Ever have one of those days where everything sucks?.
Yeah, that was pretty much my day today... and tomorrow isn't looking like it's going to be much better.
But the big news? I've developed a serious allergy. It first appeared without warning when I woke up in New York with a swollen tongue. Ever since then, I've had random knots of allergic swelling from time to time on my feet, hands, lips, and tongue. It's been driving me a little nuts, but today the pieces finally fell into place after I started keeping a journal of everything I consume.
I think I'm allergic to eating food dyes.
After starting my journal, I've found that any time I've eaten colored foods, I end up with a welt somewhere. The first time it happened in New York City, I remember having drank a bottle of Orange Gatorade earlier in the day. Today I had red Fruit Punch with my Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes at Taco Bell, and now I've got a nice welt on my lip.
So it looks like my diet will be a lot less colorful from now on.
Like I said, suckage.
Thank heavens there's no artificial colors in chocolate pudding.
But there is one good bit of news from the day... I finally finished the box design for my playing cards!
Awwwww, cute! This is probably my favorite DaveToon I've ever drawn, so when it came time to decide what to put on the card box, it was the only thing I really considered. I hope that the card company does a good job of printing it!
For more information on Blogography Playing Cards, you can check them out at the Artificial Duck Co., store.
Next week I'll be wrapping up the pre-orders at the store... so, if you want something there, now is the time to order it! I will try to get a few extras of everything, but can't guarantee how long they'll be available. If you don't have the cash to pre-order right now, just email me and I'll try to reserve your stuff (my email is in the top of my sidebar).
One. More. Day.
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That is an awesome looking package!
Thanks! I’m used to people being envious of my package… heck, even I am envious of my package… so I understand perfectly.
I can’t eat or drink anything with red dye 40 since it gives me migraines- no orange soda, sprees, koolaid, etc… definitely sucks.
Yikes Dave, sorry to hear about the allergy. It reminded me of something a Dietician once told me. She said “if it leaves orange residue on your fingers after you eat it, it not good for you.” Hope all goes well. BTW I like to card box.
That sucks about the allergies. At least you figured it out before it became more serious.
And I love the playing card cover! Can’t wait to get my boatload of totally sweet crap I can’t live without.
I’m super excited to have fun, new stuff to wear. In my small (7K) town, I know they’ll be pretty exclusive!
Yuck. Allergies are the worst. I know. I have one that swells my eyeballs and is extremely painful. Luckily, anti-inflammatories and steriod drops take the swelling down. You should get an allergy test just to be sure that it’s the dye getting you.
The card box is gorgeous! I love that pic with the moon.
Hope you feel better soon!
On the one hand, at least you know now what’s causing that weird swelling. On the other hand, allergies freakin’ suck.
Awesome box cover.
My wife just developed a strange allergy. She ordered a flavored vodka and whatever one night and the next morning her face was totally swollen. We assume it was the vodka, but she’s not willing to try again to find out.
Are you allergic to all food dyes, or just artificial colours? I know over here they are working on a lot more natural food colourings, which is a good thing, I guess.
Sorry you had a shit day, me too.
‘The Blue Deck’? Is this the first in a series? I hope so. 🙂
If you cut out an allergen completely for a few months, chances are you can reintroduce it into you diet slowly again without any problems. From what you say about your diet though, I think this is a good thing… nature’s way of telling you to eat more fruit and veg and whole foods!
You are almost too fucking talented. Add in your magnificent brain and your movie star good looks, and I can’t think of a single reason why I shouldn’t fuck you right now.
Sorry your day sucked, hopefully tomorrow will be better. But that card box is awesome.
The box design is wonderful. My inner eight-year-old is writhing with joy at the site of it.
Sorry to hear about the potential allergy. Are you going to an allergist for confirmation?
The box is sweet. What will the other one look like?
Thanks for the pre-order reminder. It will be next week when I place my order for my DaveStuff.
Allergies. Food allergies. So far, I’ve not found any food that I’m allergic to… that does make it difficult because if it’s a food dye, lots of common foods use food dyes. Hopefully, it’s just something small and specific so it doesn’t limit what you can have.
Pudding is always on the safe list. Haven’t met a person that can’t eat pudding.
I am getting so excited about my order now! I can’t wait!
I love the design. But I’m partial to anything with a moon and stars in it. 😉
YAY to finishing the deck box design!
BOOOOOOO to being allergic to food dye! Holy shit, that sucks mothership ass!
Do they make food without dye still?
I love the box – aren’t the card backs red? What is The Blue Deck?
Cool design. How awesome is that?!?
Does this mean you can’t eat M & M’s or Skittles?
The cards did turn out fantastic!
Are you going to sell the original “adults” decks, too?
Unfortunately, I have to order a minimum of 500 decks, so probably not. 🙁
A ‘welt’ huh? Is that what you guys are calling it these days?
Wow… that colouring allergy is going to be harsh!
(Looking forward to the playing cards.)
An allergy to food dye would suck royally. Get tested sir, find out. Oh, the box design totally rocks.
I love it. That’s one of my favorite iPhone wallpapers, too!
Ooh, I’d wondered if the cards would come boxed. That design is totally sweet.
Sorry to hear about the allergy. Sounds like it’d be worth getting tested so you know exactly what you’re dealing with.
All the normal jokes are already taken…yanno, about your package. So I’ll just say that you have a very awesome box there.
Curses! I covet those cards but alas we are saving every penny for our June NYC trip, family of 4 for three days = a small fortune.
Oooh….food allergies REALLY suck!!! And with no Red Dye #97, however will you consume Hello Kitty Fruit Snacks??? I have them in my lunch every day….I will think of you the next time I mow them down and will give you a little “Hello Kitty Cheers”. Hope you feel better!
First of all, how weird is this:
Look at the first two sentences of my post and then the first two of yours. 🙂
Sorry your day was sucky and I’m sending good vibes your way that you don’t swell up in any areas you don’t want to be swelling up in anymore.
I keep thinking i’ll be getting my cards soon and then I remember that you don’t even have them yet 🙁