It's an early edition of Bullet Sunday, because I'll be working my ass off all day trying to get caught up on the work I missed from my allergy attack on Friday.
• Pride Weekend. This weekend is host to Pride Weekend parades in many cities (including Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and more). It's a totally fabulous annual celebration of lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender life and history. Taking a cue from a wonderful entry over at Sizzle Says, I thought I'd blog my support for the GLBT community since I am unable to show up and offer my support in person. I have too many friends being treated like second class citizens because of who they are and I'm sick of it. When people are being persecuted and discriminated against unjustly, something needs to be said. I'm happy to add my voice to the party. Bad Monkey, however, just wants an excuse to get drunk and run around naked...
• Aptly Named. The reason my real name is on my blog is because when I started I didn't know any better. Also, it was originally written specifically for my friends and family so they could keep up with where I was and what I was up to. I never dreamed that other people would want to read it. Things kind of escalated from there, and it's too late to do anything about it now. So when I read crazy speculation to the contrary by people who don't even know me... part of me finds it mildly amusing. The other part doesn't.
• Shel Puppet. When noted social media author and consultant Shel Israel was given a video channel at Robert Scoble's, it ended up being a train wreck of near-biblical proportions. The interviews he posted there gave entirely new definition to the word "disaster" and the "blogging pros" were merciless in their criticism. Instead of chalking it up as a learning experience, Shel Israel came unhinged when parody videos started popping up by Loren Feldman of 1938 Media, starring Shel Israel... THE PUPPET! The videos were everything that the "real" Shel Israel videos were not... smart, insightful, and entertaining. But yesterday it was announced that Loren would stop posting the videos, having made his point. I'm a little sad about that, because I've grown to love Shel Puppet and his kick-ass videos! Here's one of my favorites, where he interviews Digg's Kevin Rose...
• Mostly Frozen. With the weather as hot as it has been, I find myself eating a lot of frozen foods. And I don't mean frozen foods that are cooked. I mean ice cream for breakfast, frozen candy bars for lunch, and popsicles for dinner. I'd try to justify this unhealthy and very odd behavior, but my Chips Ahoy cookies should be frozen by now, and I need a bedtime snack.
• DC Sucks. Somebody had to say it... DC Comics officially sucks ass. I am just sick over how frakin' stupid things have gotten with my once-favorite comic book company. Continuity is a convoluted mess that's been screwed over with so many revisions and ret-cons that it's incomprehensible. I pity the new reader wanting to start into comics who is unfortunate enough to try and pick up a current issue of most any DC book. They finally streamlined their "universe" with the groundbreaking Crisis on Infinite Earths, only to completely destroy everything in the years that followed (don't even get me started on 52, Infinite Crisis, and Countdown, which were tragically bad). The last straw for me is yet another incomprehensible "DC Event" called Final Crisis. Not only is it another confusing suck-fest of a mess, but I've just learned that YET AGAIN the art chores are changing mid-story. WHAT THE HELL? IS NOBODY STEERING THE SHIP AT DC?!? Rumor has it that Editor in Chief Dan DiDio is going to be replaced, and it's about fucking time. It's going to take some major, major changes to salvage what's left of DC Comics. Hopefully they find somebody with the balls (or ovaries!) to do the job. If DC can ditch the floodgates of quantity that have replaced the superior goal ofquality, things can be good again.
And now I suppose I should get some sleep so I can wake up early and get shit done.
Hopefully my allergies will cooperate.
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Well, now that I know things will be changing in DC Comics management, maybe I can finally sleep, too. Geez, it’s late!
Regarding your name on your blog – the same thing happened with me. I had long before blogs existed and used it as a site to keep family and friends updated, and it never occurred to me to be anonymous.
DC is certainly having some problems, I’ll agree. On the other hand, some of the books they’re putting out right now are outstanding. Final Crisis 1 was excellent and #2 was amazing. I’m not someone who cares about the art of a book as long as I can tell what’s going on, so if JG Jones can’t finish the series, I don’t really have any opinion on that one way or the other.
The weekly series Trinity, by Kurt Busiek, has been pretty good so far, too, and Morrison’s Batman RIP over at Batman seems to actually have some repercussions that might be in place for a while.
Finally, with books like Jonah Hex, Birds of Prey, Manhunter, Blue Beetle, JSA, and All Star Superman, DC’s books are consistently better quality than almost anything Marvel puts out, with a few exceptions (Daredevil, Captain America). I read everything that comes out each week from both publishers, so I feel comfortable making that statement.
I wish I shared your opinion, because heaven only knows I love DC Comics… and have been since I picked up my very first DC Comic nearly 30 years ago. But the stuff that they’ve been churning out lately has just been a mess. I don’t care for “Final Crisis” at all, as it seems more like a disjointed mish-mash with occasional shockers tossed in to hype sales. I find “Libra” to be abysmally lame, and am expecting a major “unmasking shocker” at the end of the series… as usual. About the only thing I’m truly enjoying at DC is the Legion book (and I’m really looking forward to the Perez-drawn Legion of Three Worlds!)… everything else is just kind of going through the motions for me. I buy the books because I’ve always bought them… not because I’m actually enjoying them. Hopefully this will change.
What if you were to put the ice cream inside the Chips Ahoy? Wouldn’t that make it healthier?
Or what about frozen chocolate pudding. On a stick. On a hot day. How can ya beat that?!
dear lord, you have got to put a lock on the freezer so that you can’t use it for your plethora of frozen goodies. must be fresh! from the produce section….come on mr. vegetarian…..change it to mr. vegetable! thanks for the pride greetings…’s going to be (another) hot sunday here…but pride was last week for us. now, let’s go back to the naked part…..
Great bullets.
I use my own name for the same reasons you did, but unlike a lot of people I have no regrets. Through my blog I’ve been able to take a whole new career path, and would have eventually outed myself anyway, so I just saved myself some drama.
Go gays!
So wait….if I carry around a pretty “gay friendly” flag while drinking like a total booze whore, that’s just showing my support, right? I think Bad Monkey says it’s okay…ask him. 😉
I agree 100% with the decline of DC Comics.(I am a fan of Teen Titans) I think there are too many versions of Batman and Superman. I prefer to go “old school” in regards to them. I think they tried to please too many people at once or maybe it was that they got too greedy and tried to go for too many markets. Whatever the reason, it would be nice to see someone competant take over the helm.
Ooh, you just reminded me that I have ice cream sandwiches in the freezer – LUNCH!
I’m so behind the times.
Gays are persecuted? You’re worried about using your real name? There’s a web 2 dot oh? Eating frozen candy is unhealthy? We care about what comic book companies do in the future?
I’m glad I’m in my little shell.
I, for one, I’m glad you put your name on your blog because, I probably never would have bothered reading it in the first place (and that would have been a damned shame). I guess it stems from the idea of “whatever you have to say means nothing if you can’t out your name next to it.”
The only anonymous blogs I do read are by people I know personally.
Of course, you can always invent a pseudonym.
And sorry to be the one to to tell you, but despite a general decline in continuity, quality (excepting some of the ones Avitable mentioned (but not all)) and even SALES, DiDio’s contract was renewed by TW.
(and the Green Lantern books kick mighty mighty space ass)
I just called my lesbian friend and wished her Happy Gay Day. She laughed.
Now I am craving a Snickers ice cream bar.
Oooh, and maybe some orange sherbet.
Part of the joy of adulthood is that we CAN have ice cream for breakfast, and it’s totally ok. 🙂
Thanks for posting that video. I love Kevin Rose – he’s such a cutie.
As hot as the weather has been in my neck o’ the woods, it’s all frozen goodies, all the time. Frozen Tollhouse ice cream cookies for the win I feel.
That video is hysterically funny.
Yay Bad Monkey! Any excuse to run around naked with a cocktail is a good excuse!
I was in reverse mode on using my real name. I started off using ChillyWilly (which this is one of the last remaining blogs I still use the name and avatar on) and started using my real name recently, mostly to get exposure with my real name and my my nickname that I’ve been known as for years.
And I’m with Bad Monkey. If it’s for a good reason, then it’s ok to get drunk and be naked.
We were very very bad monkeys in SF this weekend.
To quote my friend Sprout, “I was made fun of in high school, I get gay bashed, there are laws against me having sex, in most states I can’t get married, I get discriminated against and this is the one weekend of the year I say “FUCK YOU, Im gonna get fucking trashed and party naked in the streets!””