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✖ Hoot

Posted on Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Dave!Immediately after waking up at 4:30am, I put in eleven-and-a-half grueling hours of work that turned my brain all mushy. After I got home from dinner, I put in six more hours. Now my brain is beyond mushy... I am near catatonic.

Which would be great if I could get some sleep out of the deal, except I can't. Despite how exhausted I am, my body simply will not fall asleep. So instead I'm blogging at 1:00am while an owl is hooting outside my window. This is very odd, because I can't recall ever hearing any owls here before. But here he is... excited about something out there. I was going to guess that his internal clock is messed up from moving the clocks ahead for Daylight Saving Time, but then I remember that animals are smarter than we stupid-ass humans and don't have idiotic Daylight Saving Time. Lucky bastard. Why hasn't Obama abolished this stupid crap yet? WHERE'S THE CHANGE I CAN BELIEVE IN?!??


Thanks to help from the charming and lovely Penelope, it looks like we have a venue and plans for the London meet-up on SATURDAY, MARCH 21st... a week from tomorrow! Some people weren't sure if they could make it but, if it turns out you can, please email me and I'll get you the details (my email address is in the sidebar to the left).

Just a quick note that the date for Edinburgh has been CHANGED. While we here in the USA always have Mother's Day in May... in the UK "Mothering Sunday" is in March. And, unfortunately, it's on the 22nd when Davenburgh was planned, making it so that people had to ditch their mum in order to attend. So I changed my flights so that we could have a meet-up on TUESDAY, MARCH 24th for dinner. Hopefully this will allow more people to join in. Let me know if you can make it!

Davedon 2009

Davenburgh 2009

Wow... It is just now sinking in that I leave for the UK on Wednesday. That one sure snuck up on me.

Categories: Travel 2009Click To It: Permalink


  1. Crail00 says:

    Och, it wid be great tae see bonnie Edinburgh and Scotland agin; but it’s no in the works.

  2. Sybil Law says:

    I care!
    I wish I could go, too. Hmph.

  3. Hilly says:

    It’s a true rarity to hear crickets chirping in Southern California so I love it when I can hear them. Lately, they’ve been everywhere since the city hasn’t cut down the grassy area between our complex and the 405! If I ever heard an owl though? That would be awesome!

  4. karla says:

    Bugger Bollocks fuck. Can’t go to London of Edinburgh to catch up with you. Disappointing as would be so easy to do.

    Will be in Munich drinking very strong dark beer. I hear there’s lots of Jaegermeister there too.

    Wanna join?

  5. Penelope says:

    I’m not sure that you’ll think I’m so charming when you’ve seen me drunk! ;o)

  6. Dave2 says:

    You have to keep in mind that by the time that happens, I will also be drunk…

  7. Robin says:

    Do we get lanyards for DaveYork?

  8. mew says:

    i long to attend davenburgh

  9. Things haven’t worked out the way I’d planned so I won’t be in England for this after all. Oh well.

  10. one should not drink beers the size of one’s head and then attempt to read blogs. i swear you put in
    eleven-and-a-half of grooming work and i was upset that you thought it would take that long for you to look as cute as you always do.

    note to self: no blog commenting saturday (st. patrick’s day parade and entirely too much booze)

  11. Poppy says:


    I wish I could go to both of these.

  12. DutchBitch says:

    I can’t believe it’s only 7 more days away!!! Yay!

  13. martymankins says:

    I really enjoyed being in a state that didn’t observe Daylight Saving Time. Of course, it helped that this place also had great beaches, warm weather and awesome things to do.

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