Gah! I am addicted to Guitar Hero! Every time I hear a song now, I picture those notes coming at me and start doing air-guitar button mashing. This is particularly embarrassing when the song is something stupid playing on the radio (this morning I was rocking to All Out of Love by Air Supply). I would buy Guitar Hero for my Wii, but I'm afraid that I would never leave the house again.
In other news... OMG! INDIANA JONES LEGO!!!
I can't stand tossing the word "cute" around... but aren't these so totally cute? While I thought the sequels pretty much sucked ass, Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the greatest movies ever made, and has been a favorite of mine from the minute I saw it.
Which is why I'm terrified after reading comments by George Lucas in the recent Vanity Fair about the new Indy adventure... Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...
Basically, Lucas came up with a shitty idea for a fourth film that neither Steven Spielberg or Harrison Ford liked. But he kept ramming it down their throats and refused to come up with something different. Since Ford isn't getting any younger and everybody wanted to make a new Indy film, they eventually relented and let Lucas get his way. Considering the fucked-up mess that Lucas made out of the Star Wars prequels, my hopes for a decent film are pretty much dashed. I can only hope that Spielberg and Ford can transcend the material and at least come up with something entertaining that doesn't suck too badly...
Oh well. I suppose I can always make my own Indiana Jones movie using Lego.
Wow... now that I think about it, that's a totally kick-ass idea.
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indiana legos?? SO cute!
and i am really glad i don’t know anyone with a wii right now or i’d be obsessing.
I heard Welcome To The Jungle on the radio and thought “hey that’s the song from guitar hero” instead of YESSSS AXEL ROSE like I normally do when GNR is on
You’ve got to do it!
I like all the star wars movies… to each his own I guess….
Make the movie… Make the movie… Legos rule!
As someone who’s been making some short films lately (mostly 1-4 min movies that my daughter helps with for her school), this is a cool idea and one I would love to see.
That CLEARLY is a kick-ass idea. In fact, I’m banking on being able to see your Lego version in the event that the new Indiana Jones movie tanks.
(the lego that is
My favourite by far was Last Crusade .. I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was about eight and it was somewhat disturbing at the end! heh
yeah hope old Georgie doesn’t stuff it up too much .. that’d be most disappointing….
Your movie would undoubtedly be much better than anything George Lucas can come up with. I get the impression he has the biggest ego in the world. I too thought the Star Wars prequels were shite [sic].
When I was a kid I was soooo into the “flat” leggo pieces that came with some special kits (there weren’t many back then). My brother and I had two of these and they were like gold. When I see the map Indy’s dad is holding it reminded me of that – how cool! Not only is it one of those little flat pieces, but it has a map on it! Dang!
I had high hopes for the film, and now you have crushed my dreams a little bit.
I like your idea of a Lego film, though!
Pfft… Harrison Ford should scream injustice and woe. The lego looks nothing like him!
I fear it too. When Lucas poo-poo’d the script that was written by Frank Darabont that both Ford and Spielberg loved, I knew it was time to be afraid. I know Lucas is the longtime producer, but doesn’t Spielberg hold enough stock in the character that he could’ve made the movie without Lucas? Or does Lucas own the rights (God forbid!) to Indiana Jones? I’m not sure how that’s working.
Those are soooooo cute!
All Lucas is doing is producing, though, right? With Darabont writing and Spielberg directing, I think it will still be what we all want and dream and hope for.
i saw these in a store!
so cute!
there’s a tiny idol
(alfred ‘throw me the idol, i’ll throw you the whip!’ molina)
Er… I am afraid to see the new Indy… but will probably go to it anyway.
I’m definitely seeing the new Indy, and I’m pretty jazzed about it. Please, please, please don’t let it suck!
We can always HOPE, right?
Have you been contacted by Mr. George Lucas’s attorneys yet?
That Indy Lego is all kinds of awesome. Anything with George Lucas’ name on it scares me at this point. Sure I’ll still go see it but will remind myself not to get my hopes up.
I would pay cashmoney to see your lego rendition of the “ripping beating heart from chest of living man” scene in Temple of Doom.
I’d also love to see Lego Dr. Schnieder…rawr!
I think Lucas can’t find another fresh idea in his head so is choking his prize chickens for one more drop of fame.
He is getting it, in a negative way.
Give him some time and he will combine the two and there will be an Indiana Jones and The Death Star.
Eh, Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Midichlorians?
It cannot… it will not suck!
Am going all wibbly for the Lego…
Did you just use the plural form of Lego up there? Impressive.
Hi, my name is Lisa and I’m a Guitar Hero addict.
Have you played LEGO Star Wars? SO awesome. Also, I think they are releasing an Indiana Jones LEGO game this year. Keep you posted!
Yeah, my three little legomaniacs have it already. (Am I a great dad, or what?)
Just got to try Guitar Hero for the first time last night during that house party with Oprah. It was so much fun! However, I was so busy enjoying being the only person not interested in meeting the lady that I was unable to approach her with a sob story to talk her into sending you a new car. Please forgive me.
Raiders of the Lost Ark still comes out on top as my favorite movie of all time, even having seen untold thousands of flicks since it came out (at which time I spent the larger part of my allowance seeing about 30 times up at Northgate theater, roughly once a week for the duration of its run. I had the entire script by heart and knew every actor, all the trivia, all the movie-making details. Just like Star Wars).
I hope the new one doesn’t suck either, but, like the Star Wars movies, that’s ultimately beside the point
I’ll have some affection for it no matter what, and I’ll be mad at it for some reason no matter what.