I woke up this morning wanting to do nothing at all.
The only thing that sounded like any fun was staying in bed and re-reading Frank Herbert's Dune for the hundredth time. I found a copy on the bookshelf of the condo I rented and couldn't refuse. It's such a mind-blowing revelation of a book that it deserves to be read a hundred times.
But I still had the south-side of Kauai to explore, so away I went. Muad'Dib would have to wait.
Mark Twain called Waimea Canyon "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific." I'd tend to agree, even though Mark Twain supposedly never visited Kauaʻi, which means he was describing it without having seen it. The canyon itself starts out nice enough, but it's hardly Grand Canyon worthy...
But as you move up the canyon road, the sights get more and more impressive...
Waimea Canyon is notoriously difficult to photograph. The lighting is rarely perfect, usually giving you areas of deep shadow, distance haze, or a washed out glare that obscures the beauty of it all. I did the best I could, but there's no substitute for being there.
As a bonus, once you drive past the canyon lookout and continue on past Kokeʻe State Park, you get to see the Kalalau Valley Overlook, which is absolutely incredible. It's another area that's kind of hard to photograph well, but I was quite happy with what I got...
On the way back to Kapaʻa, I stopped to see Waimea Falls. The last time I was here, a friend decided to climb down onto the head of the falls and give me a heart attack. Heights scare me bad enough without watching somebody plummet to their death...
And thus ends my last day on Kauaʻi.
Chip Zdarsky has a pretty sweet meme on his blog with these rules... "Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair...just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture."
Since I'm all rested, tanned, and blogging from the lanai of this condo... my name is David Simmer II and I endorse this meme...
Oog. I really should have at least patted down my mussed-up hair before snapping that photo with my Mac's iSight camera, but that would be against the rules, wouldn't it?
One more day of vacation left...
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I played along with the meme… yours looks so much better than mine… I think that means I MUST visit Hawaii soon!
I have to say that you do look pretty calm, cool, chilled and relaxed. Notice though I stayed away from calling you chillaxed.
I love the Hawaiian shirt. But if I were to take part in this meme, I’d be half naked right now. Not “nekkid,” just “naked.” I haven’t fully dressed yet this morning and I’d hate to lose all my readers.
That’s IT, I’m upgrading from my Nikon D40x to your camera this spring. PERIOD. Great pictures, and AEB, of course it’s a good idea.
You look VERY relaxed in that last picture.
spectacular photos, dave. i need to take a photography lesson or twelve!
love that you were brave enough to so the meme. and look good! (fuck that, i’d have to at least fix my hair. and put chapstick or lipstick on. :))
This has been an amazing vacation. For you personally, and for me vicariously. Most excellent.
Glad you’re having such a wonderful time, Usul.
Tell me of your home world, Simmer.
You look good all tanned and relaxed!
Thanks for sharing all of these ‘oh so fabulous’ pics of Hawaii and the other islands! I’ve always wanted to go there…now Hubby is going to have to figure out a way to get me there SOON!
Glad you’ve enjoyed yourself!
Hawaii definitely agrees with you. Glad you are having a great time!
Your looking good dude!
I will do photo meme, hmmm tomorrow!!
Your photos are magnificent!!
Not to worry on the hair. You look wonderfully rested and gorgeous.
More great photos of a place I’ve never seen, thanks. If I ever get the chance to visit, I’ll have to search back to these entries to plan out things to see.
You’re even prettier than Waimea Canyon! And much easier to photograph.
I will be sad to see your vacation end …
There’s not a frown line or any sort of tension on your face.
You have such a peaceful look on your face.
Tell the truth … is it your vacation or did you just finish ravishing your room housekeeper?
I have to say that NONE of my pictures of Waimea Canyon look as wonderful as this. I hope you soak your camera at Mt. Waialea’ale… darn. I am demoralized.