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✖ Blogiversary 5: INTERLUDE

Posted on Saturday, April 26th, 2008

Dave!First of all, thanks to everybody who has been kind enough to take time to participate in Blogiversary 5. A lot of work went into everything, and it's nice to know people are enjoying it.

When I built the "Dave Events Page" for my tab bar, it was a last-minute idea that came together at 2:00am one sleepless night. I felt I pretty much had to create it in order to show that yesterday's contest was real. People could easily assume it was some kind of scam or whatnot, and I thought that if I showed all the other events I've been to, then linked to people who could vouch for me, it might seem a little less crazy. Traveling to meet my readers and other bloggers is nothing new in my universe, but seems very strange to most people.

As you can imagine, compiling such a complex list that spans four years is no easy task. Especially at 2:00am.

Mistakes were made.

Many, many, mistakes.

Not only did I miss people, but entire events as well. Not to mention all the bad links.

So... the page has been updated continuously since 5:00pm yesterday as people email me corrections and I spot errors. I've also added a section for other "blogger events" I've attended (like Avitable's Halloween Party and TequilaCon) so nobody get's left out. If you want to know how or where I met the good people in my sidebar, I'm hoping they are all accounted for now!

And speaking of the contest...

For my faithful Australian readers heartbroken because Northwest Airlines doesn't service their fine country... I have news. Turns out I CAN make it to Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and sometimes Cairns by using miles to book on Korean Airlines. So feel free to enter the contest, as this would be just the excuse I need to finally visit Australia...


See you tomorrow when all winners will be revealed!

Categories: Blogging 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. Hilly Sue says:

    Ooooh, I hope I win the condom ;).

    Erm, I mean some hats or something.

  2. tori says:

    As much as I would like to win and get to meet you, I really hope someone from Australia wins so you can go there. It is so beautiful! I was a foriegn exchange student there in high school and it was one of the best times of my life. I still have a couple really good friends that I am dying to go back and visit. Luckily one of them has visited me several times but I still need to get back there!

    Anyway, thanks so much for doing the contests. You are awesome to work so hard on all of this!

  3. Tracy Lynn says:

    If you go to Australia, then you really will HAVE to make a bad koala shirt. Moral imperative, dude.

  4. Dave2 says:

    Hilly-Sue… Alas I haven’t found a manufacturer for D•A•V•E Brand Condoms that’s up to the challenge yet! Perhaps one day technology will catch up with my dreams?

    Tori… No worries there. I will get to Australia eventually… contest or no contest! I simply cannot die without having been there!

    Tracy Lynn… It’s hard to think of koalas as being bad when they are so darn cute!

  5. bluepaintred says:

    I think bad koala is awfully cute, but pls dont replace bad monkey with it!… maybe, if you feel the need to have both, just add a pouch to bad monkey. Just think of all the interesting things he could hold!

    When are we going to get plush bad monkeys and Daves?

  6. Tobi says:

    It’s too bad I don’t still live in Taiwan, because if I were to win the last contest that would be a heck of a lot better place to visit than Calgary…and there’s less snow.

  7. Motley says:

    Haha, I mess up like that on pages all the time. It’s kind of annoying…

  8. kilax says:

    Bad Monkey totally needs a Bad Koala friend!

  9. suze says:

    ugh – i can’t believe my mental detox week coincided with blogaversary… *sniff* I love this week and I missed it 🙁 Looks like it was a great one, as always.

  10. Uh. If you go to Australia with your miles, can I go in your suitcase? I’ll make sure it is a Hello Kitty one so that no one suspects anything. Thanks.

  11. SJ says:

    So you’re saying it wasn’t a deliberate attempt to exclude me? I feel so much … less special now. :oD

    You must feel like you’re on vacation once Blogiversary is over! You put so much time and work into it. And every year, you surpass yourself.

  12. Sue says:

    Too bad you couldn’t have used Qantas. They rock. I spent 14 hours each way from LAX to Brisbane in August. Maybe I’m just biased or inexperienced.

    The closest airport to my hometown is in Pittsburgh… three hours away. I didn’t enter.

  13. Yay for Korean Airlines!

  14. i’m so excited to see who won each of the contests. although i will freely admit that this is a little like torture. now i understand why othurme gets so frustrated waiting for my half nekkid thursday images. hehe

    thanks again, dave. we enjoyed celebrating your blogiversary with you. here’s to five more entertaining years…cheers!

  15. Patty says:

    I’m not entering the the contest….doubt you want to some south of Seattle, ha!
    Australia sounds great…I’ve always wanted to go there and New Zealand too. One of the highlights would be to scuba dive the great barrier reef some day. I’m sure you’ll have fun wherever you go!

  16. Jeff says:

    Ooh… I’m all excited about tomorrow! In fact, right now my nipples are hard.

  17. Anthony says:

    Lovin the upside down Dave.

  18. Tug says:

    Just wanted to say once again, AWESOME contest – amazing what you continue to do!

  19. Iron Fist says:

    I think Bad Monkey could totally take Bad Koala if he had to.

  20. Robin says:

    Thanks for all your hard work on these contests! It was a lot of fun seeing all the cool things you came up with this year.

  21. Winter says:

    My daughter is in lust with your playing cards to the extent that she’s been wondering if she could get a deck by offering to let you watch her have lesbian sex. I told that no matter how much you might want to see the lesbian sex, she had to enter the contest same as everyone else. I told her the right thing, didn’t I?

  22. Miss Britt says:

    You abbreviated me as “Ms. Britt”. I don’t know why that made me giggle.

  23. whall says:

    In the Bad Koala toon, you look like a panel walker, a la Pearls Before Swine’s recent comics.

  24. lizriz says:


    I find I can’t wait to see where you’re going as the result of this contest. 🙂 It’s cool to think you’re taking a trip as the result of a random draw of readers.

  25. Göran says:

    I´m gonna die if I have to wait much longer 🙂

  26. Belinda says:

    It just makes my head spin that you can pull all this together. I mean, really. I can’t even seem to plan a week’s worth of family meals. “Blogography: Illustrating Just How Much I Suck.”

  27. Nicole says:

    oh i cannot wait until you announce the winners!! and failing that when the store is back open to buy buy buy!!!

  28. Oh Bugga! I didn’t enter the last one ’cause it looked like Oz wasn’t on the list – too late now ….. Fingers crossed someone else for here wins ! Cheers 🙂

  29. The new events page is super cool.

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