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Posted on Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Dave!Rumor has it (from ex Disney-CEO Michael Eisner, no less) that the Hollywood writer's strike is all but over, and this Saturday will pretty much seal the deal once the writers themselves sign on.

I sure hope this is true, because I miss my television.

As I sit here typing this, the first episode of Survivor Season 16 has just ended (the only non-Bravo reality show I watch), and I am caught in the 9:00 void until Eli Stone starts at 10:00. And before everybody starts screaming "OH MY GAWD... YOU DON'T WATCH LOST?!?" The answer is no, I do not watch Lost. After a brilliant first season the show degenerated into total shit, where the writer's idea of being clever is to just keep piling on more "mysterious" crap while resolving nothing. Every time somebody tells me "But it's so much better now!" - I tune in and find out it's just more of the same... introduce even more new mysterious characters, pile on even more mysterious mysteries, and leave me even more mysteriously mystified at just how the fuck this show continues to be popular. Maybe once the whole thing is over and people tell me that the writers did, in fact, manage to wrap everything up in a satisfactory manner... I'll revisit the show on DVD or something. In the meanwhile, I'd rather watch reruns of Hannah Montanna.

In other entertainment news...

Today I got a brilliant email because of an entry where I posted this cartoon:

Flame Broiled Burger King
With a twist of my ring, I flame-broil the Burger King!

The email was not from a concerned parent about the excessive violence depicted at my flame-broiling Burger King (which is what usually happens)... it was from a fan of the restaurant chain who didn't like that I would publicize a bad experience I had there. "Millions of people enjoy eating at Burger King and it would be a shame if your complaining were to keep people from trying it for themselves."

So there you have it. Don't take my word for it... go to your local Burger King for breakfast and see for yourself just how bad it sucks!

Though, I have to add a disclaimer here: My problem with BK is only with their shitty breakfasts. I am compelled to give them credit for having the sack to put a veggie burger on their menu, which I actually quite enjoy. Until McDonalds sees fit to roll out their awesome McVeggie Deluxe burger nation-wide, the BK Veggie is about the only burger I can find most anywhere in the US that I can actually eat.

Sigh. I should have wrote more. There's still forty-five minutes until Eli Stone is on...

Categories: DaveToons 2008, Food 2008, Television 2008Click To It: Permalink


  1. Avitable says:

    I like the Croissanwich, but I’ve never eaten a veggie breakfast sandwich from there.

  2. Survivor was good. **SPOILER ALERT** I kinda thought Johnny Fairplay wanted to get voted out on purpose to thumb his nose at CBS. They’d obviously want him to stick around because he’s “edgy” and good entertainment value. Even Jeff sounded a little annoyed at Tribal Council after he left. I dunno, maybe it’s just me 😉

    I caught last week’s Eli Stone and found it unwatchable to be honest. I wonder how it held up ratings wise this week. Not sure how many Losties are going to fall for the same “watch Eli Stone for some Lost goodies” gimmick two weeks in a row.

  3. F2B says:

    I couldn’t agree more about “Lost”. I too stopped watching after the first season. I just can’t stand not having answers to questions, it drives me insane. I am not kidding.

  4. kittymoose says:

    What’s worse is I’ve just realized that Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars were canceled. What fills the void? Reality shows and half-hour comedies. Ugh.

  5. Traie says:

    Dave, I think it’s absolutely adorable that you like Hannah Montana. Simple adorable. (Sorry if calling you adorable messes with your manly ego or something..)

    I don’t like Lost either. I also only like Burger King’s chicken sandwiches. Which I don’t recommend you try, being a vegetarian and all.

    Whoever got offended over your cartoon might have some guilt for eating at BK and your cartoon must have triggered their defenses. Otherwise they had to be born under a rock if they don’t realize that people use their blogs to post their experiences with… life… (including trips to Burger King) every day. And those who read it aren’t *that* impressionable. Mostly.

  6. Mark says:

    Hey Dave, Sometimes to know a TV Documentary is gonna be good, & it is. So in case you have not heard about it, search out Dave Gorman’s America Unchained, (Link Attached) He tries to cross the USA without spending any money at corporate chains or multiples, and searches out old Mom & pop businesses for GAS, FOOD & LODGING. it has been shown this week here in UK but I am sure it will make it over there. It was on channel 4’s sub channel called More 4, you may be able to download it on the 4 player which is on channel 4. It’s right up your street, as we say. Regards, Mark

  7. claire says:

    From journalist Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood Daily:
    “Writers Strike Isn’t Over Yet (…Despite What Michael Eisner Says)

    A bunch of Internet sites suddenly think the writers strike is over just because Michael Eisner today says it is. Earth To Web: Eisner hasn’t mattered since 2004-2005 when he was kicked to the curb by Disney and its shareholders.”

    I hope there’s a fair offer for the WGA membership to discuss tomorrow, but until there’s a contract with full legal language that they’ve agreed to and signed, the strike is on. Saying it’s all but over is just another tactic to reduce the guild’s resolve.

  8. Dave2 says:

    Avitable… I think I could like the Croissandwich, but not when it’s stale and cold, which seems to be the way Burger King prefers to serve it.

    Kevin… He also had a fiance at home ready to give birth, which may have had something to do with it. I dunno. All I DO know is that I cannot STAND that dumbass, and was thrilled he left on the first episode.

    F2B… Worse than not having answers is that the original mysteries are completely ignored. If the writers aren’t interested, why should I be?

    Kittymoose… Yes, losing those two shows really put a dent in the quality programs being aired… but shows like “Pushing Daisies” and “Eli Stone” are filling the gap… somewhat.

    Traie… I had to like her. There was nothing else on television!

    Mark… Sounds interesting. I have seen a couple of shows that had a similar theme from foreign countries. My favorite was one where a small child set out to cross the US without any assistance from the camera crew following him. To a foreigner, the USA is a freaky-bizarre place, so it makes good TV fodder!

    Claire… I certainly hope there’s a fair agreement as well… but, in my humble opinion, the writers reduced their own resolve by making agreements that put some their members back to work while leaving other on the picket lines.

  9. I read Fast Food Nation and since then, refuse to eat fast food unless I’m starving and there’s nothing but a McDonald’s for 200 miles. See, when a piece of crap not only controls Congress’s reaction to tainted meat, but also makes more money from the property they own rather than the food they serve, I’m over it.

    Oh, and? Don’t watch Lost either. I’m too busy with Ghost Hunters and reruns of National Geographic Explorer. Hummmph.

  10. Michael says:

    I must partially disagree with you about Lost. I concede (and hope any sane person does) that the powers that be (be it Abrahms or ABC or both) milked the show for all it was worth in the first couple seasons, and that definitely hurt the show. It lost viewers to be sure, because it seemed like nothing was getting answered.

    However, now that the writers and showrunners have an end goal in sight, I’m hopeful that they’ll be able to wrap things up in the next 46 episodes.

    I thought this season premiere was actually rather average, but then viewed it in a whole new light when I saw last night’s episode, which I thought was extremely good. My hope is that with a plan in place to end the series in the next 46 episodes (assuming the writers strike hasn’t messed that up), I think the writers can focus on the getting to the end of the show, rather than the filler episodes that plagued it for so long.

  11. Dave2 says:

    Granddaughter… When you travel as much as I do, avoiding fast food is almost impossible. They have the most locations, the most flexible hours, and the most sane dress code! Still, nothing would make me happier to see a chain like Pret make it here in the USA, so fast-food that’s actually not going to kill you was more readily available. The problem is that this type of quality costs so much more, and most people simply can’t afford it. Thanks to government subsidies on foods that are bad for you, it’s far, FAR cheaper to eat crap. 🙁

    Michael… Uhhh… where did you disagree with me even partially there? 🙂 I haven’t seen either of the two new shows from season 4 that have aired. But I would bet you a T-shirt that the same old formula is in play… new characters, new mysteries, no real answers. Am I wrong? I would be shocked if I were, because every single time somebody has told me the show is getting better, that’s exactly what I’ve found when I’ve tuned in. I don’t give a crap about the network, writers, or JJ Abrams… I just hope, FOR THE SAKE OF THE LOST FANS… that they wrap things up.

  12. ichi says:

    Yes, “Lost” is a very boring show which has no imagination. They’re doing what the writers of “Pirates of The Caribbean” did.

    And, I refuse to eat at our many Burger King locations because of one bad experience.

  13. sizzle says:

    i’ll admit it…i’m pretty bored with LOST this season so far. i want them to get over themselves and answer a friggin’ question already. one, that’s all i’m asking! argh!

    (sorry, i’m clearly in need of a cocktail.)

  14. Wayne says:

    I prefer BK’s framebroiled burgerness over McD’s but if we go get fast food, McD’s almost always wins due to convenience. I gotta drive an extra 6 minutes to hit BK, PLUS it involves a difficult left turn instead of the trip being take a right, take a right, take a right and home.

    Your king depiction is creepily real. I liked him when he was tall, because I could see him coming if he decided to run at me and sink his teeth in my neck. But if he’s DaveToon sized, now I gotta check around things to make sure he’s not just waiting there to pounce.

  15. Suzy says:

    I watched one episode of Lost season one and thought “Yeah, planes crash and people survive.” And then “Yeah, obese people don’t lose weight on an island with no food.” Next.

    The dish here in Hollywood is that it appears that the WGA strike is over but that once the rank and file see the actual deal it will be rejected. This may be a way around canceling the Oscars.

  16. Lewis says:

    I am commenting on your flame-broiled delight of a post only because YOU DON’T REQUIRE ME TO ENTER A WORD VERIFICATION CODE! Don’t hate me, I know you don’t….deep down.

  17. Hilly says:

    I find it entertaining in somewhat of a sad way that this person who emailed you believes that you have the power to make people change their minds about Burger King. I mean shit…I love you to pieces but you can’t even change my fucking mind about liking LOST, so there :p.

    I’m a little verkelmpt cause I post that I am going to close Snackie TeeVee then Survivor gives me such good fodder..what to do, what to do?

  18. Jeff says:

    But wouldn’t wrapping it up be kind of suicidal? Or is it possible to keep a group of people “lost” indefinitely and still keep it interesting.

  19. Erin says:

    Um, I haven’t ever watched Lost, but I desperately miss having Aaron Sorkin goodness on the air.

    I am totally on the side of the writers in this strike but you know things are bad when I start thinking “oooooh Girlicious on the CW? Awesome!”

    As for fast food–with all of the travelling, I feel for you I really do, though I am sure all of the McDonalds (or as my aunt likes to call them, McLaxative) must keep you pretty regular 🙂

  20. Karl says:

    I understand why “Lost” pisses you off. It does me, too, at times, but I do love that show.

  21. SJ says:

    I quit watching “Lost” middle of the second season, and have had exactly the same reaction as you every time I’ve turned it on since.

    I love BK Whoppers.

    Is this the most boring comment ever posted, or what? My brain is in french-fries-induced coma.

  22. kaelb says:

    I don’t generally eat fast food, except for BK Chicken Fries. Those things are deliciously addicting. Unless, of course, you are a vegetarian, in which case they would not be as amazing. As far as Lost goes, I tried to watch it once but nothing made any sense because it was from I don’t know which season.

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