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✖ Horror

Posted on Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Dave!When I found out that the minimum order to get decent pricing on the Blogography Playing Cards was much, much, higher than expected... I had to make some changes. I decided to make the cards be suitable for children and expectant mothers, and appeal to a wider audience. The hope was that I'd sell more decks of cards (thus being able to sell them a better price) if more people could play with them.

After the decision was made, the rest was easy. I just grabbed my MacBook Pro and redrew the world I had created to be less violent and gory. In the end, the cards turned out even better, because I was forced to be more clever by resolving the stories without ripping the head off a monkey or splashing blood across the panel. In this new world, even the horror stories can have a happy ending...

Blogography Playing Cards Illustration

If only I had such power in reality.

If only I could redraw the world so that the violence was erased and everybody got a happy ending.

Categories: DaveLife 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. Carl says:

    I cannot wait for these. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO MONKEY!

    Was it the waitress in the kitchen with the butcher knife? Or was it Demon Monkey with the pitch fork in the billiard room? Or was it Dave in the bedroom with the Epi-Pen, with its fatal dosage for Monkeys? Find out next time, in…….. Solitaire, starring Dave’s Playing Cards.

  2. carlos.m.hernandez says:

    I’m not sure how I feel about happy endings for everything.

    For example, I’ve always felt that the greatest love stories were tragedies.

  3. Penelope says:

    The thought of Lil Dave drawing everyone a happy ending is too cute for words!

  4. Nat says:

    Me too. Me too.

    (Can’t wait to get them.)

  5. Avitable says:

    I don’t know. Sometimes violence can be a good thing. Like my orgasms.

  6. kapgar says:

    I’m sure we’d all like to have powers like that. But your world would be more fun what with all the monkeys running around and stuff.

  7. Bec says:

    You see – that’s why you are the best.

  8. I wasn’t concerned with violence or gore because I thought the kids would probably like it, but thank you for thinking of the kids even though apparently I am a slacker mom. I did plan to look through and make sure there wasn’t anything too scarring, but figured it would be fine.

    I can not wait to get the ones I ordered! You are so talented!

  9. NYCWD says:

    There are not many people I would empower with a world altering eraser.

    You happen to be one of them.

  10. Amen, brother.

    Can’t wait to get my hot little hands on those cards! They seriously look too cool for words.

  11. ChillyWilly says:

    Those of us mature and non-expectant adults would still like to see the outtakes (as they were before they were toned down).

    I ordered 4 decks for now. Maybe more later once I get more people that may want a deck.

  12. Mr. Fabulous says:

    I like the gruesome ones!

    Now, when you say happy ending…are you once again referring to when you visit us in Kentucky?

  13. Winter says:

    Don’t you love it when you’re forced into a corner and your irritation drives you to create something better than the original? Gawd, I love when that happens. The feeling of satisfaction is soooo much greater. I am waiting on pins and needles for my cards to arrive! I know it will be awhile yet, but I’m excited.

  14. Turnbaby says:

    That’s a nice sentiment sugar.

    Fabby you know the happy endings are extra;-)

  15. Karl says:

    Ooh, look out, Bad Monkey! Can’t wait for my playing cards to come in.

  16. lizriz says:

    I absolutely can not wait for my playing cards!

    The only question that remains is who will be the lucky recipients of the extras I ordered… 😀

  17. Colin Brooks says:

    Oh Dave! These look so great! You’ve done a great job! You outdid yourself again!!! Awesome! I’m tempted to order some even though I don’t know how to play cards.

  18. ok, i can’t take it anymore.
    i need my cards.
    tell those fuckers to hurry up and print them!

  19. Thanks for the preview. I can hardly wait to receive my deck of cards! 🙂

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