guess the kidney stone wasn't responsible for everything that's wrong with me...
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Carrie Prejean is a moron. She was on the Today show earlier this week, and laid out some line of BS about how her topless pictures were a “wardrobe malfunction”. Seriously? “Oops, my shirt blew open…let me look directly into the camera and make the sexy face. Oh, did you take my picture?” She is simply idiotic, and yes, I’d be thrilled if she never got another moment of press.
And don’t even get me started about her views on gay marriage. She is the Anita Bryant of the new millennium, and she makes me want to throw up in my mouth every time she speaks.
P.S. Glad you’re feeling better!
OMG, favorite Dave opinion ever. Agreed. Unless she starts doing porn, that girl needs to get the fuck out.
Now don’t stick any more stones up there.
I a really tired of her and Perez Hilton.
Oh Davey-Joe, I think I unblocked your hose! Either that or Holy Land Jesus did!
Oooh I’m glad the boulder’s passed!
And you’re dead on right about Prejean – I wish she’d STFU, too.
Snow? In June? That is unthinkable to me.
Uh, I mean…
Snow? In MAY? That is still unthinkable to me.
Can you tell that I am wishing this month would END ALREADY!!??
After careful deliberation, it has been determined that you must turn in your Freedom of Speech. Please remit within 10 business days or further action will be taken, up to and including sneering.
Thank you.
Glad you’re back to “normal”… oh, wait…
Yay! The evil kidney stone is OUTTA THERE!
Opposite marriage?
At least Archie Bunker didn’t trip over his words.